10 Creative Internal Communications Ideas Using Digital Signage

10 Creative Internal Communications Ideas


In today’s fast-paced work environment, keeping employees engaged and ensuring information flows seamlessly can feel like an uphill battle. You may already have communication tools in place, but are they really capturing your team’s attention? Here’s a thought: what if you could transform how your company shares updates, celebrates milestones, and drives engagement using something as simple as your office screens?

Companies often overlook the potential of digital signage as a tool for internal communications. It’s not just for retail or customer-facing spaces—it can make a real difference inside your organization, too. Done right, digital signage can become an integral part of how your business keeps everyone in the loop, regardless of where they’re located.

In this article, we’re going to show you 10 creative ways to use digital signage for your internal communications, ensuring your messaging stands out, resonates, and sticks. You’ll walk away with practical ideas you can implement quickly, and possibly rethink how your team shares information.

By the time you’re done reading, you’ll know exactly how to make internal communications more impactful using digital signage, transforming passive information into active engagement.

Digital Signage for Unmissable Company Announcements

Missed emails. Overlooked memos. Distractions are everywhere in the workplace, and important updates often get buried under a pile of other priorities. But company-wide announcements are critical to keeping everyone informed, engaged, and on the same page. This is where digital signage steps in, providing a powerful solution that cuts through the noise and makes sure no one misses a beat.

With digital signage, you can broadcast announcements directly onto screens throughout your office or remote locations. Whether it’s urgent updates, event notifications, or policy changes, the visual element makes messages pop, turning passive information into something your team actually absorbs. When screens are strategically placed in high-traffic areas like breakrooms, entrances, or common workspaces, the chance of employees seeing and reading the announcement skyrockets.

Here’s why digital signage is such a game-changer for corporate communication:

  • Instant visibility: No need for employees to check their email or intranet. The announcement is right in front of them, wherever they are.
  • Visual impact: People process visuals 60,000 times faster than text, making screens an ideal way to deliver important news in an engaging format.
  • Consistency across locations: Whether you have one office or multiple branches, digital signage ensures that the same message reaches everyone simultaneously.

A compelling example comes from a survey, which found that 74% of employees feel they’re missing out on important company information. The good news? Digital signage can change that, eliminating the gaps in communication by placing critical announcements in the direct line of sight. From executive updates to company policies, having a network of well-placed screens keeps communication smooth and unmissable—giving your company the confidence that no employee is left in the dark.

Boost Employee Morale with Visual Displays

Employee recognition is a powerful driver of engagement and productivity, but many companies struggle to create systems that feel consistent, visible, and meaningful. Digital signage offers a unique opportunity to boost employee morale by making recognition not only frequent but also public and impactful. Visual displays allow you to create an environment where achievements are acknowledged company-wide, giving employees the credit they deserve in real-time. Here are some creative and technical ideas to use visual displays for employee recognition.

  • Highlight Employee of the Month or Week: Creating a digital Employee of the Month display is a classic but effective way to show appreciation for hard work. Instead of limiting the recognition to an internal email or an HR announcement, use digital signage to showcase top performers across the company. Use a rotating digital banner that features the employee’s name, photo, role, and a short description of their achievements. Placing these displays in common areas ensures high visibility, and the public acknowledgment reinforces a culture of appreciation.
  • Real-Time Leaderboards for Sales or Productivity Goals: For teams driven by numbers, leaderboards can be a powerful motivator. Whether it’s tracking sales performance, project completions, or other key metrics, real-time leaderboards displayed on digital screens can keep employees engaged and encourage healthy competition. Leaderboards can be customized to showcase individual or team-based performance, updated dynamically as targets are met. When employees see their name moving up the ranks in high-traffic areas like the breakroom or lobby, it reinforces a sense of achievement and encourages others to join the race.
  • Announce Work Anniversaries and Milestones: Recognizing work anniversaries and career milestones publicly is another way to strengthen employee morale. Use digital signage to automatically display upcoming anniversaries, celebrating the employee’s journey with the company. Display a countdown to key milestones (e.g., 1 year, 5 years, 10 years), paired with a congratulatory message and a photo of the employee. This makes recognition visible and gives peers a reason to congratulate their colleagues. Regularly updating these messages helps foster a workplace culture where commitment is acknowledged and valued.
  • Display Peer-to-Peer Recognition: While manager-led recognition is important, peer-to-peer recognition can have an equally powerful impact. Many companies use digital signage to display peer-nominated awards or shoutouts. Employees can submit nominations for colleagues who have gone above and beyond, and the winning entries are featured on screens throughout the office. This system can be made interactive by allowing other employees to vote on or comment on these achievements. Featuring peer-to-peer recognition on visual displays fosters a collaborative and supportive work environment, where employees feel appreciated by both their leaders and their peers.
  • Showcase Team Accomplishments and Group Wins: Celebrating team successes is just as important as recognizing individual achievements. Use digital signage to feature project completions, new product launches, or successful client deals, giving entire teams the visibility they deserve. This approach reinforces the idea that employees are contributing to something bigger and promotes a sense of camaraderie. Accompanying team photos, key stats, and short project highlights can help build pride in what’s been accomplished and motivate employees to keep pushing toward the next goal.

By using digital signage for employee recognition, you’re not just saying “thank you”—you’re showing it, loudly and clearly, for all to see.

Leveraging Screens to Share KPIs Instantly

In a data-driven workplace, having access to insights quickly is crucial for keeping teams aligned. But sifting through reports or logging into dashboards can be a time drain many employees simply don’t have the bandwidth for.

That’s where digital signage steps in—offering a fast, visually engaging way to deliver critical data right in front of employees. Whether they’re at their desks or on the move, digital screens displaying important KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) put the most essential metrics front and center.

Here’s how digital signage makes a difference:

  • High visibility: KPIs displayed on strategically placed screens in high-traffic areas like sales floors, breakrooms, or entryways ensure they’re impossible to miss.
  • Customizable focus: Keep employees focused by showing only the most critical metrics for their team or department. This prevents information overload and keeps attention sharp.
  • Real-time updates: As metrics shift, screens update immediately. This keeps everyone informed without the hassle of manual reports. Think of it as instant data refresh, right where it’s needed most.

Instead of requiring employees to search for updates, digital signage puts the numbers at their fingertips. No distractions. No delays.

For example:

  • A manufacturing team can instantly see when they’ve hit a production milestone.
  • A sales team can track how close they are to smashing their targets.

This approach doesn’t just help employees keep an eye on their own performance—it builds transparency within the organization. When critical KPIs are visible for all to see, employees feel more engaged, more accountable, and more motivated to contribute to the bigger picture.

By displaying KPIs on digital signage, you create a clear, efficient way to communicate data across your entire organization. This minimizes confusion, reduces time wasted searching for reports, and keeps teams laser-focused on their goals.

Displaying Social Media Feeds to Encourage Interaction

In the corporate world, internal communication often feels top-down, leaving employees disconnected. However, leveraging real-time social media feeds can change that by creating a two-way communication channel that not only keeps teams informed but also sparks engagement and interaction across the board.

Displaying live social media feeds on digital signage throughout your office is a simple yet highly effective way to build a sense of community and encourage internal interaction. Imagine seeing a real-time Instagram post celebrating a department’s achievement or a Tweet from the CEO sharing a new initiative—these dynamic feeds can fuel ongoing conversations that transcend traditional internal emails or newsletters.

Here are some ways to use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) to boost internal engagement:

  • Highlight internal social media posts: Encourage employees to create and share posts about their work experiences, team accomplishments, or even daily highlights. Displaying these live on digital screens in high-traffic areas like lounges or breakrooms amplifies their reach and fosters a more connected workforce.
  • Create hashtags for internal campaigns: Use company-specific hashtags to create a social buzz around internal events, competitions, or initiatives. By showcasing the feed on office displays, you can bring these conversations to the forefront, making employees feel more involved and part of the conversation.
  • Showcase real-time responses to corporate announcements: When important company updates or achievements are shared on your official social media accounts, showcasing employee reactions and comments in real time adds a personal touch. Employees feel more empowered when their voices are part of the broader corporate narrative, even within the workplace.
  • Encourage social media challenges: Use internal social challenges or prompts to inspire creativity and interaction. For example, run a photo challenge where employees share snapshots of their workspace or team, and display the best entries on office screens, making it a fun, shared experience.
  • Celebrate employee achievements and shoutouts: Social media can be an excellent tool for recognition. Encourage employees to shout out their colleagues on platforms like Facebook or Instagram using specific tags. Displaying these posts in real-time within the workplace enhances the recognition process, boosting morale and motivation.

It transforms your digital signage into a living, breathing communication hub, where employees feel connected and engaged with their colleagues, the company’s culture, and the overall mission.

Creative Approaches to Promoting Team Events and Milestones

employee and company relationships

Promoting team events and milestones is more than just sending a calendar invite—it’s about building excitement and fostering a sense of achievement within the workplace. With digital signage, you can bring creativity into the way you communicate on these occasions, ensuring they’re noticed and appreciated by everyone.

Here are some creative approaches to using digital signage to promote and celebrate team events and milestones.

Countdown Timers for Event Build-Up

One of the simplest but most effective ways to drive engagement for upcoming events is by using digital signage to feature countdown timers. Whether it’s the date of a big team-building day, a product launch party, or an annual corporate retreat, a visual countdown displayed across screens helps build anticipation.

You can add additional details each day, like sneak peeks into event activities or guest appearances, turning the lead-up into an ongoing conversation. Seeing the countdown tick down creates a sense of urgency and excitement, keeping the event top of mind for employees without needing multiple reminders.

Interactive Digital Invitations and RSVP Tracking

Make event promotion more interactive by transforming digital signage into an invitation hub. Instead of sending traditional email invites, showcase interactive digital invitations that encourage employees to RSVP directly via a touchscreen or QR code. This creates a visual representation of interest, which can be updated in real time, showing how many people have already signed up.

It not only builds momentum but also allows everyone to see who’s participating, potentially encouraging more people to get involved. Seeing their peers’ engagement might just give that extra nudge to those on the fence.

Highlight Team Achievements with Milestone Timelines

When teams hit important milestones, such as project completions or major wins, recognition is crucial. Use digital signage to create milestone timelines, showcasing each team’s journey and celebrating the key steps along the way. These timelines can highlight project phases, team efforts, and individual contributions, ending with a celebratory message when the goal is reached.

This not only promotes the event but also turns it into a shared narrative—letting everyone see the progress, challenges, and successes that led to the final accomplishment. It’s an engaging way to spotlight the entire team’s work while inspiring others in the company to reach their own milestones.

By incorporating these creative approaches through digital signage, you can turn team events and milestones into highly visible, interactive, and engaging moments that the whole company celebrates together.

Reinforcing Core Values and Mission with Digital Displays

Company values and mission statements often live in handbooks or are mentioned during onboarding, but they rarely become a visible part of daily operations. Internal digital signage provides an opportunity to consistently remind employees of these guiding principles, ensuring they stay at the forefront of your workplace culture. By using digital signage screens to visually reinforce your core values, you can create a more values-driven environment where employees feel connected to the bigger picture, not just their individual tasks.

Traditional internal communications channels like emails or newsletters often fail to capture the attention of employees, but digital screens offer a more engaging alternative. Digital signage can display key messaging around company goals, values, and missions in ways that resonate with employees. You might feature quotes from leadership, short stories of how teams are living the company’s values in their day-to-day work, or even visual representations of progress toward broader company objectives. This can help employees see the direct link between their work and the company’s overall mission, fostering a deeper connection to the organization’s vision and strengthening employee and company relationships.

Regularly updating these displays ensures the messaging doesn’t become stale or go unnoticed. By rotating content—such as featuring a new core value each week or highlighting how specific departments are embodying the company’s mission—you keep the information fresh and relevant. The result is a workplace where employees are continuously reminded of the values that define the company’s culture, creating a sense of shared purpose that drives both individual performance and collective success. Incorporating these methods into your internal communication strategy allows for a more connected workforce, and can even extend to displaying employee benefit programs to further enhance employee communications.

Keeping Teams Aligned with Upcoming Deadlines and Projects

internal communications tools

In a busy workplace, it’s easy for deadlines and project timelines to get lost in the shuffle of daily tasks. Digital displays offer a practical solution by keeping upcoming deadlines and important project milestones visible and accessible to everyone. By showcasing project updates and timelines on screens placed in common areas, you ensure that teams stay aligned and focused on the most critical tasks at hand. This visibility helps employees see what’s coming up, prioritize their work accordingly, and collaborate more effectively to meet shared goals.

Whether it’s a key project launch or a fast-approaching client deadline, displaying this information prominently on a digital screen ensures everyone remains aware of the timeline, even during hectic work periods. Regular updates to these displays can also show how close teams are to reaching specific milestones, creating a sense of urgency and shared accountability. With a clear, unified view of upcoming projects and deadlines, employees can work more cohesively and remain focused on hitting targets without missing important details.

How Digital Signage Helps New Employees Settle In?

The onboarding process can be overwhelming for new employees, but digital signage offers a powerful way to simplify it and make the experience more engaging. Instead of bombarding new hires with a flood of information, digital displays allow you to introduce them to the company’s culture, policies, and procedures in a digestible, visually engaging format. Whether it’s a step-by-step guide on how to access internal systems or visual overviews of the company’s values and goals, digital signage ensures that new employees get the information they need without feeling overwhelmed.

Another benefit of digital signage in onboarding is its ability to provide timely reminders and guidance throughout the first few days or weeks. For example, new hires can see quick instructions on where to find essential resources, training schedules, or even interactive maps of the office layout.

These displays help new employees feel more confident and comfortable in their new environment by giving them a consistent, clear flow of information, reducing confusion, and speeding up their adjustment to the company’s workflows and culture. By integrating digital signage into your onboarding process, you can ensure new employees start off on the right foot and quickly become productive team members.

Displaying Live Dashboards and Metrics for Internal Clarity

Internal transparency is a cornerstone of building trust within an organization, and live dashboards offer a clear path to achieving it. By displaying up-to-date metrics on corporate digital signage across the workplace, companies can keep employees informed about key performance indicators, project progress, and other important data. This level of transparency not only helps teams stay aligned with the company’s goals but also encourages accountability and fosters a culture where everyone has access to the same information.

Live dashboards ensure that data is presented in a straightforward and digestible way, giving employees a snapshot of the company’s performance without the need to sift through reports or wait for meetings. Whether it’s financial metrics, project timelines, or company news, making this information visible creates a sense of shared responsibility and enables teams to adjust their efforts as needed. Employees can see the direct impact of their work on the company’s overall progress, strengthening their connection to the business and encouraging a collective drive toward success.

With dashboards and metrics on display, companies can eliminate information silos and provide a consistent, clear flow of data that keeps everyone on the same page. This approach not only improves efficiency but also promotes a culture of openness and collaboration, where decisions are informed by shared knowledge and digital tools.

Ways to Utilize Screens for Internal Training Videos and Tutorials

Incorporating internal training videos and tutorials into your digital signage strategy can revolutionize the way employees access knowledge and skills development. In a fast-paced corporate environment, continuous training is essential, and digital screens offer an engaging and efficient method to deliver critical information across departments. Here are four effective ways to use screens for internal training videos and tutorials.

  • On-Demand Training in Common Areas: Installing screens in high-traffic areas like break rooms or lounges allows employees to access on-demand training content without scheduling formal sessions. Whether it’s compliance updates, digital signage software tutorials, or leadership development tips, these short, focused videos can be displayed on a loop, giving employees the flexibility to watch during downtime. This approach is ideal for busy professionals who may not have time for longer training sessions but can absorb information in bite-sized segments.
  • Department-Specific Training Playlists: Tailor your training videos to meet the unique needs of different teams or departments. By creating customized playlists of tutorials relevant to each area—such as sales techniques for the sales team or customer support tips for the service team—screens can deliver highly relevant content that’s immediately applicable to their day-to-day tasks. This ensures that training is targeted and practical, addressing the specific skills each team requires.
  • Interactive Tutorials with Touchscreen Displays: Touchscreen-enabled displays take training a step further by offering interactive tutorials. Employees can engage directly with the content, navigating through training modules, answering quizzes, or selecting topics most relevant to them. This interactive approach keeps learners engaged and ensures they actively participate in their development, rather than passively consuming information.
  • Visual Reinforcement of Key Learning Points: Screens strategically placed in meeting rooms or workspaces can be used to display key takeaways or critical points from recent training sessions. This visual reinforcement helps employees retain important information and apply it immediately to their work. For example, after a training session on new software, digital signage can highlight key shortcuts or best practices as reminders, ensuring the learning sticks long after the session ends.

Conclusive Thoughts: Elevate Internal Communications with Digital Signage

Bringing internal communications to life with digital signage is more than just a trend—it’s a shift toward smarter, more engaging ways of keeping your team connected and aligned. By implementing the creative strategies discussed in this article, you can streamline communication, boost morale, and ensure everyone stays informed, all while making the most of the screens already present in your office environment. From sharing critical updates to celebrating employee achievements, these ideas are designed to enhance your company’s internal culture and create a sense of unity.

Let’s recap the highlights from the blog:

  • Unmissable announcements delivered right to your team’s line of sight.
  • Creative recognition strategies that inspire employee engagement.
  • Seamless sharing of KPIs and metrics to keep everyone on track.
  • Real-time social media feeds that foster interaction across departments.
  • Innovative ways to celebrate team milestones and events.
  • Reinforcing core values and mission, keeping company culture alive on-screen.
  • Deadlines and project timelines are displayed for team-wide alignment.
  • Digital signage as a tool for smooth, efficient employee onboarding.
  • Transparent display of live dashboards and metrics to build trust.
  • Training videos and tutorials that make learning easy and accessible.

By integrating these strategies into your internal communications, you’re setting the stage for a workplace that’s more connected, transparent, and engaged—and all with the ease and efficiency that digital signage can provide.

CrownTV can seamlessly support your company’s internal communications strategy by providing comprehensive digital signage solutions tailored to fit your needs. Whether you’re looking to display company-wide announcements, training videos, or real-time data, CrownTV offers everything needed to get your message across efficiently and effectively. With advanced cloud-based software, CrownTV allows you to manage content across multiple screens and locations, ensuring everyone stays aligned, no matter where they are. The wide range of display options, from indoor screens to high-brightness window displays, guarantees that your communications are both visible and impactful.In addition, CrownTV offers expert installation services, ensuring a smooth setup without any technical hassles. Our implementation service covers everything from content creation to secure remote management, allowing your team to focus on what matters most—without worrying about the technology behind it. CrownTV also provides a robust media player designed for reliable performance and integration with hundreds of apps and widgets, giving you the flexibility to customize your digital signage system exactly as your corporate culture demands.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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