10 Best Practices for Internal Communications from Digital Signage Experts

Ever feel like your internal communications are a one-way street, with messages disappearing into a void? You’re not alone. Many organizations grapple with ineffective communication, leading to disengaged employees and missed opportunities. But what if you could transform your workplace communication into a vibrant two-way conversation? Digital signage isn’t just about flashy displays; it’s a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can revolutionize how you connect with your team.

Take, for instance, a bustling manufacturing plant that struggled to keep frontline workers informed. By strategically placing digital signage throughout their facility, they saw a 20% increase in employee awareness of key safety protocols within weeks.

Intrigued? We thought so.

In this guide, we’re pulling back the curtain on ten expert-backed best practices for internal communication using digital signage. You’ll discover how to:

  • Craft eye-catching content that cuts through the noise
  • Strategically place screens for maximum impact
  • Utilize interactive features to boost employee engagement
  • Leverage data and analytics to refine your approach
  • And much more!

Get ready to turn up the volume on your internal communications and watch your company culture thrive.

Command Attention with Captivating Content

The days of dreary memos and snooze-inducing newsletters are over. Your digital signage is a blank canvas, begging for creativity. It’s your chance to break through the information overload and capture your employees’ attention.    

  • Make Headlines That Pop: Think of your headlines as mini-billboards within your digital signage. They need to pack a punch. Use strong verbs, numbers, and questions to pique curiosity. For example, instead of “New HR Policy,” try “3 Ways Our New HR Policy Puts Money Back in Your Pocket.”    
  • Visuals That Wow: A picture is worth a thousand words, and in the world of digital signage, a video might be worth even more. Don’t be afraid to use high-quality images, animations, and videos to bring your content to life. But remember, visuals should complement your message, not overpower it.    
  • Keep it Short and Sweet: Employees are bombarded with information all day long. Respect their time by delivering your message in a concise and impactful way. Stick to the essentials, and let your visuals do some of the heavy lifting. Did you know that the average attention span is now a mere eight seconds? That’s less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee! Your content needs to grab attention fast and deliver the message before your audience moves on.    
  • Ditch the Jargon and embrace Authenticity: Nobody likes to feel like they’re reading a corporate dictionary. Speak to your employees like real people. Use a conversational tone, inject some humor, and show off your company’s personality. Authenticity builds trust and engagement.

Location: Prime Real Estate for Your Digital Signage

Think of your digital signage as a network of mini-billboards within your workplace.  Just like in advertising, placement is everything. A strategically positioned screen can make all the difference in capturing attention and driving engagement. In fact, research has shown that digital signage captures 400% more views than static displays.    

  • High-Traffic Hubs: These are the prime spots where employees naturally congregate and pause. A well-placed screen in these areas is like a magnet, drawing in viewers and delivering your message when they’re most receptive. For example, consider a vibrant welcome message in the lobby to greet employees and visitors alike, or company-wide announcements displayed in the breakroom during lunch hours.    
  • Point-of-Decision Displays: These are the “impulse buy” locations of digital signage.  Employees waiting for the elevator or clocking out are more likely to glance at a screen and absorb its content.  Use these spots for quick announcements, reminders, or even fun facts to brighten their day. Imagine displaying a motivational quote near the time clock as employees start their day, or a weather update as they head out the door.    
  • Department-Specific Displays: Take a targeted approach by placing screens in areas frequented by specific departments. This allows you to tailor content to their interests and needs, boosting relevance and engagement.  For example, a manufacturing plant might display safety tips in the production area, a sales team could see real-time performance metrics in their workspace, or company-wide announcements could be displayed in the cafeteria.    
  • Don’t Forget the Outdoors: Extend your reach beyond your walls by using outdoor digital signage to welcome visitors, showcase company achievements, or even broadcast community events. Research shows that exterior digital signage can increase brand awareness by up to 47.7%. Consider displaying a welcome message to visitors as they approach your building, or showcasing employee testimonials to highlight your company culture.

Tech Tip:  Consider using a heatmap tool to track foot traffic in your workplace. This data can help you pinpoint the most effective locations for your digital signage, ensuring maximum visibility and impact. You can even track how long viewers dwell on certain content to gauge engagement and refine your strategy.

Speak Their Language: Tailor Content for Maximum Impact

Imagine walking into a shoe store and seeing nothing but hiking boots. You might be a hiker, but chances are you’d feel a little out of place if that’s all they had to offer. The same goes for your internal communications. A generic message might resonate with some, but tailoring your content to specific audiences ensures everyone feels seen and heard.

Picture this: your sales team is fired up by real-time performance metrics displayed on a screen near their workstations. Meanwhile, the marketing team gets a glimpse of their latest campaign’s impact on social media feeds displayed in their creative space. In the breakroom, a rotating series of employee spotlights and wellness tips captures everyone’s attention.

By segmenting your audience and tailoring content, you’re not just broadcasting messages; you’re fostering a sense of belonging and connection. When employees see information relevant to their roles, interests, and even locations, they’re more likely to engage, remember, and act on it. It’s about creating an effective internal communication ecosystem where every voice matters and every message finds its mark.

Beat the Boredom: Keep Your Content Fresh and Engaging

A stale playlist gets old fast, and so does stale digital signage content. Just like you wouldn’t wear the same outfit every day, don’t let your screens wear the same message for weeks on end. Think of it as curating a living, breathing gallery of information that keeps your audience coming back for more. Stagnant displays quickly fade into the background, becoming mere digital wallpaper. But a dynamic, ever-evolving content strategy can transform your screens into captivating employee communication hubs. Regular updates not only pique curiosity but also reinforce key messages, ensuring they stick in the minds of your employees.

Imagine walking into a museum where the exhibits never change. You might visit once, but would you return? The same principle applies to your digital signage. Keep your content fresh with a mix of timely announcements, interactive elements, social media feeds, and even fun facts or trivia. A consistent refresh schedule is key. Consider daily, weekly, or even hourly updates, depending on the nature of your content and your audience’s habits. This doesn’t mean you have to reinvent the wheel every time. Repurpose existing content, create themed series, or even invite employees to contribute their own photos or ideas.

Remember, the goal is to create a sense of anticipation and excitement around your digital signage. When employees know that there’s always something new and interesting to see, they’ll be more likely to make it a part of their daily routine. And that’s when the real magic happens – when your screens become a catalyst for conversation, collaboration, and a thriving company culture.

Spark Conversations: Turn Passive Viewers into Active Participants

Don’t let your digital signage be a one-way street. Elevate your communication from mere broadcasts to engaging dialogues by embracing interactivity. When employees can actively participate in the content, they’re more likely to remember it, share it, and take action.    

  • Quizzes and Polls: Who doesn’t love a little friendly competition? Trivia quizzes, polls, and surveys are a fun way to get employees involved and gauge their opinions. Ask questions about company culture, upcoming events, or even lighthearted topics to break the ice. The results can provide valuable insights and spark conversations.    
  • Social Media Walls: Integrate your company’s social media feeds into your digital signage to showcase the latest buzz. Encourage employees to share photos, comments, and posts using a designated hashtag. This not only amplifies your brand’s social presence but also fosters a sense of community and shared experience.    
  • Interactive Wayfinding: Help employees and visitors find their way around with interactive maps and directories. Incorporate touchscreens or QR codes that provide detailed directions, meeting room schedules, and even personalized itineraries for guests.    
  • Live Q&A Sessions: Host live Q&A sessions with company leaders or subject matter experts. Employees can submit questions via their phones or the digital signage itself, creating a transparent and interactive forum for discussion. This fosters a sense of openness and encourages direct communication between employees and management.    
  • Feedback Forms: Provide a platform for employees to share their feedback, suggestions, and ideas through interactive forms. This not only shows that you value their opinions but also gives you valuable data to improve your communication strategy.

By embracing interactivity, you’re not just delivering information; you’re creating a platform for engagement, feedback, and collaboration. Your digital signage becomes a vibrant hub where employees can connect, share, and learn, ultimately strengthening your company culture.

Data-Driven Decisions: Measure and Refine Your Digital Signage Strategy

Your digital signage isn’t just a communication tool; it’s a treasure trove of valuable data waiting to be unlocked. By tracking key metrics, you can gain a deeper understanding of your audience’s behavior and preferences. This data-driven approach allows you to fine-tune your content strategy, optimize screen placement, and ultimately maximize the impact of your digital signage investment.    

  • Track Views and Impressions: This is the foundation of your analytics. How many people are actually seeing your content? Track views and impressions for each screen and message to understand which locations and content types are most popular. This data can help you identify areas where you may need to adjust screen placement or content scheduling.    
  • Analyze Dwell Time: Dwell time measures how long viewers are spending with your content. A high dwell time indicates that your message is captivating, while a low dwell time suggests you need to spice things up. By analyzing dwell time for different content types, you can identify which messages are resonating with your audience and which ones need a makeover.    
  • Monitor Interactions: If your digital signage includes interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or social media feeds, track how users are interacting with them. Are they participating in polls? Sharing photos on social media? This data can reveal which types of interactive content are most engaging and provide valuable insights into your audience’s interests and preferences.    
  • Use A/B Testing: Experiment with different content variations to see what performs best. Try different headlines, visuals, and calls to action. By analyzing the results, you can pinpoint which elements resonate most with your audience and make data-backed decisions to optimize your content strategy.
  • Leverage Digital Signage Software: Many digital signage platforms offer built-in analytics tools that make it easy to track and analyze your data. These tools can provide detailed reports, visualizations, and even real-time insights to help you make informed decisions on the fly.

Remember, data is your friend. By embracing a data-driven approach, you can transform your digital signage from a guessing game into a well-oiled machine, delivering the right message to the right audience at the right time.

Amplify Your Message: Weave Digital Signage into Your Communication Tapestry

Don’t let your digital signage become an isolated silo in your communication strategy. Think of it as a vibrant thread that can be woven into the rich tapestry of your existing channels. By integrating your digital signage with tools like email, intranet, and social media, you can create a multi-layered, cohesive communication experience that resonates with your employees on multiple levels.

Turn Up the Volume on Existing Campaigns

Use digital signage to complement and amplify your existing campaigns. For example, if you’re launching a new product, send out an email with a teaser video and then follow it up with a more in-depth video on your digital signage displays.

This creates a sense of continuity and reinforces your message across multiple touchpoints. You can even use your digital signage to encourage employees to sign up for email newsletters or follow your company on social media, expanding your reach and engagement.

Bridge the Gap Between Digital and Physical

Digital signage can be a powerful tool for bridging the gap between the digital and physical worlds. For instance, you can use QR codes on your screens to link to online surveys, employee feedback forms, or even personalized discount codes for employees.

This creates a seamless and interactive experience that encourages employees to engage with your content on a deeper level. Imagine a screen in the cafeteria displaying a delicious new menu item with a QR code that allows employees to order it directly from their phones.

By integrating your digital signage with other communication channels, you’re not just broadcasting messages; you’re creating a dynamic, multi-faceted conversation. This integrated approach ensures that your message is heard loud and clear, no matter where your employees are or how they prefer to consume information.

Reinforce Your Brand: Infuse Your Digital Signage with Company Identity

Your digital signage is more than just an information hub; it’s a visual representation of your brand. Just as your website and marketing materials reflect your company’s unique identity, so should your digital displays. By incorporating your logo, colors, and overall aesthetic into your signage, you create a cohesive and professional look that reinforces your brand image.

Imagine walking into a high-end retail store where the displays are mismatched and cluttered. It would likely detract from the overall shopping experience and leave a negative impression. The same applies to your workplace. A disjointed digital signage display can create a sense of disorganization and even undermine your brand’s credibility.

When your digital signage seamlessly integrates with your existing branding, it creates a sense of familiarity and trust. Employees and visitors alike will instantly recognize your company’s visual identity, which reinforces your brand’s presence and message. This cohesive approach also creates a more polished and professional look for your workplace, leaving a lasting positive impression on everyone who walks through your doors.

Inclusivity Amplified: Design Digital Signage for Every Member of Your Team

Internal digital signage isn’t just about aesthetics and engagement; it’s about fostering an inclusive workplace where everyone feels seen and heard. Consider the diverse needs of your employees, including those with visual impairments. By adhering to accessibility guidelines, you’re not only ensuring that everyone can benefit from your interactive digital signage content, but you’re also demonstrating your commitment to a truly inclusive workplace.

Prioritize clear, high-contrast fonts that are easy to read from a distance. Opt for simple, uncluttered layouts that don’t overwhelm the eye. Ensure that videos and animations have captions or transcripts for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Don’t overlook the power of audio cues and screen readers. By incorporating audio descriptions and alternative text, you can make your content accessible to those with visual impairments, ensuring that no one misses out on important information.

Collaborate for Success: Tap into Digital Signage Expertise

Don’t go it alone in your digital signage journey. Partnering with experts can save you time, money, and headaches while ensuring your internal communications reach their full potential. Digital signage encompasses a wide array of technologies and strategies, and a skilled partner can guide you through the intricacies, freeing you to focus on your core business.

Choose Your Digital Signage Partner Wisely

Your internal communications strategy is only as strong as the tools you use to bring it to life. Look for a digital signage partner with a proven track record, extensive industry experience, and a deep understanding of your unique business needs. A reliable partner will offer end-to-end solutions, from hardware selection and installation to digital signage content strategy creation and ongoing support.

Key qualities to seek in an internal communications tools provider include:

  • Expertise: A deep understanding of digital signage technologies, trends, and best practices for crafting an effective internal communication strategy.
  • Customization: The ability to tailor solutions to your specific needs and goals, including digital signage content strategy.
  • Support: Responsive customer service and ongoing technical support for all your internal communications tools.
  • Innovation: A commitment to staying ahead of the curve with the latest technologies and features that enhance your internal communication strategy.

By choosing the right partner, you’re not just investing in technology; you’re investing in a long-term relationship that will empower your team to connect, collaborate, and thrive.

CrownTV: Your Partner in Digital Signage Excellence

CrownTV stands as a leader in the digital signage industry, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to elevate your internal communications. With over a decade of experience and a global presence, CrownTV has a proven track record of helping businesses transform their workplaces through dynamic and engaging digital displays.    

  • Scale, Efficiency, and Flexibility with CrownTV’s Dashboard: Managing a network of digital signage displays can be daunting, but not with CrownTV’s intuitive dashboard. This powerful tool allows you to effortlessly control and monitor your entire network from a single, centralized location. You can schedule content, track performance, and even troubleshoot issues remotely, all with a few clicks. Whether you have a handful of corporate digital signage screens or a sprawling network across multiple locations, CrownTV’s dashboard makes managing your digital signage a breeze.    
  • Unlimited Customization with CrownTV’s App World: CrownTV’s App World is a treasure trove of possibilities, offering hundreds of apps and integrations to enhance your digital signage experience. From social media feeds and weather widgets to news tickers and interactive quizzes, you can find the perfect tools to customize your content and engage your audience. The possibilities are endless, and with CrownTV’s easy-to-use interface, you can add and remove apps with just a few clicks.    
  • The Power of CrownTV’s Full-Impact Media Player: Behind every stunning digital signage display is a powerful media player. CrownTV’s exclusive media player is a compact powerhouse that delivers flawless playback and unmatched reliability. It’s designed to handle even the most demanding content, from high-resolution videos to interactive applications, ensuring that your message is always delivered with crystal-clear clarity and impact.
  • The CrownTV White-Glove Experience: CrownTV goes beyond just providing technology; they offer a white-glove service that takes care of every aspect of your digital signage journey. From initial consultation and hardware selection to content creation, installation, and ongoing support, CrownTV’s team of experts will guide you every step of the way. This comprehensive approach ensures that your digital signage system is not only effective but also hassle-free, allowing you to focus on what you do best – running your business.

The Bottom Line: Level-Up Your Internal Comms with Digital Signage!

You’ve now got a treasure trove of expert tips to catapult your internal communications into the digital age. Remember, effective communication isn’t just about sending messages; it’s about fostering a connected, informed, and engaged workforce. With the right strategy, your digital signage can be the key to unlocking a new level of collaboration and productivity.

Here’s a quick recap of the game-changing tactics we’ve covered:    

  • Craft attention-grabbing content: Ditch the corporate jargon and make your headlines pop!    
  • Strategically position your screens: Think like a real estate agent and put your displays in prime locations.    
  • Speak your audience’s language: Tailor content to different departments and interests for maximum impact.    
  • Keep it fresh: Don’t let your digital screens become digital wallpaper – update content regularly.    
  • Get interactive: Turn passive viewers into active participants with quizzes, polls, and social media feeds.    
  • Let data be your guide: Track views, dwell times, and interactions to refine your strategy.    
  • Weave it all together: Integrate digital signage with your other communication channels for a cohesive experience.    
  • Brand it like you mean it: Infuse your company’s identity into your displays for a professional look.    
  • Don’t forget accessibility: Design content that everyone can access and enjoy.    
  • Partner with experts: Tap into the knowledge and experience of professionals to maximize your results.

Ready to take your internal corporate communications to the next level with such internal communications best practices? Let’s turn your digital signage into a powerful tool for engagement, collaboration, and success.

For those seeking a seamless and impactful digital signage experience, look no further than CrownTV. With a comprehensive suite of solutions, they take the guesswork out of digital signage, handling everything from hardware selection and installation to content creation and ongoing support.

With CrownTV’s digital signage solution, you’re not just getting a product; you’re gaining a partner committed to your success. Their team of experts will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and goals, crafting a tailored solution that aligns with your brand and vision. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, CrownTV has the expertise and experience of almost 13 years to help you achieve your communication objectives.

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Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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