ROI of Digital Signage for Internal Communications: Calculate Your 7 Key Benefits

ROI of Digital Signage


Let’s face it: traditional internal communication methods like emails and bulletin boards are going the way of the dodo. Your employees are drowning in a sea of digital noise, and your crucial messages are getting lost in the shuffle. What if there was a better way? Digital signage isn’t just for flashy ads and eye-catching promotions anymore. It’s a powerful tool for transforming your internal communications and boosting employee engagement. Ready to see how digital signage can revolutionize your workplace?

In this guide, we’ll break down:

  • The 7 key benefits of using digital signage for internal comms (hint: it’s not just about pretty pictures).
  • How to calculate the return on investment (ROI) for your digital signage initiative, so you can prove its value to the higher-ups.
  • Real-world examples of how companies have used digital signage to supercharge their internal communications (spoiler alert: the results are impressive).

So buckle up, because this is going to be a wild ride!

Digital Signage: Your Internal Communication’s Secret Weapon

Ready to turn your workplace into a communication powerhouse? Forget boring emails and dusty bulletin boards. Digital signage is the key to unlocking a world of benefits for your internal communications. Let’s dive into the 7 key ways digital signage can transform the way you connect with your employees.

Ignite Excitement: Transform Your Workplace Communication

Ditch the snooze-inducing emails and outdated bulletin boards. It’s time to inject some life into your internal communications with digital signage. Did you know that employees are 400% more likely to engage with visual information than plain text?¹ It’s not surprising then that companies like 3M have seen a staggering 400% increase in views when they switched from static displays to dynamic digital signage.

Imagine vibrant screens showcasing company announcements, team achievements, or even live social media feeds. Suddenly, your messages are not just informative but captivating. Digital signage sparks curiosity, encourages interaction, and creates a buzz around your internal communication.

Don’t settle for passive communication channels that leave your employees yawning. Unleash the power of visual storytelling and turn your workplace into a vibrant hub of information and engagement.

Cultivate Trust: Transparency That Transforms

Transparency is the cornerstone of a thriving workplace culture. When employees feel in the loop, they’re more engaged, productive, and loyal. In fact, research shows that companies with high levels of transparency experience 2.5 times the revenue growth of those with low transparency. Digital signage can be the key to unlocking this powerful cultural shift.

Imagine your digital screens displaying real-time company updates, key performance indicators, and even shout-outs to star employees. This level of transparency not only fosters a sense of shared purpose but also digital signage reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or misinformation spreading through the grapevine. By sharing this information openly, you’re not just informing your workforce, you’re building trust and fostering a sense of shared purpose. Transparency breeds confidence, and confident employees are more likely to go the extra mile for your organization.

Supercharge Productivity: The Information Hub Your Team Craves

In today’s fast-paced workplace, outdated communication methods can lead to bottlenecks, missed deadlines, and frustrated employees. In fact, a recent study found that 86% of workers lose time each day due to inefficient communication practices. It’s time to streamline your internal processes and get everyone on the same page with digital signage.

Imagine a central hub where employees can access critical information at a glance, without sifting through endless emails or searching cluttered intranets. Digital signage turns this vision into reality. By displaying real-time updates, you can:

  • Keep production lines humming: Showcase live production data, targets, and progress reports.
  • Prioritize safety: Broadcast safety reminders, hazard alerts, and emergency procedures.
  • Optimize meeting schedules: Display conference room availability, upcoming meetings, and agendas.
  • Share key performance indicators (KPIs): Track company-wide goals and individual performance metrics.
  • Simplify IT requests: Provide clear instructions for submitting help desk tickets or reporting technical issues.

The possibilities are endless. With digital signage, you can transform mundane information into eye-catching visuals that resonate with employees and drive action. By putting the right information in the right place at the right time, you’re not just making your team more efficient, you’re empowering them to reach their full potential.

Equip Your Front Lines: Knowledge is Power, and Digital Signage Delivers It

Your frontline teams are the face of your company, interacting directly with customers and representing your brand. Equipping them with the latest information and resources is essential for their success—and yours. Digital signage can be a game-changer for empowering your frontline workers. By strategically placing screens in break rooms, common areas, or even on the shop floor, you can provide on-demand access to:

  • Training modules: Keep your team’s skills sharp with bite-sized training videos and quizzes.
  • Product updates: Ensure everyone is up-to-date on the latest features, benefits, and promotions.
  • Customer service scripts and tips: Help your team handle challenging situations with confidence and professionalism.
  • Sales goals and progress: Motivate your sales team by displaying real-time sales data and targets.
  • Company news and announcements: Keep everyone in the loop, even those who don’t have regular access to email.

By putting this knowledge right at their fingertips, you’re not just making their jobs easier, you’re also boosting their confidence, engagement, and ultimately, their performance. When your frontline teams feel supported and informed, they’re better equipped to deliver exceptional customer experiences, which translates to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

Elevate Your Brand: Amplify Your Culture & Values

Your brand isn’t just a logo or a slogan – it’s the heart and soul of your company, woven into every interaction and experience. In today’s competitive landscape, where companies are constantly seeking to measure digital signage ROI and optimize their digital communication systems, digital signage emerges as a powerful tool for brand building. It can be the vibrant tapestry that brings your brand to life within your workplace.

Showcase your company’s unique personality with eye-catching visuals that embody your values and celebrate your achievements. Share employee testimonials that highlight your commitment to excellence and foster a sense of camaraderie. Let your digital screens tell the story of your company’s journey, its milestones, and the people who make it all possible. Consider running targeted digital signage campaigns that reinforce your brand messaging and values.

By immersing your employees in your brand’s narrative, you’re not just creating a more engaging workplace, you’re strengthening their connection to your company’s mission and values. When employees feel proud of the brand they represent, they become your most passionate advocates, both inside and outside the workplace.

With seamless digital signage deployment across your organization, you can ensure consistent brand messaging and a cohesive employee experience.

Slash Costs, Boost Savings: Your Budget Will Thank You

In the world of internal communications, every penny counts. As the global digital signage market continues to grow, savvy businesses are recognizing the potential to reduce costs and boost their bottom line. Traditional methods like printed newsletters, posters, and mailed memos can quickly drain your budget. Not to mention the environmental impact of all that paper waste. Digital signage offers a refreshing alternative that’s not only more effective but also lighter on your wallet.

By switching to digital signage technologies, you can eliminate the recurring costs of printing, distribution, and maintenance associated with outdated communication channels. Think of it as trading in your gas-guzzling clunker for a sleek electric vehicle—you’ll save money in the long run and do your part for the planet. Plus, with the ability to easily update and customize content, you can enhance employee engagement without breaking the bank.

But the savings don’t stop there. Digital signage also streamlines your communication processes, reducing the time and resources required to create, update, and distribute your messages. With its flexibility and ease of use, digital signage allows you to make changes on the fly, ensuring your content is always fresh, relevant, and engaging.

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Your Communication, Evolved

The business world is constantly changing, and your internal communications need to keep pace. Unlike static methods that quickly become outdated, digital signage is a dynamic and adaptable tool that can evolve alongside your company.

With digital signage, you can effortlessly refresh your content in real time, ensuring your messages are always timely and relevant. But that’s not all. Digital signage is a platform for innovation, opening up a world of possibilities for your internal communications:

  • Interactive kiosks: Transform passive digital displays into interactive experiences, allowing employees to access information, submit feedback, or even complete training modules.
  • Mobile integration: Extend the reach of your messages to employees’ smartphones and tablets, keeping them connected wherever they are.
  • Data-driven personalization: Tailor content to specific teams, departments, or even individual employees, maximizing relevance and engagement.
  • Social media walls: Create a vibrant hub of employee-generated digital signage content, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

As digital signage technology advances, it will continue to offer new and exciting ways to connect with your workforce. By embracing this versatile tool, you’re not just investing in your present communication needs, you’re securing a future where your internal comms are agile, engaging, and always one step ahead.

Show Me the Money: Calculating Your Digital Signage ROI

Now that you’re fired up about the transformative power of digital signage, you’re probably wondering, “But what about the bottom line?” Fear not, because calculating the ROI of your digital signage initiative is easier than you might think.

The ROI Equation

Calculating the ROI of digital signage isn’t about guesswork or wishful thinking—it’s about measuring tangible results and hard numbers. While the specific metrics may vary depending on your goals, the core formula remains the same:

ROI = (Net Benefits / Total Costs) x 100

Let’s break down this equation piece by piece:

  • Net Benefits: This encompasses all the positive outcomes resulting from your digital signage initiative. It can include increased sales, improved productivity, reduced costs, enhanced brand perception, and even higher employee morale. We’ll dive deeper into these benefits later on.
  • Total Costs: This covers the entire investment in your digital signage system, including hardware (screens, media players), software (content management systems, analytics), installation, content creation, and ongoing maintenance.

By plugging in your specific figures, you can calculate a concrete ROI that demonstrates the value of your digital signage investment. But remember, ROI isn’t just about the dollars and cents. It’s about proving the tangible impact of your initiative on your company’s overall success.

Real-world examples of how companies have used digital signage to supercharge their internal communications

L’Oreal, the world’s largest cosmetics company, has been a pioneer in using digital signage powered by CrownTV to improve internal communication and employee engagement. Here’s how they did it:

  • Content library: L’Oreal created a centralized content library that housed videos, images, and other marketing materials. This made it easy for employees to access the latest information and updates.
  • Web interfaces: L’Oreal also developed two web interfaces: one for super admins to manage content for the entire network of sub-brands and another for individual salons to customize their displays.
  • Media player and apps: L’Oreal used CrownTV’s media player and apps to manage and deliver content to its digital signage network. The media player is a powerful tool that allows users to create and schedule playlists, manage content across multiple displays, and track analytics. The apps provide a variety of features, such as the ability to display social media feeds, news, and weather updates.

L’Oreal’s use of digital signage has led to a number of benefits, including:

  • Improved employee communication: Employees now have access to the latest information and updates, which has helped to improve communication and collaboration.
  • Increased employee engagement: Digital signage has made it easier for employees to stay informed and engaged with the company.
  • Reduced costs: Digital signage has helped to reduce the costs associated with traditional communication methods, such as printing and mailing.

L’Oreal’s use of digital signage is a great example of how this technology can be used to improve internal communication and employee engagement. If you’re looking for ways to improve your own internal communication, digital signage is a great option to consider.

Conclusion: Ready to Transform Your Workplace with Digital Signage?

There you have it! You’ve journeyed through the dynamic world of digital signage and witnessed its power to revolutionize your internal communications. From boosting employee engagement and fostering transparency to streamlining processes and slashing costs, digital signage is a game-changer for modern workplaces.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to ditch outdated methods and embrace the future of internal communication.

Your Key Takeaways:

  • Captivate Your Audience: Ditch boring emails and ignite excitement with dynamic visuals that grab attention.
  • Build Trust Through Transparency: Share company updates, metrics, and recognition to foster a culture of openness.
  • Empower Your Workforce: Equip your teams with the knowledge they need to excel, whether they’re on the front lines or behind the scenes.
  • Elevate Your Brand: Showcase your company’s unique personality and values to create a sense of pride and belonging.
  • Save Money and the Planet: Ditch costly printed materials and embrace an eco-friendly, cost-effective communication solution.
  • Stay Ahead of the Game: Future-proof your internal comms with a scalable platform that can adapt and evolve alongside your company.
  • Prove the Value: Calculate a tangible ROI to demonstrate the impact of your digital signage investment on your bottom line.

Remember, digital signage isn’t just about pretty pictures—it’s about creating a more connected, informed, and engaged workforce. Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your internal communications? The future is bright, and digital signage is your ticket to success.

Your Partner in Digital Signage Success

Whether you need a few screens or a nationwide deployment, CrownTV is here to guide you every step of the way. Our comprehensive digital signage solutions include everything you need to get started, from advanced cloud-based software known as Dashboard and top-of-the-line hardware to expert installation and ongoing support. We’ve been helping businesses of all sizes harness the power of digital signage for over a decade, and our track record speaks for itself.

With our white-glove experience, you can sit back and relax while we handle everything from screen selection and content creation to installation and maintenance. Our user-friendly platform makes it easy to update your content in real time, and our dedicated support team is always available to answer your questions and ensure all of your digital signage systems are performing at their best.So, if you’re ready to take your internal communications to the next level, let CrownTV be your trusted partner. We’ll help you create a digital signage solution that’s tailored to your unique needs and goals so that you can reap the benefits of this powerful tool without any of the hassle.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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