The Art of Engagement: 9 Digital Display Boards That Tell a Story

Digital Storytelling Signage


Ever stood before a screen, utterly captivated by what it’s telling you? It’s not just the visuals, it’s the story that pulls you in. Digital displays have a superpower: transforming information into experiences that resonate long after you look away.

Think of it like this: your displays aren’t just screens; they’re your brand’s storytellers. But are they spinning a yarn that truly engages your audience? If you’re ready to turn heads and hold attention, you’ve landed in the right spot. We’re diving deep into the art of digital storytelling with 9 display board examples that get it right.

  • The Museum Exhibit: Have you ever visited a museum where the displays made history feel alive? Think interactive timelines, artifact showcases with personal narratives and immersive video projections. These displays turn facts into fascinating tales, drawing you deeper into the subject matter.
  • The Airport Arrival Board: More than just departure times, some airports use displays to showcase local artwork, cultural events, or even relaxing nature scenes. They transform a mundane wait into a mini-experience, setting a welcoming tone for visitors.
  • The Interactive Retail Window: Step outside a trendy clothing store, and you might find a display that reacts to your movements, showcasing different outfits or telling a story about the brand’s latest collection. It’s shopping as entertainment, piquing curiosity and enticing you inside.
  • The Times Square Billboard: While flashy ads are the norm, some brands take a different approach, using their billboard to tell a short story, share user-generated content, or even create interactive games with passersby. This turns the billboard into a conversation starter, not just a promotional tool.
  • The Stadium Scoreboard: Beyond the score and player stats, modern scoreboards feature engaging animations, fan spotlights, and even social media feeds. They keep the energy high and make every spectator feel part of the action.
  • The Hospital Wayfinding Kiosk: Navigating a large hospital can be stressful. Displays with clear wayfinding, calming visuals, and maybe even a bit of humor can make the experience less daunting for patients and visitors alike.
  • The Corporate Lobby Display: Forget static company logos. Imagine a display showcasing employee achievements, live social media updates, or even a rotating gallery of client testimonials. It’s a way to foster pride, community, and a sense of connection within the workplace.
  • The Restaurant Menu Board: Mouthwatering food photography is a given, but some restaurants go further, using displays to share the stories behind their dishes, the origins of their ingredients, or even a glimpse into their kitchen. This makes ordering an experience, not just a transaction.
  • The Public Transit Shelter: While you wait for your bus or train, why not learn something new? Some transit systems use displays to showcase local history, public art, or even real-time environmental data. It’s a way to turn a routine commute into an opportunity for engagement.

Let’s turn your screens into engagement magnets.

Bringing the Past to Life: Museum Exhibits that Ignite Curiosity

Remember that dusty diorama from your childhood field trip? Yeah, museum exhibits have come a long way. Today’s museums are trading static displays for dynamic digital stories that put you right in the heart of history.

  • Interactive Timelines: Picture this: a giant touchscreen timeline stretches across the video wall. You swipe through centuries, zooming in on key events, and watching historical figures come to life through videos and animations. Suddenly, dates aren’t just numbers; they’re stories waiting to be explored.
  • Artifact Showcases: Imagine standing before a centuries-old vase, not just reading a dry description, but hearing the story of the artisan who crafted it. Through audio recordings, holographic projections, or even augmented reality overlays, museums can give artifacts a voice, revealing the human stories behind the objects.
  • Immersive Video Projections: Ever wished you could witness a historical event firsthand? Immersive video projections can transport you to ancient battlefields, bustling city streets, or even outer space. These larger-than-life displays envelop you in sights and sounds, making history feel tangible and unforgettable.

A study by the American Alliance of Museums found that visitors who engage with interactive exhibits stay in the museum 2-3 times longer than those who don’t. That’s the power of storytelling at play. Digital displays create a deeper connection between visitors and the interactive content, transforming a passive learning experience into an active adventure.

Your Journey Begins Here: Airport Displays That Elevate the Arrival Experience

Ever feel like airports are a bit… sterile? Sure, departure boards keep things running smoothly, but where’s the personality? Forward-thinking airports are changing the game by using digital displays to infuse some local flavor and turn arrivals into memorable moments.

  • A Warm Welcome Through Art and Culture: Imagine stepping off a plane and being greeted by a vibrant display of local artwork, showcasing the region’s unique style and heritage. It’s a way to connect visitors with the spirit of the place before they even leave the airport. Some airports even feature live feeds from local cultural events, giving travelers a taste of what’s happening in the city.
  • Nature’s Tranquility Amidst the Hustle: Travel can be stressful, but digital displays can offer a calming respite. Imagine a soothing slideshow of breathtaking landscapes, from serene forests to sparkling coastlines. These scenes can help travelers relax and de-stress, setting a positive tone for their trip.
  • The Business Case for Better Arrivals: Airports are realizing that a positive arrival experience can have a ripple effect. A study by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) found that a 1% improvement in passenger satisfaction can lead to a 1.5% increase in non-aeronautical revenue. By investing in engaging displays, airports can boost their bottom line while creating a more welcoming environment for all.

Window Shopping, Reimagined: Interactive Retail Displays That Lure You In

Tired of the same old mannequins in the window? Retailers are ditching static displays for interactive experiences that turn the sidewalk into a stage. These high-tech windows don’t just showcase products, they engage passersby in a multi-sensory dance of fashion and fun.

  • Motion-Activated Magic: Ever felt a store window beckoning you closer? Motion sensors can trigger displays to spring to life as you approach, revealing new products, animations, or even personalized greetings. It’s like the store is reaching out for a high-five, sparking curiosity and inviting interaction.
  • Augmented Reality Adventures: Who needs a fitting room when you can try on clothes virtually? Augmented reality displays let you see how that dress or jacket would look on you without even stepping inside. It’s a fun, low-pressure way to explore the collection and visualize yourself in the latest styles.
  • Storytelling Through Style: Forget bland product descriptions. Some retailers are using their windows to tell a story, showcasing outfits in the context of a themed narrative. Imagine a display that transports you to a tropical beach or a bustling cityscape, with models and accessories painting a vivid picture of the brand’s lifestyle.
  • Gamification Gets You in the Game: Want to play a game to unlock a discount? Interactive displays can turn shopping into a challenge, rewarding engagement with exclusive offers or prizes. It’s a clever way to gamify the experience and make shoppers feel like they’re winning, even before they buy.
  • Data-Driven Personalization: Ever felt like a store was reading your mind? Some retailers are using facial recognition technology to tailor window displays to the individual viewer. It’s like having a personal stylist curating the looks just for you, based on your age, gender, or even your mood.
  • Boosting Foot Traffic and Sales: Interactive window displays aren’t just eye candy; they have a measurable impact on the bottom line. A study found that 63% of consumers said interactive displays influenced their purchase decisions. By making window shopping an engaging experience, retailers are drawing more customers inside and driving sales.

Beyond the Flash: Times Square Billboards That Spark Conversations

Times Square is a symphony of light and sound, a dazzling spectacle of larger-than-life advertising. But amidst the sea of flashing neon, some brands are using their digital billboards to do more than just sell products. They’re weaving narratives, sparking conversations, and turning the iconic square into an interactive playground.

Picture this: a billboard that doesn’t just display a static image, but tells a captivating story in bite-sized chunks, unfolding over time. It could be a heartwarming tale about a family road trip, a mini-documentary about a social cause, or even a serialized drama that keeps viewers hooked day after day. These “billboard stories” offer a refreshing alternative to the usual advertising blitz, leaving a lasting impression on passersby.

But it doesn’t stop there. Some brands are getting the audience involved, transforming their billboards into interactive experiences. Imagine playing a giant game of Pong on a skyscraper-sized screen, controlled by your smartphone. Or sharing a selfie on social media platforms and seeing it pop up on a Times Square billboard moments later. These interactive elements create a sense of community and make the billboard feel like a shared experience.

This shift towards storytelling and interactivity is paying off. According to a study by Nielsen, 64% of consumers say they’re more likely to notice and remember digital billboards that are creative and engaging. By pushing the boundaries of what a billboard can be, brands are not only capturing attention but also fostering deeper connections with their audience.

More Than Just Numbers: Scoreboards That Electrify the Game-Day Experience

Remember those old-school scoreboards, flashing basic scores and the occasional player stat? Today’s stadiums are ditching those relics for digital displays that rival Hollywood productions. These aren’t just scoreboards; they’re engagement engines that pump up the crowd, celebrate the fans, and create an unforgettable atmosphere.

  • Animation Nation: Who says stats have to be boring? Animated graphics turn routine plays into mini-movies, complete with slow-motion replays, player close-ups, and dramatic sound effects. It’s like watching a highlight reel in real-time, keeping fans on the edge of their seats even during lulls in the action.
  • Fan Cam Frenzy: Ever dreamed of seeing your face on the big screen? Fan cams turn the spotlight on the audience, capturing candid moments of cheering, dancing, and sheer joy. It’s a way to make every fan feel like a star, fostering a sense of community and shared excitement.
  • Social Media Mania: Hashtags come to life as stadium displays pull in real-time social media feeds. Imagine seeing your tweet or Instagram post flashed across the screen, amplifying your voice and connecting you with fellow fans around the world. It’s a way to turn the game into a global conversation, fueled by the power of social media.
  • Beyond the Game: But it’s not just about the game itself. Digital scoreboards can also be used to promote team sponsors, share public service announcements, or even showcase local community events. It’s a way to leverage the massive audience reach of stadiums for a variety of purposes, making the scoreboard a versatile platform for engagement.
  • The ROI of Rousing the Crowd: Investing in an engaging scoreboard isn’t just about customer satisfaction; it’s also a smart business move. According to a study, teams that upgraded their scoreboards saw an average attendance increase of 15%. By creating a more exciting game-day experience, stadiums can attract more fans and boost revenue.

Finding Your Way with a Smile: Hospital Wayfinding That Soothes and Guides

Let’s face it, hospitals aren’t exactly known for their relaxing vibes. Maze-like corridors, unfamiliar terminology, and the underlying stress of health concerns can turn a visit into an overwhelming experience. But what if digital displays could lend a helping hand, not just with directions, but with a dose of comfort and reassurance?

Imagine approaching a kiosk that doesn’t just spit out a map, but greets you with a warm message and calming visuals. Instead of sterile arrows, you’re guided by playful animations or nature scenes that ease anxiety. Maybe there’s even a bit of humor sprinkled in, like a lighthearted quote or a funny cartoon, to take the edge off.

These displays aren’t just about getting you from point A to B; they’re about making the journey a little less daunting. By creating a more positive atmosphere, hospitals can help patients and visitors feel more at ease, fostering a sense of trust and well-being. After all, a friendly face and a clear path can go a long way in a place where emotions often run high.

More Than a Logo: Corporate Lobby Digital Signs That Build Community and Boost Morale

Picture this: you walk into your office lobby, and instead of the same old company logo, you’re greeted by a vibrant video wall controller. It showcases the latest team wins, shout-outs from happy customers, and even a live feed of your company’s social media buzz. Suddenly, the lobby isn’t just a pass-through; it’s a hub of connection and celebration, where employees and visitors can view visual data in an exciting new way.

  • Shining a Light on Employee Wins: Imagine a “Hall of Fame” section that highlights employee achievements, from project milestones to personal accomplishments. It’s a way to recognize hard work, foster healthy competition, and give everyone a chance to shine. When employees feel valued and appreciated, it can lead to increased motivation and customer engagement, leading to a higher degree of brand loyalty.
  • Amplifying Customer Voices: What better way to build trust than to let your happy customers do the talking? Rotating client testimonials on the lobby display not only adds social proof but also gives employees a real-time reminder of the impact their work has on others. Knowing customer preferences through these testimonials can give employees valuable insights into their work.
  • Tapping into the Social Pulse: In today’s hyper-connected world, social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness and engaging with your audience. Why not bring that buzz into the workplace? Live social media feeds on the lobby display, with seamless integration into the company’s video wall controller, can showcase your company’s online presence, spark conversations among employees, and even inspire user-generated content.
  • More Than Just Aesthetics: Investing in an engaging lobby display isn’t just about creating a cool atmosphere. It’s about fostering a sense of community and purpose within the workplace. A study by Gallup found that companies with engaged employees outperform their competitors by 147% in earnings per share. By creating a lobby that celebrates your company’s culture and values, you’re not just decorating a space; you’re investing in your employees’ success.

A Feast for the Eyes and the Imagination: Menu Boards That Whet Your Appetite

Sure, a picture of a juicy burger can make your stomach rumble. But what if your menu could do more than just showcase pretty food? Imagine a digital display technology that takes you on a culinary journey, revealing the stories behind the dishes, the origins of the ingredients, and even a behind-the-scenes peek at the kitchen magic.

  • From Farm to Fork: Ever wondered where your food comes from? Some restaurants are using displays to highlight their commitment to local sourcing and sustainable practices. Imagine watching a short video about the farmers who grew your vegetables, or reading about the fishermen who caught your seafood. It’s a way to connect diners with the people and places behind their meal, fostering a sense of appreciation and respect for the food they’re about to enjoy.
  • The Chef’s Table, Virtually: Ever wished you could have a chat with the chef? Some restaurants are using displays to share the inspiration behind their dishes, the cultural influences that shaped their recipes, or even the personal stories that connect them to the food. It’s like getting a virtual seat at the chef’s table, gaining a deeper understanding of the culinary artistry on your plate.
  • A Sneak Peek Behind the Scenes: Have you ever wondered what goes on in the kitchen? Live video feeds can give diners a glimpse of the action, showcasing the chefs in their element, the meticulous preparation of ingredients, and the passion that goes into every dish. It’s a way to build trust and transparency, while also adding a touch of excitement and entertainment to the dining experience.

Beyond the Bench: Transforming Transit Stops Into Engaging Experiences

Tired of staring at your phone while you wait for the bus? Some cities are reimagining transit shelters as mini-hubs of information and entertainment, using digital displays to spark curiosity and connection, even during those brief moments of transit.

  • Unearthing Local Lore: Have you ever wondered about the history of your neighborhood? Transit shelters can be portals to the past, showcasing historical photos, stories about local landmarks, or even interactive maps that reveal hidden gems in your community. It’s a way to foster a sense of place and pride, turning a mundane wait into a micro-lesson in local history.
  • A Canvas for Creativity: Who says public art has to be confined to galleries? Digital displays at transit stops can showcase the work of local artists, transforming the shelter into an open-air exhibition. It’s a way to support the digital art community, add vibrancy to public spaces, and expose commuters to new forms of creative expression.
  • Real-Time Data for a Greener Commute: Curious about your city’s air quality or carbon footprint? Some transit systems are using displays to share real-time environmental data, raising awareness about sustainability issues and empowering commuters to make informed choices about their transportation habits.

Wrapping Up: The Power of Storytelling, Pixel by Pixel

You’ve seen how digital displays on video walls can transcend their basic functions to become powerful storytelling tools. From museums to airports to bustling city streets, these displays are transforming how we interact with information, brands, and each other. It’s clear that visual storytelling isn’t just a trend; it’s the future of engagement.

Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve uncovered:

  • Museum exhibits that breathe life into history
  • Airport displays that elevate the travel experience
  • Interactive retail windows that lure you in
  • Times Square billboards that spark conversations
  • Stadium scoreboards that electrify the game-day atmosphere
  • Hospital wayfinding kiosks that soothe and guide
  • Corporate lobby displays that build community
  • Restaurant menu boards that whet your appetite
  • Transit shelter displays that turn commutes into learning opportunities

Ready to weave your own captivating stories? CrownTV is here to help you harness the power of digital signage to connect with your audience in meaningful ways. Our comprehensive solutions, from dashboard to customizable social media integration and apps, empower you to create displays that inform, entertain, and inspire.

Whether you’re a museum curator, a retail manager, or a corporate communicator, CrownTV can help you transform your screens into dynamic storytellers. We offer cutting-edge cloud-based software, a wide array of indoor and high-brightness window displays, and expert installation services. Our tailored solutions cater to various industries, ensuring your message resonates with your specific audience.

And if you’re looking for a truly seamless experience, our White Glove Experience takes care of everything from digital signage content creation and real-time updates to secure, remote management of your displays and the installation process. With over 13 years of experience and a commitment to competitive pricing, CrownTV delivers impactful results that elevate your brand and captivate your audience.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

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