31 Ways to Use Digital Signage The Smart Way (+ Examples)


Ever wondered what goes behind crafting those attention-grabbing digital signages? Well, you’re about to find out. Digital signage is no longer just a flashy way to display ads. Digital signs are becoming go-to marketing tools for communicating with an audience constantly on the move. Let’s explore the best digital signage examples out there!

But how do you ensure your digital signage content stands out and effectively engages your audience?That’s precisely what we’re diving into.

In this article, we’ll explore 31 innovative and intelligent ways to utilize digital signage, ensuring your message isn’t just seen, but remembered. You’re about to discover:

  • How different industries use digital signage to transform their spaces.
  • Tips for engaging audiences with great digital signage content ideas
  • Insights from real-life case studies on digital signage displays
  • What’s the white-glove approach and why your business needs it

Why Digital Signage Content Is a Must-Have in Marketing

Consumers are tired of digital ads, and that’s a given – especially when it comes to high-income earners. As such, 70% of brands are shifting their ad budgets to product placements and sponsored content, as projected by Gartner.

In real-world environments, consumers are more likely to engage with marketing messages, as they’re hard to ignore. Plus, digital signage screens allow you to reach people in places where they’re more likely to notice.

31 Digital Signage Examples to Try Right Away

If you lack inspiration for your next digital signage campaign, these top digital signage content ideas are sure to spark your creativity. From interactive displays to engaging promotions, let’s explore 31 examples that will help you make the most of your digital signage investment and captivate your audience like never before!

#1: Dynamic digital signage content


Retail spaces come alive with customized in-store promotions that adapt in real-time to current trends and customer preferences. Use a dynamic digital signage screen to adjust promotions according to different factors, such as weather reports or trending products.

Imagine, as the weather changes, so do your display promotions – the sun’s out, and it’s sunglasses and sunscreen on the screens! This could mean showcasing warm beverages on chilly days or promoting beachwear during a heatwave.

This strategy capitalizes on immediate customer needs and desires. Hence, it will help you increase engagement and potentially boost sales through relevant, timely offers.

#2: Interactive wayfinding

Navigating buildings can be a maze for visitors. Why not use dynamic digital signage for interactive wayfinding to enhance visitor experience? These signs can guide customers through shopping malls, hospitals, or large corporate offices with ease.

As a visitor taps on the screen and selects their destination, whether it’s a store in a mall or a department in a hospital, the digital signage display can provide a clear, step-by-step path to their destination.

That’s how you can simplify navigation and also improve the overall visitor experience.

#3: Real-time queue management


In crowded environments like retail stores or healthcare facilities, long queues can lead to customer frustration. Implement real-time queue management using digital signage screens to simplify the waiting process.

Here’s how it works: Digital signs display live queue updates with estimated wait times and live directions to available service points. The result? Happy customers and a leaner queue process.

#4: Promotional interactive displays

Thierry Henry and David Beckham


Transform passive observers into active participants with an interactive digital signage screen.

  • Think of interactive kiosks featuring product demos, quizzes, or virtual experiences to boost customer engagement.
  • You could try incorporating gamification elements to encourage participation and incentivize engagement even more.
  • Leverage valuable data to track user interactions and gather insights for personalized marketing strategies.

A great example of how digital signage displays were used to amplify brand marketing is the “No Lay’s, No Game” campaign during UEFA Champions League matches. In one instance, soccer legends David Beckham and Thierry Henry interacted with fans using a “Chip Cam” to find those holding Lay’s chips.

Through the Lay’s Detector, customers scanned QR codes from the ad to prove they were holding Lay’s chips for a chance to join the two stars.

#5: Upgrade corporate communications with digital notice boards


Improve internal communication with centralized digital signage displays in corporate settings. Imagine various communication hubs sharing important announcements, updates, and breaking news in real-time with employees across various departments and locations.

If you’ve been looking to foster a better company culture and boost productivity, this is a great solution to do so.

Aim to place digital displays in high-traffic areas within office spaces, break rooms, and common areas. As for picking the right digital signage content, it can include:

  • Upcoming events
  • Employee recognition
  • Relevant company news updates

#6: Emergency alerts digital signage content

In times of crisis, whether in schools, workplaces, or public spaces, knowing what to do and where to go can save lives. Digital signage ensures that safety messages reach everyone quickly, allowing everyone to respond promptly and stay out of harm’s way.

Many companies and schools already use digital signs to show escape routes and safety steps during emergencies.

#7: Dynamic digital menu boards


Transform your restaurant or café experience with dynamic digital menu boards that captivate customers and drive sales. Unlike static menus, digital boards allow for easy updates, seasonal promotions, and real-time adjustments based on inventory or customer preferences.

With digital menu boards, you can showcase daily specials, highlight top-selling items, or promote combo deals, just like big brands do. In fact, McDonald’s use uses digital signage screens already helped them achieve a 3.5% boost in sales.

Implementing digital menu boards is straightforward:

  • Choose a user-friendly content management solution with a versatile dashboard, such as the White Glove Experience. CrownTv will take care of the setup, mounting, launching, and ongoing assistance, guaranteeing that your digital menu boards are successful from the start.
  • Benefits from CrownTV’s content creation tools including a vast collection of templates and extensive library.CrownTV Library
  • Schedule your displays’ operating hours and timing for the highest engagement.CrownTV Display Management and Scheduling

#8: Creative digital signage content in ads


Craft attention-grabbing digital signage content that resonates with your audience. Think outside the box to create ads that promote your brand and entertain viewers.

For example, a car dealership could use interactive displays to showcase virtual test drives, allowing shoppers to experience the thrill of driving without leaving the showroom.

But you don’t always have to make ads interactive or extra modern. Sometimes even the simplest designs can spark the right emotion, boost your brand recognition, or drive a sale. Think of the viral KitKat campaign – a digital display with a simple, yet powerful visual. Nothing too complicated, right?

#9: Boost sales with personalized digital signage


Imagine walking into a store where the digital signs seem to know exactly what you’re looking for – that’s personalized digital signage.

Coca-Cola implemented a system that changes ads based on who’s looking – whether it’s a teenager or a grandparent. This tailored approach grabs attention and drives purchases by offering products that match individual preferences.

Pro Tip: To achieve this level of customization, use a flexible content management system like CrownTV’s. It allows you to easily tweak content to suit your audience’s demographics and preferences.

With the right tools and support, you can make your digital signage pop where it matters most. Book a no-commitment demo with us and let’s see what digital screens can do for your business.

#10: Elevate engagement with user-generated content displays


Your customers can become the stars of your digital signage content. User-generated content (UGC) displays empower your audience to contribute their photos, videos, and experiences, creating a sense of community and authenticity.

  • With UGC displays, showcase customer testimonials, product reviews, or social media posts in real time.
  • Encourage participation through branded hashtags or online contests to gather more user-generated content.
  • To make it interactive, invite customers to upload their own photos or contribute their experiences.

This strategy is used by various brands ranging from fashion labels soliciting outfit photos to iconic landmarks like the Empire State Building encouraging visitors to share their views from the top.

#11: Employee recognition displays


Boost morale and foster a positive work environment with employee recognition displays. Showcase achievements, milestones, and accolades in real-time, motivating teams and acknowledging their contributions.

While also improving internal communications, this idea will foster a culture of appreciation and drive employee engagement. Implementing such displays shows that you value and celebrate employees, which will help you build a better workplace culture.

#12: Use social media platforms to your advantage


Enhance your digital signage with live social media feeds. Integrate platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to display user-generated content, customer testimonials, and real-time updates. This will help you boost brand authenticity and credibility by showcasing genuine customer experiences and feedback.

Imagine users seeing their own posts featured on screens in your venue, which in turn generates even more engagement through real-life updates of their experience on social media. Whether highlighting trending hashtags or sharing customer stories, incorporating social media feeds adds vibrancy and relevance to your digital displays, especially to younger audiences.

#13: Digital product catalogs

Transform traditional print catalogs into dynamic digital displays, offering customers an immersive browsing experience. With interactive digital product catalogs, shoppers can explore your full range of offerings with ease, accessing information like:

  • Detailed product information
  • Images
  • Pricing
  • Available sizes

Integrate product recommendations, customer reviews, and real-time inventory updates to personalize the shopping experience and drive purchasing decisions. By digitizing your product catalogs, you’ll reduce printing costs and environmental impact while also providing customers with convenient access to your complete inventory.

#14: Virtual tours


Bring your spaces to life with immersive virtual tours using digital signage. Offer visitors a captivating journey through your facilities, attractions, or properties, allowing them to explore key features and highlights from the comfort of their location.

Use interactive maps, 360-degree photos, and informative videos to guide users through each location. Whether showcasing real estate properties, tourist destinations, or educational institutions, virtual tours on digital signage create engaging experiences that capture your audience’s attention, drive engagement, and leave a lasting impression.

#15: Loyalty programs contests

Boost customer engagement and loyalty by integrating contests into your digital signage strategy. Encourage customers to participate in fun and interactive contests displayed on digital screens, where they can earn rewards, discounts, or special offers for their participation.

From photo contests to trivia quizzes, leverage gamification elements to captivate your audience and foster a sense of excitement and anticipation.

#16: Industry-specific news updates


Keep your audience informed and engaged with real-time industry-specific news updates displayed on digital signage screens. Whether you’re in retail, healthcare, finance, or any other industry, curated news content tailored to your audience’s interests can enhance their overall experience and keep them coming back for more.

Share the latest trends, market insights, and relevant updates to position your brand as a trusted source of information.

Consider placing this type of digital signage display near entrances or reception areas, or in common areas such as break rooms, cafeterias, or waiting areas.

#17. Digital paper notice boards


Upgrade from traditional paper notice boards to dynamic digital displays for sharing important announcements, schedules, and reminders within your organization. Digital notice boards offer greater visual appeal, as paper notice boards can become cluttered, outdated, and overlooked.

With a notice board placed in a high-traffic area, the entire company can now receive real-time updates on meeting schedules, company events, and HR announcements.

#18. Welcome screens


Traditional welcome signs can be static and limited in information. Why not modernize your reception area with digital welcome screens that greet visitors and provide essential information at the same time?

Besides the welcome message, you could offer directions or safety protocols. You can also update content easily to accommodate special events or visitor instructions. With this type of digital sign, visitors are greeted with a warm message and can easily locate meeting rooms or contact information.

#19: Health and wellness tips displays


Promote employee well-being and foster a healthy workplace culture with digital signage displays featuring health and wellness tips. Provide valuable information on topics such as:

  • Nutrition (healthy recipes or quick kitchen updates – e.g. if you’re offering meals during lunchtime, you can update employees about the food status)
  • Exercise (exercise routines or stretching tips for the office)
  • Ergonomics (workstation setups)
  • Stress management (mindfulness exercises)

Place this type of digital signage content in break rooms, cafeterias, and fitness centers to maximize visibility.

#20: Interactive product demonstrations


Transform your digital signage displays into interactive product demonstration stations. Allow customers to explore your products in-depth through 360-degree views and interactive tutorials.

By providing hands-on experiences with your products, you engage customers on a deeper level, helping them understand features, benefits, and use cases.

#21: Customer spotlight displays

Showcase your loyal customers, highlighting their experiences, testimonials, and success stories with your products or services.

These displays can include:

  • Customer testimonials: Share quotes or video testimonials from satisfied customers, showcasing their positive experiences and outcomes with your brand.
  • Success stories: Highlight real-life examples of how your products or services have helped customers achieve their goals or overcome challenges. Include before-and-after scenarios or case studies to illustrate the transformative impact of your offerings.
  • Featured customers: Spotlight individual customers or businesses that have achieved notable success or recognition using your products or services. This can help inspire other customers and demonstrate the value of your offerings in action.

#22. Tech talks displays

Organize interactive sessions on emerging technologies, industry trends, and best practices. Encourage participation through polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions.

Cover a wide range of topics relevant to your industry, like digital marketing strategies, cybersecurity tips, cloud computing, and data analytics. Tailor the content to meet the interests and needs of your audience. Use multimedia content such as videos, infographics, and live demonstrations.

#23. YouTube video integration


Enhance your physical space with branded YouTube videos. Offer a glimpse into your YouTube account if you have one. Additionally, you can always pull industry-specific content from other creators. Play podcasts, how-to-tutorials, training videos, useful tips-and-tricks videos, ads, or promote events with branded YouTube videos – all thanks to the power of YouTube integration with digital signage screens (a feature of every CrownTv screen).

#24. Live website display

Bring your online presence into your physical space with a live website display. Showcase your website in real-time, reminding visitors to explore your products, services, and latest updates directly from your physical location using a QR code in the corner of the screen.

Enable interactive elements such as clickable links, embedded videos, and contact forms, empowering visitors to interact with your website using their mobile phones, just as they would online.

#25. Live weather updates

Keep your audience informed and engaged with real-time weather updates displayed on your digital signage screens:

  • Local Weather Forecasts: Display current weather conditions, temperature, humidity, and forecasts for the day or week.
  • Weather Alerts: Alert your audience about severe weather conditions such as storms, hurricanes, or extreme temperatures.

With CrownTV’s solutions, you get access to our app store of integrated mobile applications into your digital signage content. Get a more dynamic approach to digital signage with CrownTV!

CrownTV App Store

#26. Try a fireplace simulation


Create a cozy and inviting atmosphere with a live fireplace simulation displayed on your digital signage screens. Use high-definition video loops or animations to simulate a realistic fireplace, complete with crackling flames and flickering lights.

Customize your fireplace simulation to match seasonal themes or holidays. For example, during the winter months, add snowfall effects or festive decorations around the fireplace. During the summer, transition to swaying trees.

#28. Featured product showcase on digital signage


Why not do a dynamic featured product showcase? Highlight a different product or service each week or month with engaging visuals, key features, and exclusive offers to captivate your audience and drive sales. Capture attention, educate viewers about your offerings, and entice them with special in-store promotion, all through your digital signage displays.

Did you know that CrownTV integrates with Google Drive, OneDrive, and DropBox, allowing you to pull media files whenever you want to feature a new product or service on your digital signage screen?

#29. Interactive robot talks

Engage passersby with AI-powered robot discussions. Allow viewers to interact with the robots by asking questions, participating in quizzes, or even controlling their movements. Now that’s something that can boost audience engagement!

Imagine this: a passerby walks past the digital signage display featuring a live robot talk. As the person approaches, the screen detects their presence using motion sensors and triggers the robot to engage with them. Suddenly, the robot’s animated face appears on the screen, and it says, “Hey, you there! Interested in learning about the latest discounts we have in store for you?”

#30. Time-lapse transformation


Capture the attention of passersby with time-lapse videos showcasing transformations related to your brand or industry. For example, if you’re a construction company, display time-lapse footage of a building being constructed from the ground up. If you’re a skincare brand, showcase time-lapse videos of before-and-after transformations using your products. Time-lapse videos are visually captivating and can communicate your brand’s story or the benefits of your products or services in a fun way.

#31. Turn your digital signage screen into a virtual art gallery


Showcase the work of local artists or curated collections related to your brand or industry. Rotate the artwork regularly to keep the display fresh and engaging for visitors. Add interactive elements such as QR codes or NFC tags that allow viewers to learn more about the artists or purchase the artwork directly from their smartphones.

Let’s Explore More Ideas Together. Partner with Expert Digital Signage Providers

Feeling inspired by these innovative digital signage ideas? You’re well on your way to transforming your space and captivating your audience. Here are some key takeaways to remember:

  • Stay Interactive: Engage your audience with interactive elements like live robot talks or personalized experiences.
  • Think Outside the Box: Don’t be afraid to experiment with unconventional ideas that grab attention and leave a lasting impression.

Ready to bring your digital signage vision to life? Partner with CrownTV, your end-to-end solution for dynamic and visually appealing content displays. With our comprehensive software and service, we’ll help you create captivating digital experiences that drive engagement and boost your brand presence.

Ready to elevate your brand with captivating digital signage? Contact us today to get started!

Why Choose CrownTV?

  • Our dedicated team provides personalized support and guidance through our signature White Glove Experience, making the process seamless from start to finish. With CrownTV, you’re in trusted hands every step of the way.
  • We offer end-to-end digital signage solutions, including hardware, software, installation, and ongoing support, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do you mean by digital signage?

A: Digital signage refers to electronic displays used to convey information, advertisements, or messages to a targeted audience. It uses technologies such as LCD, LED, or projection to display content in different settings, including retail stores, restaurants, and corporate environments.

Q: Which digital signage is best?

A: The best digital signage solution depends on factors such as the specific needs of the business, budget, and intended use. However, top options can include platforms that offer easy content management, scalability, and robust hardware options, such as CrownTv.

Q: What makes good digital signage?

A: Good digital signage consists of engaging content, clear visuals, good integration with existing systems, reliable hardware, and user-friendly management software. It should also be customizable to meet the unique needs of the business and target audience.

Q: Can a TV be used for digital signage?

A: Yes, TVs can be used for digital signage purposes, especially for small-scale deployments or budget-conscious projects. However, dedicated digital signage displays offer advantages such as commercial-grade durability, specialized features like portrait mode, and optimized performance for continuous operation in various environments.

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Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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