Digital Display Mastery: 8 Tips for Effective Advertising

Digital Display Advertising Tips


Digital displays are everywhere, vying for attention with a constant stream of content. Is your digital signage getting overlooked? With the right approach, those screens can be powerful tools to boost engagement and build brand awareness. It’s all about having the right strategy in place.

Let’s turn your digital signage into a captivating digital marketing asset. Here’s what we’ll cover to help you unlock their full potential:

  • Craft messaging that resonates with your audience
  • Use eye-catching visuals that command attention
  • Optimize screen placement for maximum visibility
  • Time your content strategically for the best impact
  • Choose user-friendly software for effortless management
  • Tap into analytics to fine-tune your results
  • Make your content interactive to boost engagement
  • Refresh your displays regularly to avoid fatigue

Ready to see those displays shine? Let’s dive in!

Craft Messaging That Resonates with Your Audience

Think of your digital signage as a conversation, not a billboard. The most impactful messages connect with viewers. Here’s how to make that happen:

  • Know Your People: Who are you trying to reach? What are their pain points, interests, and needs? Your digital display messages should feel like they were designed specifically for your ideal customer.
  • Focus on Benefits, Not Features: No one cares about the technical specs of your product. Instead, tell them how it will improve their lives. Will it save them time, solve a problem, or simply make them smile?
  • Keep it Short and Sweet: People are on the move. You have seconds, not minutes, to grab their attention. Use clear, concise language and powerful visuals to hammer your message home.
  • Speak Their Language: Ditch the jargon and complex phrasing. Match the tone of your messaging to how your audience actually communicates. Are they casual and friendly, or more formal and professional?

Pro Tip: A strong call to action (CTA) is crucial! Tell people what you want them to do next – visit your website, try a sample, follow you on social media, etc.

Use Eye-Catching Visuals That Command Attention

seamless user experience

Visuals are king in the world of digital signage. They can capture attention, convey information quickly, and even stir emotions. Here’s how to make sure your visuals pack a punch:

  • High quality is Key: Blurry images and pixelated videos are an immediate turn-off. Use crisp, high-resolution visuals to make a professional impression.
  • Color Pops: Use a vibrant color scheme that stands out from the surrounding environment. Be sure your colors contrast well for easy readability.
  • Motion is Magic: Simple animations or short videos break up static content and create a sense of dynamism. CrownTV’s player makes it easy to add these elements.
  • Tell a Story: Even a single static image can be powerful if it conveys a clear message or sparks curiosity. Think about how your visuals can support your overall messaging.
  • Less is More: Don’t try to cram too much information onto a single screen. Give your key visuals room to breathe so they land with impact.

Optimize Screen Placement for Maximum Visibility

Where you put your screens is just as important as what you put on them. Let’s make sure your digital signage gets noticed:

Consider Your Audience Flow

Think about where your audience spends the most time. In a retail environment, this might be near entrances, dressing rooms, or even those strategic pause points in the middle of busy aisles. For healthcare waiting rooms, screens should be positioned so that everyone in the seating area can view them clearly. The goal is to place your screens in the natural line of sight, avoiding areas where they become background noise. If you need to mount a screen above a doorway, consider angling it slightly downwards for better visibility.

CrownTV’s apps and integrations add even more flexibility! Tap into real-time social media feeds on various social media platforms, news updates, local weather, and more to keep content dynamic and cater directly to your audience’s interests. This can even streamline your marketing efforts, reducing the need for separate ad spend on those channels.

Think Like a Viewer

Take a walk through your space and put yourself in the shoes of a customer. Are there areas where your screens would blend in too seamlessly with the surroundings? Could they get obscured by furniture, displays, or other fixtures during busy periods?

Also, consider the comfort factor. Screens mounted too high force people to strain their necks, while those mounted too low might get lost in foot traffic. Aim for optimal screen placement at or slightly above average eye level for the most comfortable viewing experience.

Leverage Existing Infrastructure

Before you start drilling holes and running cables, take a look around! Columns, overhead beams, and even unused wall space within cabinetry or niches might offer the perfect screen mounting solution. This approach cuts down on extraneous hardware and gives your digital signage a cleaner, more integrated appearance. Think about how your content could complement existing décor elements – this is a subtle but impactful part of digital marketing mastery.

When possible, consider mounting displays on a swivel or extendable arm. This gives you flexibility if you need to make slight adjustments to the angle or position, especially in areas with changing lighting conditions that could cause glare.

Time Your Content Strategically for the Best Impact

Digital signage isn’t a “set it and forget it” proposition. When your content appears is as important as what you display. Let’s maximize impact with strategic timing:

  • The Daily Rhythm: Know your business’s peak hours and slow periods. Adjust your content schedule to match. Think upbeat, promotional messaging for the morning rush, and more informational content during those lulls.
  • The Right Context: Fast-paced environment? Keep messages short and snappy. Waiting room with longer dwell time? Longer content is perfectly fine!
  • Experiment and Adapt: Don’t be afraid to A/B test different content rotations. CrownTV dashboard makes setting up custom schedules a breeze, so you can keep refining your timing strategy.
  • Stay Relevant: Hook into special events, seasonal changes, and even the weather! Tailoring your content keeps it fresh and engaging.

Timing is everything. Think about your audience’s mindset throughout the day to make the most of every screen view.

Choose User-Friendly Software for Effortless Management

video ads

Managing your digital signage shouldn’t add another layer of stress to your day! The right software can take the headache out of content updates, scheduling, and managing multiple displays.

  • Intuitive Interface: Steep learning curves are a no-go. The best platforms let you get things done quickly, without endless clicking and searching for options.
  • Drag-and-Drop Editing: Content updates shouldn’t require a design degree! Look for software that lets you drag and drop images, text, and other elements to easily build engaging displays.
  • Pre-Made Templates: Starting from scratch can be intimidating. Great software offers a library of eye-catching templates that you can customize to match your brand.
  • Remote Access: The ability to manage your displays from anywhere is invaluable, particularly if you have multiple locations!
  • Robust Scheduling: Customize your content to play at specific times and dates, or set up recurring rotations for effortless management.

Look for a platform with a clean, intuitive interface that’s easy to learn and use. CrownTV dashboard is designed with simplicity in mind, so you don’t have to be a tech whiz to make your screens shine. Drag-and-drop editing, pre-made templates, and remote access make it a breeze to keep your content fresh and dynamic, even across multiple locations.

CrownTV also offers flexible plans to suit businesses of all sizes, and can even integrate with your existing Google Ads campaigns to streamline your overall marketing efforts. This can be particularly effective if you’re already using a display ad to target similar audiences.

Tap into Analytics to Fine-Tune Your Results

Digital signage isn’t a set-and-forget solution. The best results come from constantly refining your approach. That’s where analytics come into play! By tracking metrics like viewer engagement, dwell time, and click-through rates, you’ll gain powerful insights into what content resonates with your audience. This data takes the guesswork out of your digital marketing strategies. Are certain displays getting ignored? Maybe you need to experiment with their placement or the type of content you’re showing to enhance your display ads’ performance.

A/B testing is your secret weapon. Try different variations on a single message to see which one gets the strongest response. Don’t overlook the power of customization! Analytics might reveal that certain demographics respond best to specific types of messaging, giving you the ability to tailor content based on time of day or even location for maximum engagement.

Think about how the insights you gain could improve your overall online visibility. Could you tweak your messaging to better align with the keywords people use on search engines, driving them to your website or landing pages? The more you understand your audience, the stronger your search engine results pages (SERPs) rankings can become.

Make Your Content Interactive to Boost Engagement

Static displays can only do so much. To truly capture your audience’s attention, invite them to participate! Interactive elements add a layer of excitement and make your digital signage a more memorable experience. Consider touchscreens to give viewers control. This could be as simple as letting them browse a menu, explore product details, or take a fun quiz related to your brand. The act of physically engaging with your display creates a stronger connection than passive viewing.

Incorporate QR codes that link to your website, social media pages, or even special offers. This gives viewers a quick and easy way to get more information or take action on something that piques their interest. It also bridges the gap between your digital and online presence, potentially boosting your landing page traffic.

Gamification can add a playful touch to your signage. Contests, trivia, and even simple polls turn displays into a source of entertainment and encourage viewers to linger and engage with your brand on a deeper level. Be sure to track your campaign performance to see which interactive elements resonate most strongly with your audience.

Let’s not forget the power of leveraging social media platforms. Share contests or polls directly from your screens to drive online engagement. You can even incorporate real-time social feeds for a dynamic and constantly updating element. Think of your displays as an extension of your overall content marketing strategy.

Refresh Your Displays Regularly to Avoid Fatigue

Even the most eye-catching content can become stale if it sits unchanged for too long. Think of your displays like a shop window – you wouldn’t leave the same mannequins in the same poses month after month! Regularly rotate your content to keep viewers engaged and prevent your message from blending into the background. Switch up promotional offers, highlight seasonal happenings, or even incorporate user-generated content to add a dynamic element.

Stale displays can even reflect poorly on your brand, giving off an impression of neglect or lack of attention to detail. A commitment to freshness shows that you’re invested in providing viewers with an engaging and current experience, encouraging them to look to your screens as a source of up-to-date information.

Case Study: Cineplex Digital Media Expands its Reach


Canadian cinema giant Cineplex has made a significant move in the digital signage space, teaming up with Cadillac Fairview to manage advertising screens in top-tier shopping malls across the country. This partnership gives Cineplex Digital Media (CDM) a dominant presence in a high-traffic environment, ideal for reaching vast and diverse audiences.

The key takeaways from this case study highlight several strategies we’ve discussed:

  • Strategic Placement: Shopping malls offer captive audiences with ample dwell time. This allows CDM to showcase longer-form content, dynamic campaigns, and targeted promotions that can have a greater impact.
  • Data and Analytics: With access to mall traffic and demographic information, CDM can tailor content for specific audiences at different times of day, maximizing engagement potential.
  • Revenue Growth: The increased scale of their network opens up more online advertising opportunities for CDM. Being able to offer a premium national network is highly attractive to brands looking for broad reach.
  • Content is King: Even with prime placement, CDM must still focus on delivering eye-catching and relevant content to capture the attention of busy shoppers.

This case study is a perfect example of how smart strategy and a focus on quality content can turn digital signage into a powerful advertising and marketing tool.

Wrapping Up: Level Up Your Digital Advertising

You now have the tools to transform your screens into captivating marketing assets! Remember, it’s about strategic messaging, eye-catching visuals, and content that resonates with your target audience. Don’t forget the importance of placement, timing, and staying fresh to fight content fatigue.

Key takeaways:

  • Focus on your audience’s needs.
  • Visually appealing is everything.
  • Place your screens strategically.
  • Time your content wisely.
  • Use analytics to make smarter decisions.
  • Don’t be afraid to get interactive!

Let CrownTV take the hassle out of digital signage so you can focus on creating incredible content. Our user-friendly dashboards and powerful features give you everything you need for success. And for those who want a completely hands-off approach, ask about our White Glove Experience – we’ll set up your entire system and take care of ongoing content management for stunning displays without any of the heavy lifting.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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