How to Design Eye-Catching Digital Signage for Your Cafe

Cafe Digital Signage


Tired of your cafe’s menu boards looking like they belong in a time capsule? You know, those static displays that blend into the background, barely noticed by your latte-sipping clientele? Digital signage is the caffeine boost your cafe needs. It’s vibrant, dynamic, and actually gets noticed.

This isn’t just about slapping a screen on the wall and calling it a day. We’re talking eye-catching, customer-converting digital signage that makes your cafe the talk of the town (and Instagram). With the right approach, you can transform your cafe’s atmosphere, upsell like a pro, and turn first-time visitors into regulars.

So, grab your favorite coffee creation, get comfy, and let’s dive in. In this guide, we’ll walk you through every step you’re gonna need to design eye-catching digital signage for your cafe. By the end of this read, you’ll be armed with the knowledge and inspiration to turn your cafe’s digital signage into a powerful tool for boosting your bottom line.

Crafting Digital Signage That Commands Attention: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to swap out those dusty chalkboards and catapult your cafe into the digital age? Fantastic! Let’s break down the process of creating digital signage that not only looks sleek and professional but also actively engages your customers and drives business results.

Step one: Define Your Objectives

Before you even touch a design digital signage software, take a step back and ask yourself: What do I want this digital signage to achieve for my cafe? It’s not just about looking cool; it’s about making a tangible impact on your business.

Setting SMART Goals:

  • Increase Sales: Are there specific items you want to push, like your signature latte or that new vegan pastry? Digital signage can highlight these items and entice customers to try them.
  • Enhancing Customer Engagement: Do you want to streamline ordering or provide nutritional information? Digital menus make it easy for customers to browse and make informed choices.
  • Boost Brand Awareness: Maybe you want to showcase your cafe’s unique story, values, or social media presence. Engaging visuals and social feeds can turn customers into loyal brand ambassadors.
  • Enhance Ambiance: Are you going for a cozy, trendy, or energetic vibe? Your digital signage’s design and content can reinforce your desired atmosphere.

Don’t Forget the Metrics. Once you’ve defined your objectives, pinpoint the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will measure your success. This could be anything from tracking sales of promoted items on the digital menu board to monitoring social media engagement related to your signage content.


Let’s say your goal is to increase sales of your premium coffee beans. Your digital signage could display stunning images of coffee farms, share the story of your ethically sourced beans, and offer a “Brew at Home” discount code for those who purchase a bag in-store. You could then track the number of bean purchases and compare them to your pre-digital signage figures to gauge the effectiveness of your campaign.

By setting crystal-clear objectives, you’ll transform your digital sign from a decorative element into a powerful business tool. It’s like having a 24/7 marketing team that never calls in sick in order to gain customer loyalty. So, grab your notepad and start brainstorming those big-picture goals!

Step two: Understand Your Clientele

Your cafe isn’t a one-size-fits-all establishment, and neither should your digital signage. Take the time to understand your clientele’s unique preferences and tailor your content on the digital menu boards accordingly.

Digging into Demographics

  • Age: Are your regulars college students craving the latest trends, or are they families seeking a comfortable space? Your visuals and messaging should resonate with the age groups you serve.
  • Interests: What are your customers passionate about? Do they love local art, sustainability, or sports? Incorporating relevant themes to use digital signage can spark conversations and forge deeper connections.
  • Tech Savviness: Are your customers comfortable interacting with touchscreens, or do they prefer more traditional displays? Tailor your technology choices to their comfort level.

Consider Their Daily Grind

  • Time of Day: What are your peak hours? During the morning rush, focus on quick and easy ordering options. In the evenings, create a more relaxed ambiance with ambient visuals and music.
  • Day of the Week: Do you host special events or promotions on certain days? Use your signage to announce these happenings and generate excitement.

If your cafe attracts coffee aficionados, don’t just list “latte” on your menu. Dive deeper. Showcase the origin of your beans, highlight the different brewing methods you offer, and maybe even throw in some fun coffee trivia. This kind of tailored content speaks directly to their passion and makes them feel understood (and more likely to order that extra shot of espresso).

By understanding your clientele like a barista knows their regulars’ orders, you’ll be able to create digital signage that not only catches their eye but also speaks to their soul. So, put on your detective hat and start gathering those customer insights!

Step three: Choose Your Digital Canvas

Just like an artist needs the right canvas, your digital signage solutions needs the perfect hardware to showcase its brilliance. Luckily, you’ve got a whole world of options to choose from.

Screen Types

  • LCD: These are your standard, budget-friendly screens. They’re great for displaying static images and text, but they might not be the best choice for high-motion content.
  • LED: If you’re looking for bright, vibrant displays that can handle video and animation with ease, LED is the way to go. They’re also more energy-efficient than LCDs.
  • OLED: These cutting-edge digital screens offer the best picture quality, with deep blacks and vibrant colors. But they come with a hefty price tag, so they’re usually reserved for high-end installations.
  • Projection: If you have a large space and want to create a truly immersive experience, projectors can be a great option. They can cast images onto walls, floors, or even ceilings.

Screen Size Matters

Choosing the right screen size is crucial for optimal viewing experience. Consider the following factors:

  • Viewing Distance: How far away will customers be from the screen? A larger screen is ideal for greater distances, while a smaller screen might be sufficient for closer viewing.
  • Content Complexity: If you plan to display detailed images, videos, or menus, a larger digital display will allow for better readability and visual impact.
  • Space Constraints: The physical dimensions of your cafe will limit your screen size options. Make sure to measure the available space before making a decision.
  • Budget: Screen size directly impacts cost. Consider your budget and prioritize based on your needs and available resources.

Remember, a screen that is too small for the viewing distance can strain customers’ eyes and make your content difficult to read. Conversely, a screen that is too large might overwhelm the space and create a distracting environment.

Placement is Key

Where you put your screens is just as important as what’s on them. Place them in high-traffic areas, like near the entrance or above the counter. Make sure they’re visible from a distance and not obstructed by furniture or other objects. Consider the customer journey through your cafe and strategically place screens to capture attention at key decision points. For example, a screen near the counter can highlight impulse purchases, while a screen in the seating area can promote loyalty programs or display engaging content to keep customers entertained.

Also, think about the orientation of your screens. Portrait mode can be effective for displaying menus or highlighting specific products, while landscape mode is better suited for showcasing videos or images. Experiment with different orientations to find what works best for your content and layout.

Don’t Forget the Mounts

Choose mounts that are sturdy, secure, and appropriate for your chosen screen type. You don’t want your masterpiece crashing to the floor! Consider tilt and swivel options for optimal viewing angles. Additionally, pay attention to cable management to maintain a clean and professional appearance. Conceal wires within walls or use cable covers to prevent tripping hazards and maintain a visually appealing display.

Consider the weight of your screen and any additional accessories, such as speakers or media players, when selecting a mount. Ensure the mount is designed to support the combined weight without compromising stability. If you plan to use multiple screens, consider a mounting system that allows for flexible placement and configuration. This will give you the freedom to create different layouts and adapt to changing needs.

For outdoor installations, choose weatherproof mounts and screens that are designed to withstand harsh conditions. Protect your investment by selecting durable materials and considering additional protective measures, such as covers or enclosures.

Pro Tip: Future-Proof Your Investment:

When choosing your hardware, think long-term. Opt for screens that are easy to upgrade or replace if needed. This will save you money and hassle down the line.

By carefully selecting your digital canvas, you’ll create a visually stunning backdrop for your cafe’s digital signage masterpiece. It’s like choosing the perfect frame for a work of art – it enhances the overall experience and leaves a lasting impression. So, let’s pick out those screens and start painting!

Step four: Optimize Layout and Composition

customer experience

Think of your cafe digital signage as a symphony of visual elements. Each element plays a role, and it’s up to you, the conductor, to arrange them in a way that’s harmonious and engaging.

  • The Rule of Thirds: This classic design principle suggests dividing your screen into thirds both horizontally and vertically. Place key elements along these lines or at their intersections to create a visually balanced composition.
  • Hierarchy of Information: Guide your viewers’ eyes through your content by prioritizing the most important information. Use larger fonts, brighter colors, or strategic placement to make key messages stand out.
  • White Space is Your Friend: Don’t overcrowd your screen. Leave some breathing room between elements to avoid a cluttered look. White space helps your content feel more organized and easier to digest.
  • Balance Text and Visuals: A well-balanced layout incorporates both text and visuals in a way that complements each other. Too much text can be overwhelming, while too many visuals can feel chaotic. Aim for a harmonious blend.
  • Grid Systems for Structure: Grid systems are a great way to create a structured layout. They help you align elements and create a sense of order. You can use a simple grid with a few columns or a more complex one with multiple rows and columns.

Imagine your menu board divided into three sections:

  • Top: Your cafe’s logo and a catchy tagline.
  • Middle: The main menu items, categorized by type (e.g., coffee, tea, pastries).
  • Bottom: Daily specials, promotions, or social media feeds.

By utilizing a grid system, you can ensure that each section is well-defined and easy to navigate. Use larger fonts for headings and smaller fonts for descriptions. And don’t forget to leave some white space to let your content breathe!

Step five: Prioritize Readability with Fonts

Choosing the right fonts for your digital signage is like casting the perfect actors for a play. The wrong choice can leave your audience confused and disinterested, while the right one can captivate them and deliver your message with clarity.

  • Legibility is King: Your primary goal is to ensure that your text is easy to read from a distance. Avoid overly decorative or script-like fonts, as they can be difficult to decipher, especially on smaller screens or when viewed from afar.
  • Font Pairing: Select 2-3 complementary fonts that work well together. A common practice is to use a serif font for headings and a sans-serif font for body text. This creates visual contrast and helps to differentiate between different types of information.
  • Font Size: The size of your fonts should be proportionate to the screen size and viewing distance. Larger screens require larger fonts, while smaller screens can accommodate smaller fonts. As a general rule of thumb, headings should be at least 2-3 times larger than body text.
  • Font Weight: Use bold or italicized text sparingly to emphasize specific words or phrases. Too much emphasis can be distracting and make your content difficult to read.
  • Font Color: Choose high-contrast colors that are easy on the eyes. Black text on a white background is the most legible combination, but you can also use other colors as long as they contrast well with the background. Avoid using light text on a light background or dark text on a dark background.


  • Heading: A bold, sans-serif font like Montserrat or Open Sans.
  • Subheading: A lighter version of the heading font or a different sans-serif font like Lato or Roboto.
  • Body Text: A classic serif font like Georgia or Merriweather.

This combination offers a clean, modern look that’s both stylish and easy to read.

Test Your Fonts

Before finalizing your font choices, test them on different screen sizes and distances to ensure they’re legible in various scenarios. You can even ask friends or family members to give you feedback on readability. By selecting fonts that prioritize readability, you’ll ensure that your message comes across loud and clear. It’s like having a well-trained actor deliver your lines with perfect enunciation and clarity. So, let’s choose those fonts wisely and make sure your cafe’s digital signage steals the show!

Step six: Evoke Emotions with Color

Colors are more than just pretty hues; they’re powerful tools that can evoke emotions, influence behavior, and even boost your cafe’s bottom line. When used strategically, color can transform your digital signage into a captivating experience that resonates with customers on a deeper level.

The Psychology of Color

  • Red: Stimulates appetite, increases heart rate, and creates a sense of urgency. Perfect for highlighting limited-time offers or enticing menu items.
  • Orange: Evokes warmth, enthusiasm, and creativity. Use it to create a welcoming atmosphere or promote playful menu options.
  • Yellow: Associated with happiness, optimism, and energy. A great choice for highlighting discounts or drawing attention to specific areas of your screen.
  • Green: Represents freshness, health, and nature. Ideal for showcasing salads, smoothies, or other healthy menu options.
  • Blue: Conveys calmness, trust, and reliability. Use it to create a relaxing atmosphere or promote loyalty programs.
  • Purple: Associated with luxury, sophistication, and creativity. A good choice for highlighting premium products or creating a sense of exclusivity.

Choose 2-3 main colors that align with your cafe’s brand identity and the emotions you want to evoke in your customers. Use these colors consistently throughout your digital signage to create a cohesive look and feel. Ensure there’s enough contrast between your text and background colors to ensure readability. Black text on a white background is always a safe bet, but you can also experiment with other high-contrast combinations.

Also consider the temperature of your colors. Warm colors like red, orange, and yellow can create a more energetic and stimulating atmosphere, while cool colors like blue, green, and purple can evoke a sense of calmness and relaxation.

Step seven: Embrace Visual Diversity

Your digital signage is your cafe’s stage, and it’s time to put on a show! Don’t settle for boring static images. Instead, embrace the power of visual diversity to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.

The Power of Motion

Humans are naturally drawn to movement. Incorporating videos, animations, and even subtle transitions between slides can significantly increase customer engagement with your digital signage. Consider showcasing:

  • Behind-the-Scenes Footage: Give customers a glimpse into your coffee roasting process, latte art creation, or even a fun team meeting.
  • Customer Testimonials: Showcase happy customers enjoying your coffee and pastries. This social proof can be incredibly persuasive.
  • Product Demonstrations: Show off how your baristas create your signature drinks or highlight the unique features of your latest menu additions.
  • Time-Lapse Videos: Capture the hustle and bustle of your cafe throughout the day, condensed into a captivating visual feast.

High-quality images are a must for any digital signage display. Use professional photographs of your menu items, cafe ambiance, or local landmarks. Avoid generic stock photos that lack personality and authenticity. If you want to share information in an engaging way, infographics and data visualizations are your secret weapon. They can break down complex concepts into bite-sized visuals that are easy to understand and remember.

If your budget allows, consider incorporating interactive elements into your digital signage. This could be anything from a touchscreen menu to a social media wall where customers can share their experiences.


Imagine a digital signage display that combines all of these elements:

  • A video loop showcases the cafe’s coffee roasting process, while a separate screen displays a rotating carousel of high-quality food images.
  • An interactive touch screen allows customers to browse the menu and place orders.
  • A social media wall displays live tweets and Instagram posts from customers who are enjoying their cafe experience.
  • An infographic breaks down the health benefits of different types of coffee.

This multi-sensory experience not only entertains and informs customers but also encourages them to interact with the cafe and share their experience on social media.

Step eight: Craft Concise and Compelling Messaging

digital signage content

In the fast-paced world of cafes, you’ve got a limited window to capture your customers’ attention. That’s why your digital signage messaging needs to be concise, compelling, and straight to the point.

  • The Power of Brevity: People are bombarded with information all day long. Don’t add to the noise with lengthy paragraphs or complicated sentences. Get to the heart of your message quickly and succinctly.
  • The Hook: Start with a strong hook that grabs attention. This could be a question, a surprising fact, or a witty remark.
  • The Call to Action: Tell your customers what you want them to do. Do you want them to try your new seasonal latte? Sign up for your loyalty program? Follow you on social media? Make it clear and easy for them to take action.
  • The Emotional Connection: Don’t just focus on features and benefits. Appeal to your customers’ emotions. Make them feel excited, hungry, or intrigued.


  • “Tired of the same old coffee? Try our new Pumpkin Spice Latte, made with real pumpkin and a hint of spice.” (Emotional appeal)
  • “Join our loyalty program and get a free drink on your birthday!” (Call to action)
  • “Did you know that coffee beans are actually berries?” (Surprising fact)

Use Humor Sparingly: A well-placed pun or joke can add personality to your messaging, but don’t overdo it. Too much humor can be distracting and detract from your message.

Final step: Maintain Content Freshness

Your digital signage is not a “set it and forget it” kind of thing. To keep your audience engaged, you need to keep your digital signage content fresh, relevant, and exciting.

  • The Importance of Regular Updates: Stale content is like a stale croissant – no one wants it. Regularly updating your digital signage shows customers that you’re invested in their experience and that your cafe is a vibrant, dynamic place to be.
  • How Often Should You Update: There’s no hard and fast rule, but a good starting point is to update your content at least once a week. If you have daily specials or promotions, you’ll want to update your signage more frequently.

What to Update?

  • Menu Items: Add new seasonal items, highlight customer favorites, or showcase dishes with beautiful food photography.
  • Promotions: Announce discounts, special events, or loyalty program rewards.
  • Social Media: Integrate your social media feeds to showcase user-generated content and create a sense of community.
  • News and Announcements: Share updates about your cafe, such as new hours, events, or partnerships.

A content calendar can help you plan and schedule your digital signage updates in advance. This will ensure that your content is always fresh and relevant. By keeping your content fresh, you’ll transform your digital signage into a living, breathing entity that reflects the energy and dynamism of your cafe. It’s like having a daily newspaper that always delivers the latest scoop. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and start brainstorming those content updates!

Last Words: Ready to Brew Up Some Digital Signage Magic?

You’ve journeyed through the ins and outs of crafting digital signage that’s not just eye-catching, but also a powerful tool for your cafe’s success. By now, you’re equipped with the knowledge and inspiration to transform those screens into captivating digital displays that draw and encourage customers in, boost sales, and create a buzz.

Let’s quickly recap the key ingredients for brewing up digital signage success:

  • Clear Objectives: Define your goals before you design.
  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your message to your clientele’s tastes.
  • Choose Wisely: Select the right hardware for your space and budget.
  • Master the Layout: Arrange your content for maximum impact.
  • Font Finesse: Prioritize readability with your font choices.
  • Color Psychology: Use color to evoke emotions and create atmosphere.
  • Visual Variety: Keep things interesting with videos, animations, and more.
  • Concise Messaging: Craft impactful messages that get to the point.
  • Fresh Content: Regularly update your content to keep it engaging.

Now, it’s time to take action! Put these tips into practice high level of customer satisfaction and watch your cafe’s digital signage become the star of the show. And if you’re looking for a hassle-free way to create stunning digital signage that wows your customers, check out CrownTV. Our dashboard lets you easily manage content across multiple screens, while the powerful media player ensures seamless playback.

With our vast library of apps and integrations, you can customize your signage to fit your cafe’s unique vibe. And if you need a little extra help, our digital signage implementation service takes care of everything from installation to ongoing support. With CrownTV, you can focus on what you do best – brewing amazing coffee – while they handle the tech side of things.

Cheers to your cafe’s digital transformation! May your screens be bright, your content be captivating, and your customers be delighted.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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