Workplace Break Room Ideas to Boost Your Staff Engagement: Why Digital Signage is Key

Digital Signage


Is your break room gathering dust? Are your employees more likely to scroll through their phones than chat with each other? It’s time to ditch the outdated bulletin board and embrace a secret weapon for employee engagement: digital signage.

Gone are the days of boring office break rooms. Today, innovative companies are transforming these spaces into vibrant hubs of communication and collaboration, all thanks to the power of digital displays. Imagine your break room not just as a place for a quick caffeine fix, but as a dynamic center that informs, inspires, and ignites conversations.

A whopping 75% of employees feel more connected when they can access company information in a visually engaging way. Businesses that have made the switch to digital signage are already reaping the rewards, enjoying higher morale and a more engaged workforce.

In this guide, we’ll break down:

  • Why your break room needs digital signage: We’ll debunk the myths and address any hesitations you might have.
  • How to use it to boost engagement: Get ready for a treasure trove of creative and practical ideas to make the most of your digital displays.
  • The unexpected perks: We’ll dive into the surprising benefits of digital signage that go far beyond just displaying the lunch menu.

Get ready to transform your break room from a forgotten corner into a thriving hub of activity. Your employees will thank you.

Digital Signage in the Break Room? But Isn’t it…

employee engagement ideas

We get it. Change can be intimidating. When you picture digital signage, you might envision flashing neon signs, complicated installations, and hefty price tags. But let’s set the record straight and shatter those misconceptions.

  • Myth #1: It’s Too Expensive: Digital signage doesn’t have to break the bank. In fact, with options like cloud-based software and affordable media players (like the CrownTV’s dashboard and player), it’s more accessible than ever. Plus, the return on investment in terms of employee engagement and productivity can quickly outweigh the initial cost.
  • Myth #2: It’s Just for Advertising: While digital signage can be a powerful advertising tool, it’s so much more than that. In a break room setting, it’s a communication powerhouse. Think of it as a dynamic bulletin board on steroids – it can display company news, safety tips, employee birthdays, and even interactive polls or quizzes.
  • Myth #3: It’s Complicated to Set Up and Manage: Nope, not anymore! Modern digital signage solutions are incredibly user-friendly. With intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality, you don’t need to be a tech wizard to create eye-catching content and schedule it to play on your screens.
  • Myth #4: It’s Too Distracting for a Break Room: A well-designed digital signage display won’t turn your break room into a Times Square billboard. Instead, it can actually enhance the atmosphere by creating a sense of community and shared purpose. Plus, research has shown that digital signage can reduce perceived wait times by up to 35%, making breaks feel shorter and more enjoyable.
  • Myth #5: Employees Won’t Care: Think again! When employees see themselves and their contributions recognized on a digital display, it fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation. Plus, who doesn’t love a fun fact of the day or a quick trivia challenge to break up the monotony?

Level Up Your Break Room: Digital Signage Ideas That Spark Joy (and Productivity!)

workplace break room ideas to boost your staff engagement

Now that we’ve tossed those digital signage myths out the window, let’s dive into the fun part: putting it to work in your break room. Get ready for a wave of ideas to transform this space into a buzzing hub of employee engagement.

Beyond the Bulletin Board

Digital signage breathes new life into company communications, turning passive information consumption into an engaging experience. Here’s how to leverage your break room display to create a dynamic news hub that captivates your team:

  • Real-time Updates, Amplified: Go beyond static announcements. Integrate your signage with your company’s internal communication systems (like Slack or Microsoft Teams) to display real-time notifications. This could include updates on project milestones, sales achievements, or even shoutouts for birthdays and work anniversaries. Imagine a dynamic ticker tape of positivity scrolling across the screen.
  • Visual Storytelling with Impact: Ditch text-heavy bulletins and embrace the power of visuals. Showcase team photos from company events, use infographics to highlight key performance metrics, or create short “day in the life” videos featuring different departments. Visual content not only grabs attention but also aids in information retention.
  • Personalized News for Every Team: Don’t make your employees sift through irrelevant information. Segment your content to deliver targeted news and updates based on department, team, or even individual interests. Imagine a software engineer seeing code snippets of the latest project update, while the marketing team gets a sneak peek at the new ad campaign.

The Break Room Social Hub

employee engagement ideas

One of the employee engagement ideas is to transform your break room into a virtual water cooler where conversations flow, and connections flourish:

  • Social Media Amplification: Create a vibrant social media wall that showcases not only your company’s official channels but also employee-generated content. Encourage the use of a specific hashtag for company-related posts and display a curated feed on your break room screens. This not only builds brand awareness but also fosters a sense of community and shared experiences.
  • Interactive Polls with a Purpose: Go beyond generic polls about lunch preferences. Spark meaningful discussions with thought-provoking questions related to company culture, industry trends, or even current events. You can even tie the results to actionable initiatives, demonstrating that employee input is valued and acted upon.
  • Gamified Employee Spotlights: Turn employee recognition into a game. Create a “Guess Who?” quiz featuring fun facts or hobbies about different team members. Display the quiz on your screens and offer small rewards for those who guess correctly. This is a playful way to help employees get to know each other better and foster a sense of camaraderie.

Wellness Warriors

Your break room digital signage can be a powerful ally in promoting employee well-being:

  • Targeted Wellness Campaigns: Instead of generic health tips, launch targeted campaigns focused on specific wellness themes like stress management, healthy eating, or ergonomics. Create a series of short, informative videos, interactive quizzes, or even live streams with wellness experts to keep employees engaged and informed.
  • Personalized Fitness Challenges: Encourage a culture of fitness by integrating your digital signage with wearable devices or fitness apps. Display leaderboards or progress bars to track steps, distance, or calories burned, fostering friendly competition and motivation.
  • Mental Health Awareness: Go beyond physical health by addressing mental well-being. Display calming nature scenes, inspirational quotes, or even guided meditation videos during designated “mindfulness moments.” Consider including information about Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) as a potential resource for enhancing mental health. Provide resources and contact information for employee assistance programs and ESA letter support services to ensure that comprehensive support is readily available.

Fuel for Thought

Elevate your break room from a place of rest to a hub of continuous learning and professional growth:

  • Curated Industry Insights: Partner with industry publications or thought leaders to display snippets of articles, research summaries, or expert opinions on your screens. Encourage employees to scan QR codes for further reading or discussion. This keeps everyone informed and promotes a culture of continuous learning.
  • Microlearning with a Twist: Don’t limit learning to formal training sessions. Integrate bite-sized learning modules into your break room digital signage. These could be short videos, interactive quizzes, or even “Did you know?” facts related to your industry or company history. Make learning a fun and effortless part of the break room experience.
  • Internal Knowledge Exchange: Create a platform for employees to share their expertise and insights. Encourage them to create short presentations, tutorials, or even “TED Talk” style videos on topics they’re passionate about. Showcase these on the digital displays to foster a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Gamify the Break

Inject some playfulness into the workday and watch engagement soar:

  • Themed Trivia Challenges: Go beyond generic trivia. Host themed challenges aligned with company culture, industry events, or even popular TV shows. Offer prizes or recognition to top performers to amp up the excitement. Consider team lunches as a fun and social reward for the winning team.
  • Interactive Fitness Challenges: Take step challenges to the next level with interactive elements. Encourage employees to form teams, compete in virtual races, or participate in fitness challenges based on fun themes like “Around the World in 80 Days” or “Conquer Mount Everest.” Make it social by inviting team members to cheer each other on and share their progress.
  • Skill-Based Competitions: Tap into your employees’ hidden talents by hosting competitions related to coding, design, photography, or even baking. Showcase submissions on the digital displays and let employees vote for their favorites. This not only adds an element of fun but also celebrates the diverse skills within your workforce. Consider forming employee resource groups (ERGs) around these interests to foster community and professional development.
  • Board Game Bonanza: Set up a dedicated board game area in your break room and watch the fun unfold. Board games encourage teamwork, strategic thinking, and a healthy dose of competition. Plus, they’re a great way for employees to unwind and connect with each other on a personal level. With this initiative, you can positively influence how employees feel and promote a fun and inclusive workplace culture.

Community Corner

Create a sense of belonging and connection with a dedicated “Community Corner” on your digital signage:

  • Birthday and Anniversary Celebrations: Showcase employee birthdays and work anniversaries with personalized messages and photos. This simple gesture shows that you care about your team member as individuals and reinforces a positive company culture.
  • Local News and Events: Keep employees informed about community happenings, such as local festivals, volunteer opportunities, or charity events. This encourages them to get involved and fosters a sense of connection to the wider community.
  • Employee Shoutouts: Create a space for peer-to-peer recognition. Allow employees to submit shoutouts for colleagues who have gone above and beyond, made a significant contribution, or simply brightened their day. This builds camaraderie and reinforces positive behavior.

The Feedback Loop

Turn your digital signage into a two-way communication channel:

  • Interactive Surveys and Polls: Gather valuable feedback on everything from employee’s job satisfaction to break room amenities. Use anonymous surveys or polls to encourage honest responses and show employees that their opinions matter.
  • Suggestion Box 2.0: Create a digital suggestion box where employees can submit ideas for improving the workplace, company culture, or even the break room itself. This promotes a sense of ownership and empowers employees to contribute to positive change.
  • Real-time Feedback Displays: Showcase positive feedback from customers, clients, or partners. This reinforces the impact of employees’ work and creates a sense of pride and accomplishment.

The key to successful digital signage is to keep the content fresh, relevant, and engaging. Rotate content regularly, personalize it to your company culture, and most importantly, have fun with it!

Beyond Engagement: The Hidden Gems of Digital Signage

employee engagement ideas

While boosting employee engagement is a major win, the benefits of digital signage in your break room extend far beyond that. Let’s uncover some surprising perks that might just make you wonder how you ever lived without it.

  • A Green(er) Break Room: Swap out those paper memos and printed announcements for a digital display, and you’re not just saving trees – you’re saving money. Reduced printing costs and less waste mean a happier planet and a healthier bottom line. It’s a win-win for everyone, including Mother Nature.
  • Crisis Communication Central: When emergencies strike, every second counts. Digital signage can instantly transform into a critical communication tool, broadcasting emergency alerts, evacuation instructions, or safety updates. This rapid response can help keep your employees safe and informed during unexpected situations.
  • The Silent Salesperson: Have a company store? Promoting an upcoming event? Your break room digital signage can subtly showcase your products, services, or events to a captive audience. It’s a non-invasive way to boost internal awareness and drive sales, all while employees enjoy their downtime.
  • The Branding Boost: Your employee break room isn’t just for employees; it’s often a space where clients, partners, or potential hires may venture. A well-designed digital display showcasing your company’s values, mission, or recent achievements can leave a lasting positive impression on anyone who walks through the door.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Many digital signage platforms offer analytics and reporting features. This means you can track which content gets the most views, how long employees engage with it, and even which times of day are most effective for specific messages. This data can help you tailor your content strategy and maximize the impact of your digital signage.

Conclusion: Your Break Room, Reimagined

So there you have it – a whirlwind tour of the incredible ways digital signage can revolutionize your break room. We’ve shattered those outdated myths, sparked your imagination with creative and fun break room ideas, and even uncovered some surprising benefits that go beyond boosting engagement.

Now, it’s time for you to take the reins and transform your office’s break room into a space that employees genuinely look forward to. Remember, a vibrant and engaging break room isn’t just a perk – it’s a strategic investment in your company’s culture and overall success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Break the mold: Digital signage is so much more than just a fancy bulletin board.
  • Spark conversations: Turn your break room into a social hub that fosters connection.
  • Prioritize well-being: Use your screens to champion employee health and wellness.
  • Cultivate knowledge: Make learning a fun and effortless part of the break room experience.
  • Embrace the fun: Gamification isn’t just for kids – it can inject excitement into the workday.
  • Build community: Create a sense of belonging and connection with a dedicated “Community Corner.”
  • Listen to your employees: Use digital signage to gather valuable feedback and insights.
  • Go beyond engagement: Discover the surprising benefits that go beyond boosting morale.

By implementing these office break room ideas, you’ll create a break room that buzzes with energy, collaboration, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Ready to Take Your Break Room to the Next Level?

If you’re ready to create a break room experience that wows your employees and boosts engagement, you don’t have to go it alone. Consider partnering with a digital signage provider like CrownTV, who can guide you through the entire process – from selecting the perfect display to crafting engaging content. With a proven track record in helping businesses transform their spaces and enhance communication, CrownTV offers a full suite of services, including:

  • White-Glove Experience: Let the experts handle everything from start to finish. You’ll get tailored advice, top-notch equipment, and professional installation, all without lifting a finger. Imagine your dream break room coming to life with minimal effort on your part.
  • Custom Content Creation: Craft a breakroom experience that aligns perfectly with your brand and culture. Let CrownTV’s content creation team design eye-catching visuals, interactive quizzes, and engaging videos that resonate with your employees.
  • Seamless Integration: CrownTV can integrate your digital signage with existing systems like your intranet, social media channels, or internal communication platforms. This ensures real-time updates, dynamic content, and a truly connected break room experience.

Don’t settle for a dull and uninspiring break room. It’s time to unlock its full potential and make it a space that truly reflects your company’s commitment to employee well-being and engagement.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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