How to Implement Directory Signage Systems in Your Facility

Facility Signage Systems


Ever walked into a building and felt a wave of “Where am I supposed to go?” wash over you? You’re not alone. Poor signage is a headache for visitors and a missed opportunity for you.

But what if your signs could do more than just point? What if they could guide, inform, and even impress? With a well-planned directory signage system, they absolutely can.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the nuts and bolts of creating a signage system that works for your facility.

  • Why directory signage matters: We’ll break down the tangible benefits of having a clear, concise system.
  • Planning your system: We’ll help you map out where signs should go and what they should say.
  • Design tips: From fonts to colors, we’ll give you the know-how to make your signs look sharp.
  • Implementation and maintenance: We’ll cover how to get those signs up and keep them looking fresh.
  • Introducing CrownTV’s digital signage solutions: We’ll explore how digital displays can take your signage system to the next level.

Let’s turn your facility into a place where everyone knows exactly where they’re headed.

Why Your Signs Are More Than Just Decoration

Think of your facility’s signage as a silent tour guide. Done right, it takes the guesswork out of navigating your space, making life easier for everyone who walks through your doors. But the benefits go beyond just wayfinding signage.

A clear, concise signage system can:

  • Boost Efficiency: No more wandering around lost. When people can find their destinations quickly, it frees up your staff for other tasks and creates a smoother experience for visitors.
  • Enhance Safety: Clear directions to emergency exits and safety equipment are not just a good idea—they’re often required by law. A well-placed sign could literally be a lifesaver.
  • Reinforce Your Brand: Signs can be more than just functional. They can carry your brand’s colors, logo, and messaging, subtly promoting your identity at every turn.
  • Improve Customer Satisfaction: A frustrated visitor is less likely to become a happy customer or client. Clear signage contributes to a positive overall experience.

But don’t just take our word for it. A study found that 76% of consumers enter a business they’ve never visited before simply because of its sign. That’s a lot of potential foot traffic you could be missing out on if your informational signage isn’t up to par.

Mapping Out Your Signage Masterplan

Now that you’re sold on the why, let’s dive into the how. Planning your directory signage system is like creating a roadmap for your facility. It takes a bit of legwork upfront, but the payoff is huge when your visitors and employees can navigate with ease.

Here’s how to get started:

Conduct a Signage Audit

Grab a clipboard and a pen, and let’s play detective! Stroll through your facility like you’ve never seen it before.

  • Look for visual clutter: Are there too many signs competing for attention? Are they faded, damaged, or outdated?
  • Check for consistency: Do your signs follow a cohesive design scheme?
  • Note any gaps: Are there areas where signage is lacking or could be improved? This audit is your foundation—it helps you pinpoint what’s working, what’s not, and where to focus your efforts.

Identify Key Decision Points (KDPs)

These are the crossroads of your facility, where people tend to hesitate and make choices about where to go next. Think of lobbies, elevator banks, stairwells, and corridor intersections. KDPs are prime real estate for your directional signage. By strategically placing clear and concise signs at these critical points, you can significantly improve the overall wayfinding experience for your visitors and employees. Consider these factors when identifying KDPs:

  • High traffic areas: Where do people congregate and move through most frequently?
  • Points of confusion: Are there areas where people often seem lost or disoriented?
  • Decision-making junctions: Where do people have to choose between multiple paths?
  • Emergency exits and safety points: These should be clearly marked and easily accessible.

Once you’ve identified your KDPs, you can start to develop digital directory signs strategy that will guide people seamlessly through your facility.

Create a Site Map

Don’t worry. You don’t need to be an architect. A simple sketch or digital diagram will do the trick. This will help visitors navigate your facility.

  • Map out the floor plan of your facility: Include hallways, rooms, entrances, exits, and any other relevant features.
  • Mark your KDPs: These are your signage hotspots.
  • Add important destinations: Think restrooms, reception areas, conference rooms, fire exits, etc. This visual aid helps you strategize sign placement and ensure optimal flow.

Prioritize Your Signs

Unless you have an unlimited budget (wouldn’t that be nice?), you’ll need to prioritize.

  • Start with the essentials: Wayfinding signs for key destinations and safety signage are non-negotiable.
  • Consider high-traffic areas: Where do people congregate the most? These spots deserve extra attention.
  • Think about visitor needs: What information would be most helpful for newcomers?

Determine Sign Types

Not all signs are created equal. Each has a specific job to do:

  • Directional Signs: These are your trusty guides, pointing people in the right direction with arrows, symbols, or text.
  • Identification Signs: These name the rooms, offices, and departments, so people know they’ve reached their desired destination.
  • Informational Signs: These provide additional details, like hours of operation, accessibility information, or fun facts about your facility.
  • Regulatory Signs: These enforce the rules, letting people know what’s allowed and what’s not.

Remember, choosing the right sign type for the right location is key to a successful signage system.

Sign Design: Where Form Meets Function

directional signage

Your signs aren’t just guides; they’re a reflection of your facility’s personality and professionalism. Whether you’re directing visitors to navigate large campuses, marking high-traffic locations like a parking area, or welcoming a new tenant, a well-designed sign catches the eye, conveys information clearly, and leaves a lasting impression. Let’s break down the key elements:


  • Readability is King: Choose sans-serif fonts like Arial, Helvetica, or Verdana. They’re clean, simple, and easy on the eyes, even from a distance.
  • Size Matters: Don’t make people squint! The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has guidelines for minimum font sizes based on viewing distance.
  • Less is More: Avoid fancy or decorative fonts. Stick to one or two typefaces for consistency.


  • Contrast is Key: Your text should pop against the background. Dark text on a light background or vice versa is a safe bet.
  • Color Psychology: Colors evoke emotions. Blues and greens are calming, while reds and yellows grab attention. Consider your facility’s vibe when choosing.
  • Brand Consistency: Use your brand’s color palette to reinforce your identity.


  • Whitespace is Your Friend: Don’t cram too much information onto one sign. Leave ample space around text and images for a clean, uncluttered look.
  • Hierarchy: Use different font sizes and weights to create a visual hierarchy. The most important information should be the largest and most prominent.
  • Directional Cues: Arrows and symbols can guide people without the need for words.


  • Durability: Choose materials that can withstand wear and tear, especially for outdoor signs.
  • Visibility: Consider lighting conditions. Will your signs be easily seen in low light?
  • Maintenance: Opt for materials that are easy to clean and maintain.

Remember, your signs are a visual representation of your facility. Invest in good design, and they’ll pay you back in spades. Pro Tip: If you’re not a design whiz, consider hiring a professional. A graphic designer can create custom signage that perfectly matches your brand and vision.

Bringing Your Signage to Life: Implementation & Maintenance

directional signage

You’ve mapped out your plan and designed your signs – now it’s time to make them a reality. This phase involves getting your signs fabricated, installed, and ensuring they stay in tip-top shape.


Partnering with a reputable sign manufacturer is crucial. They’ll bring your designs to life, using high-quality materials and construction techniques that ensure longevity. Be sure to discuss your specific needs, including:

  • Material choices: Consider factors like durability, visibility, and budget. Options range from acrylic and aluminum to vinyl and wood.
  • Mounting options: How will your signs be attached? Wall-mounted, freestanding, suspended? The mounting method should be secure and aesthetically pleasing.
  • ADA compliance: If your signs need to meet ADA standards, make sure your manufacturer is well-versed in those requirements.


Proper installation is key to ensuring your signs look their best and last for years to come. Depending on the complexity of your signage system, you may choose to:

  • DIY: If you have a small facility and simple signs, you might be able to handle the installation yourself. Just be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  • Professional Installation: For larger facilities or more complex signage systems, it’s often best to leave it to the pros. Professional installers have the experience and tools to ensure a seamless and secure installation.


Your signage system is an investment, and like any investment, it needs regular upkeep to maintain its value. Here are a few tips to keep your signs looking fresh:

  • Regular Cleaning: Dust, dirt, and grime can quickly dull the appearance of your signs. Schedule regular cleaning to keep them looking their best.
  • Check for Damage: Look for any cracks, chips, or fading. Address any issues promptly to prevent further deterioration.
  • Update Information: As your facility changes, so too should your signs. Keep them updated with the latest information to avoid confusing visitors.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your signage system not only looks great but also serves its purpose effectively for years to come.

Level Up Your Signage with CrownTV’s Digital Signage Solutions

While traditional signage certainly has its place, digital displays offer a dynamic and engaging way to elevate your wayfinding and communication efforts. CrownTV’s comprehensive digital signage solutions are designed to streamline the process and deliver impactful results.

Dashboard: Your Command Center

CrownTV’s intuitive dashboard puts you in the driver’s seat. Easily manage your entire signage network from one central location, whether you have a handful of screens or a sprawling campus.

  • Real-Time Updates: Change content on the fly, keeping your messaging fresh and relevant.
  • Remote Management: Control displays across multiple locations with ease, saving you time and resources.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor the effectiveness of your signage campaigns with detailed analytics.

Player: The Power Behind the Pixel

The CrownTV’s media player is the engine that drives your digital signage. This compact yet powerful device ensures seamless playback and reliable performance.

  • Plug-and-Play Simplicity: Get your digital signage up and running in minutes with easy setup.
  • Robust Performance: Enjoy smooth playback of high-definition content without a hitch.
  • Versatile Compatibility: Supports various file formats and integrates seamlessly with your existing systems.

Apps & Integrations: Your Creative Toolkit

CrownTV’s app store is a treasure trove of possibilities. From social media feeds to weather updates to interactive maps, you’ll find the tools you need to create captivating and informative displays.

  • Customizable Templates: Choose from a wide range of pre-designed templates or create your own.
  • Dynamic Content: Keep your audience engaged with live feeds, news tickers, and social media updates.
  • Interactive Elements: Encourage participation with touch-screen kiosks and QR code integration.

Digital Signage Implementation: A Seamless Transition

Transitioning to digital signage doesn’t have to be a headache. CrownTV offers end-to-end support, from initial consultation to installation and ongoing maintenance. Our team of experts will work with you to design a solution that meets your specific needs and budget. Ready to see what digital signage can do for your facility? Get a demo today and discover how CrownTV can transform your signage system into a powerful communication tool.

Conclusion: Your Signage System, Your Way

You’ve got the knowledge. Now, it’s time to make your facility shine. By following these steps, you can create a signage system that’s not just functional but a seamless part of your visitor and employee experience.

Let’s recap the highlights:

  • The power of a well-planned system: We covered why signage is more than just decoration. It’s a strategic tool.
  • Planning like a pro: You learned how to map out your facility, identify key decision points, and prioritize your signage needs.
  • Design tips from the pros: We shared insider secrets on fonts, colors, layout, and materials to make your signs eye-catching and effective.
  • Implementation and upkeep: You’re now equipped to bring your signage vision to life and keep it looking sharp.
  • The digital advantage: We explored how digital signage can take your system to the next level with dynamic content and real-time updates.

If you’re ready to take the hassle out of signage and upgrade your facility’s navigation, CrownTV is here to help. Our user-friendly digital signage solutions make it easy to create, manage, and update your signs, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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