8 Digital Menu Board Designs That Attract Customers

8 Digital Menu Board Designs That Attract Customers


What if your menu board could do more than just list your offerings? What if it could actually pull customers in, keep them engaged, and make them order more? The reality is that the way you present your menu can make or break your business. But don’t worry. You’ll discover how to turn that static menu into a dynamic sales tool.

A poorly designed digital menu board can confuse customers and drive them away. But with the right design, it can become a powerful asset that displays your products and drives customer decisions, increases sales, and enhances the overall dining experience. This article will break down eight innovative digital menu board designs that do exactly that.

Before we start, let’s consider this: Businesses that switch to digital signage see an average sales lift of 31.8%. That’s a significant boost, and it all starts with the right design. One restaurant even reported a 15% increase in sales just by reworking their digital menu layout. Imagine the impact these designs could have on your business.

Here’s what we’re going to cover:

  • Minimalist Designs that focus customer attention on key items.
  • Dynamic Content that changes with the time of day or specific promotions.
  • Interactive Boards that let customers explore your menu on their own.
  • High-contrast displays that make your menu readable even from a distance.
  • Creative Layouts that highlight specials and best-sellers.
  • Seasonal Themes that keep your menu fresh and relevant.
  • Visual Hierarchy Techniques to guide customer choices subtly.
  • Branded Designs that reinforce your brand identity through every detail.

Ready to take your menu from ordinary to extraordinary? Let’s explore these designs in detail.

Minimalist Designs That Focus Customer Attention on Key Items

When it comes to digital menu boards, less is often more. A minimalist design strips away the unnecessary clutter, making it easier for your customers to find exactly what they’re looking for. By focusing on key items, you streamline the decision-making process and subtly guide your customers toward the choices that matter most to your business.

Minimalist designs work by utilizing clean lines, ample white space, and a clear visual hierarchy. This approach ensures that your best-selling or high-margin items stand out, catching the eye without overwhelming the viewer. The simplicity of the design draws attention directly to these key items, making them the star of the show.

But why does minimalism work so well? It’s all about the psychology of choice. When faced with too many options, customers can become paralyzed, leading to indecision or even walking away. By narrowing the focus, a minimalist menu helps your customers make quicker decisions, which can boost both satisfaction and sales.

Here’s how you can implement a minimalist design on your digital menu board:

  • Limit the Number of Items Displayed: Only showcase your top-selling items or most profitable dishes. This reduces visual noise and guides customers toward these selections.
  • Use High-Quality Images Sparingly: A few well-placed, high-quality images can be more effective than a cluttered array. Highlighting just a couple of key dishes with enticing visuals can drive orders without overwhelming the screen.
  • Employ Clear Typography: Choose simple, readable fonts that are easy on the eyes. The text should be large enough to be read from a distance but not so large that it crowds the display.
  • Prioritize White Space: White space isn’t wasted space—it’s a tool to give your menu items room to breathe. It draws the eye to what’s important and creates a more pleasant viewing experience.
  • Focus on Contrast: Use contrasting colors to make key items pop. A minimalist design often employs a muted background with bolder accents to ensure that the main items stand out clearly.

By adopting a minimalist approach, you can create a digital menu board that not only looks modern and stylish but also works hard to drive sales. The beauty of minimalism lies in its ability to make your most important items impossible to miss, helping your customers make decisions quickly and confidently.

Dynamic Content That Changes With the Time of Day or Specific Promotions

Imagine walking into a café in the morning and being greeted by a menu showcasing freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries. Later in the day, that same menu board highlights lunch specials or afternoon treats, seamlessly adapting to the time of day. This is the power of dynamic content in digital menu boards—a strategy that enhances the customer experience and boosts your business’s bottom line.

Dynamic content allows your digital menu board to be as flexible as your offerings. By updating in real-time, you can tailor your menu to match the ebb and flow of your daily business. Whether it’s promoting breakfast items in the morning, lunch specials at midday, or happy hour deals in the evening, dynamic content ensures that your menu is always relevant, always engaging.

This approach is particularly effective because it aligns your offerings with your customers’ needs at any given time. For instance, a restaurant might see a significant increase in breakfast sales simply by showcasing morning-specific items during peak hours. In fact, one study found that businesses using dynamic content saw a 20% increase in sales during targeted time slots. It’s about being in the right place, at the right time, with the right offer.

Here’s how you can make the most of dynamic content on your digital menu board:

  • Schedule Content Changes: Use scheduling features to automatically update your menu based on the time of day. Breakfast items can appear early in the morning, transitioning to lunch options by midday, and then shifting to dinner and dessert as the evening rolls in.
  • Highlight Time-Sensitive Promotions: Dynamic content is perfect for promoting limited-time offers or daily specials. Flash deals that appear at specific times can create a sense of urgency and drive impulse purchases.
  • Adapt to Audience Preferences: Tailor your menu content based on your typical customer flow. If you know that certain items sell better at certain times, adjust your menu to emphasize those choices when they’re most likely to be ordered.
  • Leverage Seasonal Content: Beyond just time-of-day changes, dynamic content can also be used to align with seasons or holidays. Updating your menu to reflect seasonal ingredients or festive specials keeps your offerings fresh and appealing.
  • Incorporate Social Media Feeds: Engage customers by displaying real-time social media content, such as customer reviews or user-generated photos, alongside your menu. This not only keeps the content dynamic but also encourages interaction.

Dynamic content transforms your digital menu board into a living, responsive tool that evolves with your business’s needs. It’s not just about keeping the menu fresh—it’s about creating an experience that resonates with your customers and drives sales when it matters most. By staying relevant throughout the day, you can ensure that your menu remains a key player in your overall marketing strategy.

Interactive Boards That Let Customers Explore Your Menu on Their Own

Today’s customers crave control over their dining experience. They’re not satisfied with just seeing what’s on the menu; they want to interact with it. That’s where interactive digital menu boards come into play. These boards don’t merely display your offerings; they transform your menu into an engaging, hands-on experience.

Why do Interactive Boards Work?

  • Customer-Controlled Navigation: Customers can navigate your menu at their own pace, exploring the details that matter most to them—whether it’s ingredients, dietary options, or pairing suggestions. This self-guided journey not only enhances the dining experience but also increases the likelihood of upselling. When customers can see all the options clearly, they’re more likely to add items to their order.
  • Personalized Experience: With just a few taps, customers can filter the menu by categories like vegetarian, gluten-free, or chef’s specials. This level of customization makes the dining experience feel tailored, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Visual Appeal: Interactive boards can feature vivid images and detailed descriptions that draw customers in. Picture this: a customer taps on a dish and reveals a mouthwatering image, paired with a description of the flavors and ingredients. This entices the customer and helps them make informed decisions, reducing the chance of dissatisfaction when the meal arrives.

Endless Creative Possibilities

Interactive boards offer more than just a tech upgrade—they open up a world of creative opportunities. Consider incorporating gamification elements like:

  • Loyalty Points: Reward customers with points every time they interact with certain parts of the menu.
  • Special Discounts: Surprise customers with discounts that pop up when they explore specific dishes.

These small incentives not only encourage repeat business but also add a fun, engaging layer to the dining experience.

Interactive boards aren’t just a trendy addition; they’re a powerful tool to deepen the connection between your brand and your customers. By offering a personalized, engaging experience, you invite customers to take their time, explore your offerings, and ultimately, enjoy their meal even more. This hands-on approach can turn a simple meal into a memorable dining experience—one that customers will want to revisit time and time again.

High-Contrast Displays That Make Your Menu Readable Even From a Distance

When a customer walks into your establishment, the first thing they should see—clearly and without strain—is your menu. High-contrast displays are the key to ensuring that your menu remains readable, even from a distance. They do more than just look sharp; they guide the customer’s eyes directly to where you want them to go.

Why High-Contrast Matters?

  1. Instant Clarity: A high-contrast display uses bold, distinct colors that stand out from one another, making text and images pop. This contrast eliminates the guesswork for customers, allowing them to quickly identify and read the items on your menu.
  2. Enhanced Visibility: Whether your customers are standing at the counter or peeking from across the room, high-contrast displays ensure that your menu remains legible. This is particularly crucial in environments with varying lighting conditions, where glare or shadows might otherwise obscure key information.
  3. Focused Attention: By using contrasting colors strategically, you can direct attention to specific parts of your menu—such as daily specials or featured items. The human eye is naturally drawn to areas of contrast, so use this to your advantage to highlight what matters most.
  4. Accessibility: High-contrast menus are not just about aesthetics; they’re also about inclusivity. Customers with visual impairments or those who struggle with low vision will appreciate the ease with which they can read your menu. This simple design choice can make a significant difference in their dining experience.

Design Tips for High-Contrast Displays

  • Background and Text: Choose a dark background with light text or vice versa. The stark difference ensures that the text is always readable, regardless of the ambient light.
  • Highlighting Key Items: Use contrasting colors to make certain menu items stand out. For example, a bright accent color can be used to draw attention to limited-time offers or chef’s recommendations.
  • Consistent Layout: While playing with contrast, maintain a consistent layout to avoid overwhelming the customer. A clean, organized menu that uses contrast effectively will guide customers through their choices without causing confusion.

High-contrast displays aren’t just a design trend—they’re a practical tool that can enhance your menu’s visibility and effectiveness. Ensuring that your menu is clear and easy to read from any angle or distance creates a more inviting and user-friendly environment for your customers. This attention to detail can make all the difference in how your menu—and, ultimately, your business is perceived.

Creative Layouts That Highlight Specials and Best-Sellers

fast food chains

Designing a menu is more than just listing items; it’s about strategically guiding your customers to the dishes you want them to notice first. Digital menus play a crucial role in this process. By thoughtfully arranging your menu on digital screens, you can draw attention to specials and best-sellers, making these items stand out and increasing the likelihood of customers ordering them.

  • Strategic Placement: Where an item appears on your digital displays can significantly impact its visibility. Placing specials and best-sellers in prominent positions—such as the top right corner or the center of the screen—naturally catches the eye. These prime spots are where customers tend to look first, so use them to your advantage to showcase what you want to sell most.
  • Visual Hierarchy: Visual hierarchy is all about leading the eye through your menu in a deliberate way. By using larger fonts, bold text, or eye-catching icons, you can make sure that your specials and best-sellers don’t get lost in the crowd. This approach helps guide customers’ attention where you want it to go, making their ordering process smoother and quicker.
  • Grouping and Categorization: Clustering similar items together or grouping them by theme can make your menu easier to navigate and more visually appealing. For example, you could create a dedicated section for “Today’s Specials” or “Customer Favorites,” setting them apart from the rest of the menu. This not only makes these items easier to find but also adds a sense of exclusivity and importance.
  • Use of Imagery: A well-placed image can say more than a thousand words. Incorporating high-quality images of your best-sellers and specials can be a powerful tool in your layout design. When customers see a mouthwatering photo of a dish, they’re more likely to choose it over a text-only option. Just be sure to use images sparingly, so they retain their impact.
  • Color Coding: Color coding is another effective way to highlight certain menu items. By assigning specific colors to specials or best-sellers, you create a visual distinction that helps these dishes stand out. For example, you could use a vibrant color to denote daily specials, making them instantly recognizable.
  • Balance and Simplicity: While creativity is important, balance is key. An overly complex layout can overwhelm customers and make it difficult for them to focus on any one item. Strive for a design that is both creative and easy to navigate, ensuring that your specials and best-sellers are highlighted without cluttering the menu. In fast-food restaurants, these menu board ideas can boost sales by simplifying choices and making the customer experience more streamlined, allowing them to make decisions with just a few clicks.

Creative layouts are more than just visually appealing—they’re a strategic tool for driving sales and enhancing the customer experience. By thoughtfully arranging your menu, you can subtly influence what your customers order, steering them towards the items that are most profitable or that you’re most proud to serve.

Seasonal Themes That Keep Your Menu Fresh and Relevant

In the dining industry, freshness isn’t just about the ingredients—it’s about the experience. Seasonal themes on your digital menu board can bring that freshness to life, ensuring your offerings feel as vibrant and relevant as the changing seasons outside your door. This approach not only aligns your menu with what’s happening in the world but also keeps customers coming back to see what’s new.

  • Reflect the Season: When the weather turns cold, nothing feels more comforting than warm, hearty meals. In the same way, when spring blossoms, light and fresh dishes start to appeal more. By updating your menu to reflect the season, you tap into the natural cravings and preferences of your customers. Whether it’s pumpkin spice in the fall or fresh berries in the summer, aligning your menu with the season makes it feel timely and thoughtful.
  • Themed Visuals: Incorporate seasonal elements into the visuals of your menu. For example, warm, rich colors in the fall can evoke a cozy atmosphere, while bright, lively hues in the summer can create a feeling of freshness and vibrancy. Simple additions like seasonal icons or backgrounds can instantly set the mood and make your menu more engaging.
  • Limited-Time Offerings: Seasonal themes provide the perfect opportunity to introduce limited-time offerings. These items can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, encouraging customers to try something new while they can. By rotating seasonal specials, you keep your menu dynamic and give customers a reason to visit more frequently.
  • Holiday Highlights: Don’t forget about holidays! Whether it’s Valentine’s Day, Halloween, or the winter holidays, these occasions are perfect for themed menu items. From heart-shaped desserts to spooky drinks, holiday-themed offerings appeal to customers’ festive spirit and make your establishment stand out during busy seasons.
  • Consistency Across Channels: Ensure that your seasonal themes are consistent across all customer touchpoints—whether it’s your in-store digital menu, your website, or your social media. This unified approach reinforces the theme and creates a cohesive brand experience that resonates with your audience.

Seasonal themes aren’t just about keeping your menu current—they’re about creating an experience that feels relevant and exciting. By embracing the changing seasons and reflecting them in your menu, you create a dynamic dining experience that customers will appreciate and remember.

Visual Hierarchy Techniques to Guide Customer Choices Subtly

A well-designed menu does more than just present options—it guides customers through their decision-making process without them even realizing it. This is where visual hierarchy techniques come into play. By strategically organizing elements on your digital menu board, you can subtly influence what customers see first, what they focus on, and, ultimately, what they choose to order.

  • Size and Scale: One of the simplest ways to establish visual hierarchy is through size. Larger elements naturally draw the eye first. Use this to your advantage by making your most profitable or popular items stand out with larger fonts or images. The goal is to make these items the focal point, ensuring they’re noticed before anything else on the menu.
  • Color Contrast: Color is another powerful tool that guides customer attention. By using contrasting colors, you can make certain elements pop against the background. For example, a brightly colored dish name on a muted background will catch the eye immediately. This technique is particularly effective for highlighting specials or featured items that you want customers to consider first.
  • Positioning: Where you place items on the menu matters just as much as how they look. The upper half of your menu board, especially the top right corner, tends to be where customers’ eyes go first. Position your key dishes here to capitalize on this natural viewing pattern. Additionally, central placement can also serve to highlight important items, drawing attention to them immediately.
  • Typography and Emphasis: Bold, italicized, or underlined text can be used to create emphasis and direct attention to specific menu items. However, use these elements sparingly to avoid overwhelming the customer. The strategic use of typography can make certain dishes feel more important or special, subtly encouraging customers to choose them.
  • Whitespace: Don’t underestimate the power of whitespace. Allowing some breathing room around key items can make them stand out more. A cluttered menu can be overwhelming, but a menu that uses whitespace effectively can guide the eye smoothly from one section to another, ensuring that customers see and consider each item in turn.
  • Grouping: Group similar items together to create a logical flow. For instance, placing appetizers, mains, and desserts in distinct sections helps customers navigate the menu more easily. Within these groups, you can still apply other visual hierarchy techniques to highlight specific dishes that you want to promote.

Visual hierarchy is about subtle influence—guiding customer choices in a way that feels natural and effortless. By carefully considering the size, color, positioning, and layout of your menu elements, you can create a dining experience that not only looks appealing but also steers customers toward the items you want to sell most.

Branded Designs That Reinforce Your Brand Identity Through Every Detail

Your menu is more than a list of offerings; it’s an extension of your brand. Every detail, from the colors to the fonts to the imagery, should speak to who you are as a business. Branded designs on your digital menu board are a powerful way to reinforce your identity and ensure that every interaction with your customers feels consistent and intentional.

  • Consistency in Colors and Fonts: The colors and fonts you choose for your menu should align seamlessly with your brand’s overall aesthetic. If your brand is known for its vibrant, youthful energy, bold colors and playful fonts, it might be your go-to. On the other hand, a brand with a more sophisticated image might opt for elegant, muted tones and sleek typography. This consistency helps to create a unified brand experience, making your establishment instantly recognizable.
  • Incorporating Logos and Icons: Your logo is a visual anchor for your brand, and it should feature prominently on your digital menu board. Whether it’s subtly placed in the corner or integrated into the background, your logo reinforces brand recognition. Additionally, using custom icons that align with your brand’s style can further enhance the visual appeal and make the menu more intuitive to navigate.
  • Tone and Voice in Descriptions: The way you describe your menu items should reflect your brand’s voice. Are you a casual, laid-back eatery? Then, your descriptions might be playful and light-hearted. If you’re a high-end restaurant, you might opt for more refined language. The tone of your descriptions should match the personality of your brand, creating a cohesive experience from the moment customers read the menu.
  • Imagery and Visual Style: The images you choose for your menu should showcase your dishes and align with your brand’s visual style. If your brand is rustic and homey, your images might have a warm, inviting feel. For a more modern brand, sleek, minimalist photography might be more appropriate. These visual cues help set the tone for the dining experience and ensure that your brand’s personality shines through in every detail.
  • Custom Animations and Transitions: If your brand is dynamic and energetic, consider incorporating subtle animations or transitions that reflect that spirit. These can be as simple as a smooth transition between menu screens or a gentle highlight that moves across featured items. These small touches can add a layer of sophistication to your menu and make it feel like a true extension of your brand.
  • Aligning with Brand Values: Finally, your menu should reflect the values your brand stands for. If sustainability is a core part of your brand, consider highlighting dishes made with locally sourced ingredients or eco-friendly practices. If innovation is key, showcase your most creative, boundary-pushing dishes. By aligning your menu with your brand values, you reinforce your identity and connect with customers on a deeper level.

Branded designs are about more than just looking good—they’re about creating a consistent, memorable experience that resonates with your customers. When every detail of your digital menu board reflects your brand, you strengthen the connection between your business and your customers, making every visit feel personal and intentional.

Final Thoughts: Elevate Your Menu with These Winning Designs

Crafting a digital menu that truly captures your customers’ attention is no small feat, but by incorporating these innovative designs, you’re well on your way to creating a more engaging and profitable dining experience. Each approach we’ve discussed serves a specific purpose, from enhancing readability to reinforcing your brand identity, all while subtly guiding customer choices.

With these strategies in your toolkit, your digital menu board becomes more than just a display—it becomes a dynamic extension of your brand that drives sales and enhances customer satisfaction.

Highlights from the Article:

  • Minimalist Designs: Simplify the customer experience by focusing attention on key items with clean, uncluttered layouts.
  • Dynamic Content: Keep your menu relevant throughout the day by tailoring your offerings to the time or special promotions.
  • Interactive Boards: Engage customers by letting them explore your menu at their own pace, leading to more informed choices and potential upsells.
  • High-Contrast Displays: Ensure your menu is readable from any distance, creating a smooth, frustration-free experience for your customers.
  • Creative Layouts: Highlight specials and best-sellers through strategic design that catches the eye and encourages specific choices.
  • Seasonal Themes: Keep your menu fresh and exciting by aligning it with the seasons or special holidays.
  • Visual Hierarchy: Subtly guide customer decisions by organizing your menu items in a way that naturally draws attention to what matters most.
  • Branded Designs: Reinforce your brand identity through every detail, from colors and fonts to tone and imagery, ensuring a consistent and memorable customer experience.

With these digital menu board designs, you’re not just listing items; you’re crafting an experience that resonates with your customers and drives them to act. Implementing these strategies can transform your menu into a powerful tool that attracts attention and keeps your customers coming back for more.

CrownTV can be your partner in bringing these innovative designs to life. With comprehensive digital signage solutions, CrownTV offers everything you need to create engaging and effective digital menu boards. Our advanced cloud-based software (dashboard) makes managing your content effortless, whether you’re updating daily specials or running time-sensitive promotions. CrownTV’s displays, including both indoor and high-brightness window options, ensure your menu is always visible and striking, no matter where it’s placed.

But CrownTV’s services go beyond just the basics. We provide expert installation, ensuring your system is set up for optimal performance, and our implementation services means you can focus on your business while they handle the details. The CrownTV’s media player, a compact yet powerful device, delivers reliable performance and seamless integration with their extensive range of apps and widgets. These integrations allow you to customize your menu boards with features like social media feeds, weather updates, and more, keeping your content dynamic and engaging.

From content creation to real-time updates and secure remote management, CrownTV covers every aspect of digital signage, making them the ideal choice for businesses looking to enhance their customer engagement. Whether you’re in the restaurant industry or another sector, CrownTV’s tailored solutions can help you create digital menu boards that attract customers and leave a lasting impression.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


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At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

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