13 Undeniable Benefits of Digital Signage for Businesses

Reports indicate that the global digital signage market is projected to reach $42.8 billion by 2030, highlighting the increasing number of businesses planning to invest in this technology soon and the benefits of digital signage. 

Digital signage not only captivates audiences but also significantly boosts sales and enhances customer experiences. Wondering how it achieves these impressive outcomes? We’ve got you covered.

In this blog, we’ll discover:

  • Numerous advantages to utilizing digital signage technology in different industries.
  • Case studies illustrating the positive impact of digital signage on businesses.
  • Comparative data highlighting the effectiveness of digital signage over traditional advertising methods.

So, let’s get started.

Understanding Digital Signage

Digital signage is a dynamic and versatile tool used to display advertising, messages, and information on digital screens, both indoors and outdoors. It’s a powerful way for businesses and organizations to communicate visually with their audience.

  • Outdoor advertising: Captures attention in busy areas with vivid, interactive screens, boosting advertiser conversion rates.
  • Indoor advertising: Enhances in-store experience with dynamic updates on promotions and products, driving sales and customer loyalty.
  • Communicating information: Offers timely updates in airports, healthcare, and schools, providing essential information efficiently.
  • Entertainment: Uses engaging content to entertain and retain customers in venues like museums and restaurants, reducing wait time perceptions.
  • Internal communication: Keeps employees informed and engaged, using direct messaging to share company news and celebrate achievements.

Top 13 Benefits of Digital Signage for Businesses

Embracing digital signage displays is more than just a technological upgrade; it’s a strategic move toward creating more dynamic, engaging, and efficient customer and operational environments. 

Let’s explore how these innovative solutions can significantly impact every aspect of your business, from the storefront to the bottom line.

1. Enhanced customer engagement

When it comes to enhancing customer engagement, digital signage offers multiple benefits that can help elevate the customer experience. Interestingly, 63% of individuals surveyed report that digital signage grabs their attention effectively, and an additional 59% express a desire to learn more about the content displayed on the screens. 

Following are the ways by which digital signage software transforms the customer experience into something truly memorable: 

  • Personalized experiences:
    • The digital screen enables the presentation of tailored messages and content that appeal to specific demographics or customer behaviors.
    • This promotes a sense of understanding among customers, enhancing their connection with the brand. 
  • Wayfinding:
    • Digital signage transforms navigation in expansive environments like mega-malls, sprawling retail stores, and complex office buildings.
    • By providing clear, interactive wayfinding maps and directional cues, digital signage guides visitors smoothly through spaces, significantly minimizing confusion and enhancing their overall experience.
  • Interactive content:
    • By integrating touch screens or QR codes, digital signage can become an interactive portal for customers.
    • This interactivity not only entertains but also empowers customers to explore products and services. Interestingly, 80% of people are more likely to visit a store displaying digital signage. 

2. Increased sales

Notably, an impressive 80% of brands leveraging digital signage have documented a surge in sales, underscoring its significant impact on commercial success. By captivating attention and providing timely information, digital displays serve as a silent yet persuasive salesperson on the floor. 

Here’s how:

  • Dynamic promotions:
    • Unlike static signage, digital screens can showcase rotating promotions, special deals, and limited-time offers that create a sense of urgency among customers.
    • In fact, digital signage captures 400% more views than static displays, making it a powerful tool for engaging customers and encouraging immediate purchases.
  • Cross-selling opportunities:
    • Digital signage excels in suggesting add-ons or complementary products related to what customers are already considering.
    • By intelligently displaying related products next to the main item of interest, businesses can increase the average transaction size and boost overall sales.
  • Enhanced visibility:
    • Strategically placed digital signs at point-of-sale locations or high-traffic areas ensure maximum brand visibility for promotional content.
    • Screen with vibrant colors, moving images or animations grab attention far more effectively than static posters, increasing the likelihood of impulse buys.
  • Educational content:
    • By providing valuable information about the products or services offered, digital signage helps demystify complex offerings or highlight the benefits of premium options.
    • Well-informed customers are more likely to make confident purchasing decisions, often opting for higher-value products.
  • Queue management:
    • By employing digital signage software for queue management, businesses can effectively reduce perceived wait times by over 35% by engaging and informing customers in line.
    • This improved customer experience can lead to increased satisfaction and a higher likelihood of repeat business, directly contributing to sales growth over time.

3. Improved internal communication

Leveraging digital signage for both internal staff communication and customer-facing messages transforms the way businesses convey important information. This in turn significantly contributes to increased productivity, potentially boosting employee efficiency by up to 25%.

Here’s how digital signage displays can make a significant impact:

  • Ambient learning in staff areas: Digital signage placed in staff rooms, storage areas, and other employee-focused locations offers a continuous loop of crucial information. This method provides staff with multiple opportunities to absorb information without the pressure of formal training sessions.
  • Increased retention through repetition:
    • The power of repetition cannot be overstated when it comes to memory retention. Studies have shown that digital signs boast an impressive recall rate of 83%.
    • By displaying important safety protocols, updates, or company news on digital screens, employees are exposed to this information in a non-intrusive manner. 
  • Global Team Unification:
  • Integration with internal systems:
    • The true potential of digital signage shines when integrated with a company’s existing internal communication platforms, such as Slack, or internal servers.
    • Through API integrations, businesses can display important announcements, messages, or updates in designated areas or departments. 

Want to elevate your internal communication and foster a more connected, informed workplace? Explore CrownTV’s digital signage solutions, designed to seamlessly blend with your current systems for effortless information sharing. Benefit from our comprehensive services, from display advisory to mounting and installation. CrownTV is your one-stop shop for digital signage.

Enhance employee engagement and ensure everyone stays in the loop, no matter where they are. Discover the CrownTV difference and schedule a consultation today!

4. Cost-effectiveness

Investing in digital signage is not just about embracing technology; it’s about smart economics. The cost-effectiveness of digital signage becomes evident when considering the long-term savings and value it brings to businesses. 

Following are the reasons why digital signage is a financially savvy choice:

  • Reduced need for physical materials:
    • By eliminating the constant need for paper, ink, and other traditional printed materials, businesses can see immediate savings.
    • The switch to digital significantly cuts down on the recurring expenses of producing and updating physical signs and advertisements.
  • Eliminates distribution efforts:
    • Traditional advertising methods often involve costs for distributing materials like flyers and posters.
    • Digital signage removes these costs by centralizing content distribution across multiple screens, making updates instantaneous and cost-free.
  • Durable and long-lasting:
    • The initial investment in digital signage might be higher than traditional signs, but digital displays offer a longer lifespan with minimal maintenance required.
    • This durability ensures that the return on investment continues to accumulate, making it a financially sound choice in the long run.
  • Lower energy consumption:
    • Modern digital signage utilizes LED technology, which is known for its low energy consumption compared to traditional lighting and display options.
    • This not only reduces the operational costs but also contributes to a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Reduced personnel costs:
    • Digital signage can also serve as a self-service solution in many scenarios, such as menus in restaurants or directories in malls.
    • This reduces the need for staff to guide or inform customers, thereby saving on labor costs.

5. Real-time content updates

CrownTV Displays

One of the top benefits of digital signage is its ability to display updated content in real time, making it an indispensable tool for businesses in today’s fast-paced world. 

Let’s see how real-time content updates are a game-changer:

  • Dynamic content scheduling:
    • With digital signage, your content lineup is no longer static. It’s now possible to refresh your messaging as often as needed, tailoring it to specific times, days, events, or locations.
    • For example, transportation hubs can display real-time travel updates, while restaurants can adjust their menu offerings based on stock availability, all with a few clicks.
  • Remote management:
    • Thanks to cloud-based content management systems (CMS) like CrownTV, updating your digital signage across multiple locations doesn’t require your physical presence.
    • This remote accessibility means you can manage and schedule different content or customize messaging for different areas of a store, all from the comfort of your office or home.
  • Advanced scheduling and instant updates:
    • Electronic signage platforms feature sophisticated scheduling tools that enable businesses to publish content instantly across an array of screens.
    • Whether it’s announcing a flash sale, updating stock levels, or planning a campaign months in advance, digital signage gives you complete control over when and where your content is displayed.

6. Source of entertainment

Digital signage goes beyond mere advertising and information dissemination; it serves as a significant source of entertainment for customers and employees alike. Urban Land Institute study highlights that 50% of millennial men and 70% of millennial women view shopping as entertainment.

Specific ways by which digital signage entertains are:

  • Dynamic content: Digital signage can display a wide range of entertaining content, from eye-catching animations and videos to interactive games. This variety keeps viewers engaged and entertained, making wait times feel shorter and visits more enjoyable.
  • Live feeds and streaming: Offering live feeds of events, news, or even relaxing scenes from nature can transform a digital sign into a window to the world. This not only entertains but also keeps customers informed and connected, enhancing their overall experience.
  • Interactive quizzes and polls: Engage your audience with interactive quizzes, polls, or surveys related to your brand or general interest topics. This interactive element not only entertains but also gathers valuable customer insights and preferences, fostering a deeper connection with your brand.

7. Targeted advertising

Digital signage has revolutionized the advertising world by enabling businesses to deliver targeted messages to specific audiences at the right time and place. This precision in advertising ensures that your marketing efforts are more effective and yield a higher return on investment. 

Here’s how digital signage makes targeted advertising a powerful tool for businesses:

  • Audience-specific content: With digital signage, you can tailor your advertising content to match the demographics of your audience. Whether it’s age, gender, or interests, digital signage analytics allow for the display of ads that resonate with the viewer, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.
  • Location-based messaging: You can leverage the power of digital signage to deliver location-specific advertisements. For instance, a digital sign near a product aisle can promote items available in that specific section, or signs in different geographic locations can display regionally relevant messages or offers, ensuring your advertising is always contextually appropriate.
  • Time-sensitive advertising: Digital signage enables businesses to display advertisements at optimal times. Restaurants can advertise breakfast menus in the morning and switch to dinner promotions in the evening, while retailers can highlight special weekend sales or holiday offers, making the advertising relevant to the time of day or year.
  • Integration with social media feeds and apps: Integrate your digital signage with social media feeds, apps, or live data to display real-time content that grabs attention. Showcasing customer reviews, trending items, or live weather updates alongside your advertisements can provide added value, making your messages more compelling and relevant.

If you’re looking to keep your digital displays fresh and engaging without the hassle of constant content creation, explore what CrownTV offers.

Manage your digital signage through a unified dashboard that simplifies your digital operations and pairs seamlessly with our powerful digital players — designed for optimum performance and reliability. Plus, enhance your content with our diverse digital signage apps, from social feeds to news updates, ensuring your message is dynamic and engaging.

CrownTV App Library

8. Operational efficiency

Leveraging digital signage isn’t just about enhancing the customer experience; it’s also a powerful tool for improving operational efficiency within a business. From cost savings to streamlined communication, digital signage offers several key benefits that can transform everyday operations:

  • Automated content updates: Digital signage can be updated remotely and automatically, eliminating the need for manual changes and reducing the labor and materials costs associated with traditional signage. This efficiency allows staff to focus on other critical tasks, improving overall productivity.
  • Enhanced customer self-service: Digital signage can automate customer interactions, from self-service kiosks to digital menus, reducing the need for additional staff or resources to manage these tasks. This automation leads to improved operational efficiency, allowing businesses to offer a smoother, more autonomous customer experience.
  • Resource allocation: Digital signage can display real-time data about crowd density, popular areas, or product availability, helping businesses allocate resources more effectively. For example, retail stores can adjust staffing based on real-time foot traffic data shown on digital signs.
  • Integrated systems: By integrating digital signage with other business systems (like inventory management or a reservation system), businesses can automate the display of relevant information (e.g., sold-out items or available booking slots), enhancing operational efficiency and customer service.

9. Brand building

Investing in digital signage is investing in the strength and vibrancy of your brand. By delivering consistent, engaging, and interactive content, businesses can build a powerful brand identity that stands out in a crowded marketplace and fosters long-term loyalty among customers. 

Here’s how:

  • Consistent brand messaging: Through digital signage, businesses can maintain consistent brand messaging across multiple locations. Whether it’s storefronts, inside retail spaces, or at external events, digital displays ensure that the brand message, aesthetics, and values are uniformly presented, reinforcing brand identity.
  • Visual storytelling: Leverage the power of dynamic visuals, videos, and animations to tell your brand’s story. This can include behind-the-scenes content, customer testimonials, or the journey of your products from conception to market. Visual storytelling engages customers more deeply, creating an emotional connection with the brand.
  • Showcase social proof: Display real-time social media feeds, customer reviews, and ratings on digital signage to build trust and credibility. Seeing positive feedback from other customers directly on the display can significantly influence purchasing decisions and strengthen brand loyalty.
  • Highlight Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Use digital signage to share your brand’s efforts in sustainability, charity work, or community engagement. Showcasing your commitment to CSR can enhance your brand’s image and appeal to consumers who value ethical and responsible business practices.

10. Environmental friendly

Embracing digital signage is a step forward in reducing a business’s environmental impact. Beyond the bright screens and dynamic content, digital signage offers a green alternative to traditional advertising methods. 

Digital signage contributes to environmental sustainability by:

  • Significant reduction in waste: Transitioning to digital signage dramatically reduces the amount of waste generated from printed materials. This shift not only decreases the use of paper and ink but also minimizes the waste sent to landfills, making it a more sustainable option.
  • Energy-efficient operation: As mentioned above, although digital signage requires power, the use of LED technology significantly lowers energy consumption compared to older digital or illuminated signage methods. This efficiency contributes to a reduction in overall energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Recyclable materials: Many components of digital signage, including screens and metal frames, are recyclable at the end of their lifespan. Recycling these materials reduces the demand for new raw materials and minimizes the environmental footprint.
  • Reduced transportation: By eliminating the need to transport physical advertising materials to various locations, digital signage reduces carbon emissions associated with transportation. This decrease in logistic needs contributes to a more environmentally friendly approach to business operations.

11. Data collection and insights

Integrating with sensors, cameras, and software analytics, digital signage systems can collect and analyze audience engagement data in real-time. 

Key benefits of the digital signage data collection capabilities are:

  • Content performance tracking: By monitoring which content pieces attract the most attention or interaction, businesses can gain insights into customer preferences and interests. This enables marketers to refine their content strategy, focusing on what works best and discarding less effective messages.
  • Interactive feedback: Interactive digital signage can directly collect customer feedback through surveys and questionnaires. These immediate insights into customer satisfaction and preferences can be used to improve products, services, and overall customer experiences.
  • Conversion tracking: Digital signage analytics can track how specific advertisements or messages influence customer purchasing decisions. This ability helps you measure the return on investment (ROI) for various types of content, offering a clear understanding of what really boosts sales.

12. Enhanced accessibility

Digital signage is a crucial asset in making information accessible to everyone. By incorporating accessibility features, businesses can ensure that their services and information are reachable to individuals with various disabilities, thus encouraging inclusivity. 

Here’s how: 

  • Voice narration and audio outputs: For individuals with visual impairments, digital signage can be equipped with voice narration or audio outputs that read the text displayed on the screen aloud. This feature ensures that all users can receive the information being presented, regardless of their ability to see the screen clearly.
  • High-contrast and large text options: By offering the ability to display content in high-contrast colors and large text, digital signage can be easily read by users with limited vision. Ensuring that text and visuals are clear and distinguishable makes the content more accessible to a broader audience.
  • Interactive touchscreens with tactile feedback: For users with limited mobility or fine motor skill challenges, interactive touchscreens that provide tactile feedback can make navigation easier. This adaptability allows individuals to interact with digital signage without the need for precise touch controls.
  • Sign language interpretation: Incorporating sign language interpretation into digital signage content can significantly improve accessibility for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Video displays that include a sign language interpreter in the corner of the screen ensure that these individuals are not excluded from the message.

13. Increased safety

Digital signage stands as a crucial component in improving workplace safety, evidenced by a significant decrease in safety incidents and workplace injuries in environments that utilize it. 

Let’s see how digital display contributes to creating a safer work environment:

  • Proven reduction in safety incidents: Statistics reveal workplaces employing digital signage report a remarkable 48% drop in safety incidents. This tangible decrease underscores the efficacy of digital signage in enhancing awareness and adherence to safety protocols.
  • Decrease in workplace injuries: The implementation of digital signage has been linked to a 20% reduction in workplace injuries. By prominently displaying safety reminders, tips, and the number of days without an incident, digital signs actively contribute to a culture of safety and vigilance.
  • Continuous safety communication: Utilizing digital signage to show workplace safety reminders and tips acts as a constant prompt for employees to follow best practices and safety guidelines, ensuring these critical messages are always front and center.

Real-World Success Stories of Digital Signage

Digital signage has become a powerful tool for businesses to boost sales and customer engagement. Here are some companies that have reportedly increased their sales through digital signage:

1. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola’s massive digital billboard in Times Square exemplifies the power of digital signage to grab attention. Their interactive display allowed viewers to personalize virtual Coke bottles, creating a buzz and solidifying their reputation as marketing innovators.


  • Interactive experiences: Coca-Cola utilizes touchscreens and augmented reality displays in airports, train stations, and retail stores. These interactive experiences allow customers to personalize virtual drinks, play games, and unlock exclusive content.
  • Targeted advertising: Digital signage lets Coca-Cola tailor content based on location and demographics. This ensures relevant messaging reaches the right audience, maximizing campaign effectiveness.
  • Data-driven insights: Digital signage gathers valuable data on customer interactions. Coca-Cola analyzes this data to understand customer preferences, optimize content, and refine future marketing campaigns.


  • Increased brand engagement: Interactive experiences create a fun and memorable connection with the brand, fostering stronger customer relationships.
  • Enhanced brand image: Innovative use of digital signage positions Coca-Cola as a tech-savvy and forward-thinking brand.
  • Boosted sales: Targeted advertising and data-driven insights allow Coca-Cola to reach the right audience with the right message, potentially leading to increased sales.
  • Global brand consistency: Digital signage provides Coca-Cola with a platform to deliver a consistent brand message and image across diverse markets.

2. Sephora

Sephora leverages digital signage to display product information, tutorials, and promotions within their stores. This engaging content educates customers about products and inspires them to experiment, potentially leading to increased sales.


  • Product education stations: Digital displays showcase product tutorials, demonstrations, and ingredient breakdowns. This empowers customers to make informed decisions and experiment with confidence.
  • Personalized recommendations: Sephora leverages digital signage to integrate loyalty program data and recommend products based on individual customer preferences.
  • Social media integration: Digital displays can showcase user-generated content and influencer reviews, building trust and encouraging social sharing.


  • Increased customer confidence: Educational content empowers customers to make informed purchases, leading to higher satisfaction and repeat business.
  • Boosted sales of new products: Educating customers about new products through engaging visuals can encourage them to try something new, potentially leading to increased sales.
  • Enhanced brand loyalty: Personalized recommendations and a focus on customer education demonstrate Sephora’s commitment to its customers, fostering brand loyalty.
  • Stronger social media engagement: Integrating social media with digital signage creates a buzz and encourages customer interaction, expanding Sephora’s reach.

3. McDonald’s

McDonald’s utilizes digital signage for their menu boards. This allows them to update prices and promotions quickly, showcase product images in a more visually appealing way, and display nutritional information. This in turn can lead to increased sales of higher-margin items.


  • Digital drive-thrus: Large, high-resolution displays allow customers to easily browse menus, customize orders, and see product visuals, leading to faster and more accurate service.
  • Upselling and promotions: Digital signage lets McDonald’s showcase new menu items, combo deals, and limited-time offers in a visually appealing way, potentially boosting sales of higher-margin items.
  • Enhanced in-store experience: Digital displays can be used for wayfinding, entertainment, and showcasing nutritional information, creating a more engaging in-store experience.


  • Improved order accuracy and speed: Digital drive-thrus with clear visuals minimize errors and expedite service, leading to higher customer satisfaction.
  • Increased sales of higher margin items: Eye-catching visuals and targeted promotions can entice customers to choose higher-priced menu options.
  • Streamlined operations: Digital signage eliminates the need for static menus, saving time and resources for staff.
  • Modernized brand image: Embracing digital signage showcases McDonald’s commitment to innovation and keeping pace with evolving customer expectations

CrownTV & Schweiger Dermatology Group Collaboration

CrownTV & Schweiger Dermatology Group Collaboration

Schweiger Dermatology Group, a prominent medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology practice in New York and New Jersey, is dedicated to providing top-tier dermatological care. Founded by Dr. Eric Schweiger, the practice prides itself on delivering healthy and beautiful skin quickly and efficiently to thousands of patients daily. 

Recognizing the need to enhance patient engagement and streamline information dissemination, Schweiger Dermatology Group turned to CrownTV to revamp its digital signage system across 22 office locations.

Problems faced by Schweiger Dermatology Group

Schweiger Dermatology Group encountered several obstacles with their digital signage:

  • Limited content control: Existing digital signage offered no easy access to a content management system (CMS), hindering timely content updates and scheduling.
  • Static and unengaging content: The reliance on slideshows of static graphics failed to capture patient interest, with content becoming stale over time.
  • Inflexible content management: Without the ability to quickly edit or schedule new content, promotional and educational materials were not utilized to their full potential.

Solutions offered by CrownTV

CrownTV addressed Schweiger Dermatology Group’s needs with a comprehensive digital signage overhaul:

  • Cloud-based content management: Implemented a user-friendly, cloud-based CMS, enabling easy content updates, scheduling, and management.
  • Dynamic and customizable content: Introduced customizable templates and dynamic content options, including video and social media integration, to engage patients more effectively.
  • Seamless installation and integration: Upgraded existing screens and infrastructure with minimal disruption, ensuring a smooth transition to the new system.
  • Enhanced user accessibility: Provided multiple user access to the dashboard, allowing staff across various locations to manage content specific to their office needs.
  • Real-time monitoring: Enabled real-time status monitoring of digital signage players, ensuring continuous operation and immediate troubleshooting.

Overall, the adoption of CrownTV’s digital signage solutions by Schweiger Dermatology Group led to improved patient engagement, efficient content management, increased content variety, and enhanced communication.

Want to Elevate Your Digital Signage Experience with Ease? Let CrownTV Do the Heavy Lifting!

To sum up, digital signage emerges as a powerful tool that offers a multitude of benefits for businesses across various industries. As businesses continue to seek innovative ways to connect with their customers and empower their employees, embracing digital signage stands out as a strategic investment that can yield tangible results in today’s competitive market.

Key takeaways

  • Enhances customer engagement with attention-grabbing and interactive displays.
  • Offers personalized experiences through tailored messages for specific customer demographics.
  • Increases store visits with interactive content like touchscreens and QR codes.
  • Boosts sales with dynamic promotions and cross-selling opportunities.
  • Improves internal communication, enhancing employee efficiency.
  • Allows for real-time content updates, making information timely and relevant.
  • Enables targeted advertising, making messages more relevant to specific audiences.
  • Improves operational efficiency with automated content updates and integrated systems.
  • Builds brand identity through consistent messaging and visual storytelling.
  • Provides data-driven insights for optimizing content strategy and improving customer interactions.

With CrownTV, you’re not just getting software; you’re getting an end-to-end service that includes cutting-edge hardware, technical expertise, comprehensive setup, and continuous support. 

Upgrade your business with our seamless and comprehensive digital signage solutions, designed to take you from zero to full blast without lifting a finger. Our white glove experience includes everything from consultation to installation, ensuring a personalized and stress-free experience

Ready for a digital signage revolution? Book a demo now and see the CrownTV difference firsthand.

CrownTV White Glove Experience Page

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The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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