Improve the Break Room Experience With Digital Signage: A Step-by-Step Guide

Digital Signage


Ever wondered how a break room could actually boost productivity? It’s often the unsung hero of the workplace, but a well-designed space can be an absolute game-changer. Picture this: transforming your break room into a dynamic, engaging hub with one simple tool – digital signage.

Gone are the days when a break room was just a pit stop for caffeine. Today, it can be a vibrant space where employees recharge, connect, and find inspiration. The impact on morale and performance? Huge. Digital signage is the secret weapon to make it happen, creating an atmosphere that’s informative, inviting, and downright fun.

Why settle for a boring break room when you can create an experience? Let’s dive into how digital signage can revolutionize your space, making it the go-to spot for your team.

In this guide, we’ll walk through:

  • The Benefits of Digital Signage in Break Rooms: Discover how it amplifies communication, sparks engagement, and elevates the overall vibe.
  • Setting Up Your Digital Signage System: Follow our step-by-step process, from picking the perfect hardware to mastering software installation.
  • Creative Content Ideas: Keep your break room buzzing with fresh, captivating content that grabs attention and won’t let go.
  • Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips: Make sure your digital signage system runs like a well-oiled machine with our practical advice.

This guide is your roadmap to a break room that doesn’t just offer a break, but re-energizes and motivates your team. So, if you’re ready to take your company break room to the next level, let’s get started.

Digital Signage: Your Break Room’s Productivity Tool

Think of your break room as the heart of your company. It’s where employees refuel, connect, and (let’s be honest) vent. Now, imagine pumping that heart with a jolt of energy, a shot of engagement, and a whole lot of personality. That’s the power of digital signage.

It’s not just about flashy screens and pretty pictures. Digital signage is a communication powerhouse, boosting everything from company culture to employee morale. How? Let’s break it down:

Supercharge Communication: No More Missed Memos

Digital signage acts as a centralized communication hub, making it easier than ever to get important information in front of your team.

  • Real-Time Updates: Say goodbye to outdated bulletin boards and missed emails. With break room signage, you can instantly push out announcements, company news, policy changes, or even emergency alerts. Everyone stays in the loop, right when it matters most.
  • Targeted Messaging: Tailor your content to specific departments, locations, or even individual employees. Display safety reminders for your warehouse crew, sales figures for the marketing team, or a personalized welcome message for a new hire.
  • Visual Appeal: Ditch boring text-heavy emails and captivate your audience with eye-catching graphics, videos, and animations. A well-designed message is more likely to be noticed and remembered.
  • Interactive Elements: Spice things up with interactive elements like QR codes, polls, or social media feeds. Encourage employees to engage with the content and spark conversations.

Ignite Employee Engagement: More Than Just a Pretty Screen

Employee break rooms are meant to be social spaces, and digital signage can take that to the next level.

  • Gamification: Turn your break room into a playground with quizzes, trivia games, or even leaderboards. A little friendly competition can boost morale and create a sense of camaraderie.
  • Social Media Walls: Showcase your company’s social media feeds or create a dedicated hashtag for employees to share their experiences. It’s a fun way to foster a sense of community and build your brand.
  • Employee Recognition: Highlight birthdays, work anniversaries, or outstanding achievements. A little public recognition goes a long way in boosting morale and making employees feel valued.
  • Feedback Loops: Use surveys or polls to gather feedback on company initiatives or break room amenities. Show your employees that their opinions matter and that you’re committed to creating a positive workplace.

Create a Vibe: Your Break Room’s Makeover

Your break room should be a space where employees feel comfortable, relaxed, and inspired. Digital signage can set the tone and create an atmosphere that people want to be a part of.

  • Visual Ambiance: Use stunning visuals, calming nature scenes, or even abstract art on your break room signs to create a visually appealing environment. It’s amazing what a few well-placed screens can do to elevate a space.
  • Motivational Content: Display inspirational quotes, company values, or even customer testimonials. A positive message can set the tone for the day and remind employees of the bigger picture.
  • Infotainment: Don’t forget the fun factor! Share interesting news articles, funny videos, or even live sports scores. A little entertainment can go a long way in creating a lively and engaging atmosphere.
  • Customizable Themes: Change up the look and feel of your break room with different themes for holidays, special events, or even just to keep things fresh. A dynamic environment keeps people interested and coming back for more.

Boost Morale and Productivity: The Ripple Effect

A positive break room experience can have a ripple effect throughout your entire company. When employees feel valued and connected, they’re more likely to be engaged, productive, and loyal. In fact, effective employee break room communications, such as those facilitated by digital signage, can significantly enhance corporate culture and keep employees informed.

  • Reduced Stress: A relaxing break room can help employees de-stress and recharge, leading to improved focus and productivity when they return to their desks.
  • Increased Collaboration: A social atmosphere encourages interaction and collaboration between employees from different departments, sparking new ideas and fostering a sense of teamwork. By integrating internal messaging systems like digital signage, you can further facilitate communication and collaboration among your team members.
  • Higher Retention Rates: Happy employees are less likely to leave, saving your company the time and money associated with recruitment and training.
  • Positive Brand Image: A well-designed break room with engaging digital signage sends a message to both employees and visitors that your company cares about its people and its culture.

Showcase Your Brand: Let Your Culture Shine

Your break room is a blank canvas to showcase your company’s unique personality and values.

  • Company Story: Share your company’s history, mission, and vision through engaging visuals and storytelling. Let employees know what your company stands for and why their work matters.
  • Product Showcases: Highlight your latest products or services with eye-catching demos and testimonials. It’s a subtle way to keep your offerings top-of-mind and generate excitement.
  • Community Involvement: Showcase your company’s charitable efforts or community involvement. It reinforces your commitment to social responsibility and builds pride among employees.
  • Internal Branding: Reinforce your company’s values and culture through visual messaging and consistent branding. A strong internal brand fosters a sense of belonging and loyalty among employees.

Getting Started: Setting Up Your Digital Signage Dream Team

employee break room communications

Alright, you’re sold on the idea of a digital signage makeover for your break room. But where do you even begin? Don’t worry. We’ve got your back. Here’s your step-by-step playbook to transform your vision into reality:

Step 1: Choose Your Hardware MVPs

First things first, you need the right gear. Think of it as assembling your digital signage dream team.

  • Displays: This is your star player. Choose screens that are the right size and resolution for your space. Consider factors like viewing distance, ambient light, and the type of content you’ll be showing. Want a sleek, modern look? Go for LCD or LED displays. Need something weatherproof for an outdoor patio? Opt for a ruggedized display.
  • Media Players: This is the brains of the operation. It’s what powers your content and keeps it running smoothly. You’ll want a player that’s reliable, easy to use, and compatible with your chosen software. A powerful, dedicated media player like the CrownTV player can make all the difference in ensuring your content displays flawlessly and consistently.
  • Mounts and Stands: Don’t forget the supporting cast! Choose mounts or stands that are sturdy, secure, and aesthetically pleasing. You want your screens to look like they belong, not like an afterthought.

Consider your budget and future needs when choosing your hardware. It’s better to invest in quality equipment that will last than to cut corners and end up with a system that’s constantly breaking down.

Step 2: Pick Your Software All-Star

Now that you’ve got your hardware sorted, it’s time to choose the software that will bring your digital signage to life. This is where the real magic happens.

  • Content Management System (CMS): This is your command center. It’s where you’ll create, schedule, and manage all your content. Look for a CMS that’s user-friendly, flexible, and offers a wide range of templates and design tools. A robust and intuitive CMS, like CrownTV’s dashboard, can streamline your content management process and give you complete control over your screens from anywhere.
  • Content Creation Tools: Whether you’re a design pro or a novice, you’ll need tools to create eye-catching content. Look for software that offers easy-to-use templates, drag-and-drop functionality, and a library of stock images and videos.
  • Scheduling and Playback: Make sure your software allows you to schedule content in advance and easily adjust playback settings. You want to be able to set it and forget it, without worrying about technical glitches.

Test out different software options before committing to one. Many providers offer free trials or demos, so you can see what works best for your needs.

Step 3: Installation and Setup

You’ve got your dream team assembled and your playbook ready. Now it’s time to take the field and get your digital signage up and running.

  • Installation: If you’re not a tech whiz, don’t sweat it. Many providers offer professional installation services to make sure everything is set up correctly. For a completely hands-off approach, consider a white-glove service like CrownTV’s, where experts handle everything from installation to content creation, leaving you to focus on enjoying your transformed break room.
  • Configuration: Once your hardware is in place, it’s time to configure your software and start creating content. This is where your creativity can really shine.
  • Testing: Before you go live, be sure to test your system thoroughly. Check for any glitches, adjust display settings, and make sure your content is looking its best.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. The beauty of digital signage is that it’s easy to update and change your content, so you can always keep things fresh and engaging.

Step 4: Content Creation: Unleash Your Inner Designer

Now comes the fun part – crafting content that grabs attention and keeps your employees engaged. Think of your break room screens as a mini-TV channel, with you as the creative director. Whether you’re looking to promote safety to your shift workers or simply enhance the break room experience with engaging content on your break room TV screens, the possibilities are endless.

  • Design Matters: Aesthetics are key. Use high-quality images, videos, and graphics that align with your brand’s style and messaging. Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different layouts and designs.
  • Keep it Fresh: Variety is the spice of office digital signage. Rotate your content regularly to keep things interesting. Consider a mix of company news, industry updates, safety rules reminders, social media feeds, weather reports, and even fun facts or trivia.
  • Interactive Content: Don’t just talk at your employees – talk with them. Use polls, quizzes, or social media walls to spark conversations and get feedback.
  • Schedule Strategically: Think about when your employees are most likely to be in the break room and tailor your content accordingly. Schedule important announcements for peak times and save the lighter fare for off-hours.

Keep your content concise and easy to digest. People are more likely to absorb information in bite-sized chunks, especially when they’re on a break.

Step 5: Deployment and Monitoring: Go Live and Track Results

Once you’ve created your content masterpiece, it’s time to unleash it on your unsuspecting employees.

  • Deployment: Depending on your software, you may be able to deploy your content remotely or you may need to physically access the media players. Follow the instructions carefully and double-check everything before hitting that “Go Live” button.
  • Monitoring: Keep an eye on your screens to make sure everything is running smoothly. Check for any display issues, connectivity problems, or content errors. Many software platforms offer remote monitoring and troubleshooting tools, so you can keep tabs on your system from anywhere.
  • Analytics: Track how your content is performing. See which messages are getting the most views, what times of day are most popular, and how long people are engaging with your screens. Use this data to refine your content strategy and make sure you’re getting the most out of your investment.

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from your employees. They’re the ones who will be interacting with your digital signage on a daily basis, so their input is valuable.

Content That Pops: Your Break Room’s Entertainment Channel

employee break rooms

Okay, you’ve got the tech down. Now it’s time to unleash your creativity and turn your break room screens into a captivating content hub. Here are some ideas to get your wheels turning:

The Daily Grind: News and Infotainment

Who says learning can’t be fun? Keep your team informed and entertained with a mix of news and infotainment:

  • Industry News: Share the latest headlines relevant to your field. It’s a great way to spark conversations and keep everyone up-to-date on trends.
  • Company News: Celebrate employee achievements, new hires, or company milestones. It fosters a sense of community and pride.
  • World News: A quick overview of major global events can be a conversation starter and keep your team connected to the world around them.
  • Weather and Traffic Updates: Help your employees plan their commutes and stay informed about local conditions.
  • Fun Facts or Trivia: Inject a little humor and spark some brain activity with daily trivia questions or interesting facts.

Social Butterfly: Engage and Connect

Make your break room a social hub with content that encourages interaction and conversation:

  • Social Media Walls: Aggregate posts from your company’s social channels or create a dedicated hashtag for employees to share their thoughts and experiences.
  • Polls and Surveys: Get your team’s opinions on everything from lunch options to company policies. It’s a fun way to increase engagement and gather valuable feedback.
  • Employee Spotlights: Showcase the talents and accomplishments of your team members. It’s a great way to build camaraderie and show appreciation.
  • Contests and Giveaways: Everyone loves a chance to win! Run contests or raffles to drum up excitement and boost morale.

The Creative Corner: Inspirational and Motivational

Your break room should be a place where employees feel energized and inspired. Use your screens to create a positive and motivating environment:

  • Inspirational Quotes: Share words of wisdom from famous figures or create your own. A simple quote can set the tone for the day.
  • Company Values: Display your company’s mission, vision, and values. It’s a constant reminder of what your organization stands for.
  • Customer Testimonials: Showcase positive feedback from happy customers. It’s a great way to boost morale and remind employees of the impact of their work.
  • Visual Inspiration: Display beautiful images, artwork, or nature scenes. A calming and visually appealing environment can help reduce stress and promote creativity.

The Fun Zone: Games and Entertainment

Let’s not forget the fun factor! Break time is meant to be a break, after all.

  • Brain Teasers and Puzzles: Challenge your team with word puzzles, Sudoku, or other brain games. It’s a fun way to keep their minds sharp.
  • Funny Videos or Memes: Who doesn’t love a good laugh? Share funny videos or memes to lighten the mood and bring a smile to everyone’s face.
  • Live Sports Scores or News: Keep sports fans in the loop with real-time updates and scores. It’s a great way to create a sense of shared excitement.

Remember, the key is to mix it up and keep your content fresh and engaging. Experiment with different formats, themes, and topics to find what resonates best with your audience. The possibilities are endless.

Keep It Running Smoothly: Digital Signage TLC

ongoing communication, internal communications

You’ve put in the work to set up an awesome digital signage system for your break room. Now, let’s make sure it stays awesome. Here’s how to keep your screens shining and your content flowing without a hitch:

Regular Check-Ups: Preventative Care for Your Screens

Just like a car needs regular tune-ups, your digital signage system needs some TLC to stay in tip-top shape.

  • Cleanliness is Key: Dust and grime can build up on screens, making them harder to see and potentially damaging the display. Wipe them down regularly with a soft, lint-free cloth and a screen-safe cleaner.
  • Temperature Control: Extreme temperatures can affect the performance and lifespan of your hardware. Keep your break room at a comfortable temperature for both your employees and your equipment.
  • Ventilation: Make sure your media players have adequate ventilation to prevent overheating. Avoid blocking vents or placing them in enclosed spaces.
  • Cable Management: Keep those cables tidy! Not only does it look neater, but it also prevents tripping hazards and accidental disconnects.

Troubleshooting 101: When Things Go Wrong

Even with the best care, sometimes things go wrong. Here are some common issues and how to troubleshoot them:

  • Blank Screen: Check the power connection, make sure the media player is on, and verify that the content is scheduled correctly. If all else fails, a simple restart might do the trick.
  • Frozen Image: This could be a sign of a software glitch. Try restarting the media player or updating the software. If the problem persists, contact your software provider for support.
  • Network Issues: If your screens are connected to the internet, check your network connection. Make sure the Wi-Fi signal is strong and that the media player has access to the internet.
  • Content Errors: Double-check your content files to make sure they’re in the correct format and that there are no broken links or missing images.
  • Remote Access: If you have remote access to your media players, you can often troubleshoot problems from afar. This can be a lifesaver if you have multiple screens in different locations.

Keep a log of any issues that arise and how you resolve them. This will help you identify patterns and troubleshoot future problems more quickly.

Final Thoughts: Your Break Room, Transformed

With a bit of planning, creativity, and the right break room digital signage system, you can create a space that boosts morale, reinforces your company culture, and drives productivity. Remember, your break room is more than just a place to grab coffee; it’s an opportunity to connect, engage, and inspire.

Key Takeaways to Remember:

  • The Power of Digital Signage: Amplify communication, ignite engagement, create a positive vibe, boost morale and productivity, and showcase your brand.
  • Picking Your Dream Team: Choose the right hardware (displays, media players, mounts) and software (CMS, content creation tools, scheduling and playback) for your needs.
  • Content is King: Keep your content fresh, engaging, and tailored to your audience. Mix up the formats, experiment with different themes, and don’t forget the fun factor!
  • Maintenance Matters: Keep your system running smoothly with regular check-ups, troubleshooting know-how, and proactive monitoring.

If the thought of navigating the digital signage landscape seems a bit daunting, don’t worry. There are solutions out there that can take the hassle out of the process and deliver a turnkey experience. One such option is CrownTV, a leading provider of digital signage solutions that offers everything from advanced cloud-based software and a vast library of apps and integrations to high-quality indoor and outdoor displays, professional installation, and ongoing support.

With CrownTV, you get the peace of mind of knowing that your digital signage system is in expert hands, allowing you to focus on what really matters: creating a break room experience that your employees will love.

Now, it’s time to take action. Put these tips into practice and watch your break room transform into a space that your employees love.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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