How to Use Digital Signage for Internal Communications

Digital Signage for Internal Communications


What if the way you’re communicating with your team is slowing everything down? You may think that sending an email or posting a message on your internal platform gets the job done. But in reality, are your employees really absorbing that information? Miscommunication or lack of engagement can lead to costly mistakes and inefficiencies, especially when everyone is scattered across different locations. That’s where digital signage steps in as a game changer—not just for customer-facing operations, but for internal communications as well.

So, what’s in this for you? You’re here because you want to fix a common problem—inefficient communication. In this article, we’ll dive into how digital signage can transform internal messaging within your organization. Here’s what we’re covering:

  • Why digital signage stands out for internal communications
  • Types of content that work best for internal screens
  • How to effectively implement and manage digital signage across multiple locations
  • Pro tips for creating engaging and useful content

If you’re tired of ineffective emails and lost memos, you’re in the right place. Keep reading to find out how digital signage can simplify and streamline the way your team communicates.

Why Digital Signage Stands Out for Internal Communications

Internal communications often struggle with keeping employees informed and engaged. Emails get lost in cluttered inboxes, and announcements on internal platforms can go unnoticed. This is where digital signage transforms the game by offering a solution that’s both visual and immediate.

Here’s why digital signage rises above the noise:

  • Instant visibility: When information is displayed on strategically placed digital signage screens, it’s impossible to ignore. Whether it’s in the break room or near an office entrance, digital signage commands attention.
  • Dynamic content delivery: Unlike traditional methods, digital signage allows you to deliver updates in real time without overwhelming your audience. With content that rotates and adapts, you can ensure employees stay updated on what’s most important, without overloading them with information at once.
  • Increased engagement: Research shows that digital signage has a 47.7% effectiveness in influencing engagement compared to static displays. The vivid visuals and targeted messaging of digital screens can grab attention and spark interaction, whether it’s for company news, employee recognition, or even training reminders.
  • Consistency across locations: For businesses with multiple offices, consistency is key. Digital signage allows you to broadcast unified messages across different locations, ensuring that everyone receives the same updates, regardless of where they’re working.
  • Eco-friendly alternative: Relying on printed materials for internal communications leads to a significant amount of waste. Digital signage reduces the need for paper, making your communication strategy greener and more cost-effective over time.

By shifting your internal communications to digital signage, you’re not just making your processes more efficient—you’re creating a workplace where information is clear, accessible, and engaging. This not only boosts morale but also helps reduce errors caused by miscommunication.

What Content Works Best for Internal Screens?

employee digital signage

Not all content is suited for internal digital signage. The key is to balance the right type of information with engaging visuals to ensure it resonates with your team. By focusing on content that informs, motivates, and connects, your internal screens can become an essential part of your workplace communication.

Here’s the type of content that shines on internal digital signage:

  • Company announcements: Whether it’s leadership updates, policy changes, or company-wide achievements, internal screens ensure these important announcements don’t get lost in the noise. Display them in bold, concise formats that are hard to miss.
  • Employee recognition: Highlighting individual or team achievements can significantly boost morale. Use internal screens to celebrate employee of the month awards, project successes, or even birthdays and work anniversaries. Visual recognition reinforces a positive workplace culture.
  • Real-time metrics and KPIs: Keeping employees informed about how the company or their department is performing helps align everyone toward shared goals. Display sales targets, performance data, or progress on key projects to create transparency and motivation.
  • Training reminders and schedules: Keep your workforce on track with upcoming training sessions, webinars, or workshops. Visual cues displayed throughout the office serve as helpful reminders without overwhelming inboxes or task managers.
  • Health and safety updates: In today’s environment, timely updates about workplace safety, health protocols, or emergency procedures are crucial. Use screens to communicate changes quickly and effectively to everyone on-site.
  • Inspirational quotes and company values: Sometimes, it’s the simple things that leave a lasting impression. Incorporating motivational quotes, company values, or even fun trivia keeps employees engaged and connected to your company culture.

By curating the right content for your internal digital signage, you create a communication platform that’s both functional and engaging.

Managing Digital Signage Across Multiple Locations

Successfully implementing digital signage across various locations requires more than just setting up screens. It’s about creating a unified system that ensures consistent messaging while allowing for local flexibility. This balance can boost engagement and streamline communication throughout the entire organization.

Here’s how to implement and manage digital signage effectively across multiple sites:

Centralized Control with Local Customization

At the core of any effective multi-location digital signage system is centralized control. This allows you to push out important company-wide messages instantly while maintaining brand consistency across every office or branch. However, one-size-fits-all content can miss the mark in diverse locations.

That’s where local customization comes in. Each location should have the flexibility to tweak content to suit its unique culture or specific needs. For example, while the head office may display corporate updates, regional teams might use the same system to promote local initiatives or recognize regional achievements.

How do we implement this balance?

  1. Set company-wide guidelines for content, ensuring consistency across key messages.
  2. Allow regional or departmental managers to adjust certain aspects of the messaging, such as local events, sales targets, or team recognition, without altering core information.

This balance ensures both alignment with corporate goals and relevance to local employees.

Standardized Hardware and Software

Consistency across hardware and software is critical when managing digital signage in multiple locations. Using the same system in all offices reduces downtime, minimizes compatibility issues, and makes troubleshooting more manageable.

  • Hardware: Choosing reliable hardware is essential for long-term performance. Digital signage displays must be durable enough for high-traffic areas and designed for optimal viewing angles and clarity. CrownTV’s hardware, known for its robust construction and reliability, fits seamlessly into various environments. Whether mounted in a corporate lobby or within a busy breakroom, its sleek, high-performance displays maintain consistent quality across all locations.
  • Software: A single software solution to manage all your screens simplifies content management. This is where CrownTV’s dashboard excels. It allows administrators to control everything from screen content to schedules from one central interface. The dashboard’s user-friendly design lets even non-technical employees handle content changes with ease, while its secure infrastructure ensures that your data remains protected.

By standardizing both your hardware and software, you create a cohesive system that simplifies operations and boosts efficiency.

Cloud-Based Management

Cloud-based platforms are the backbone of modern digital signage. With a cloud system, you can manage your entire network of screens from one central hub, no matter how geographically spread out your organization is.

A cloud solution offers real-time updates, meaning that any content adjustments you make will appear immediately on every screen in your network. This is especially valuable when quick changes are needed, such as emergency notifications or timely corporate announcements.

Advantages of cloud-based management:

  • Scalability: As your company grows, you can easily add more screens without having to overhaul your entire system.
  • Accessibility: Administrators can manage the system from any location, as long as they have internet access.
  • Security: Cloud-based platforms typically come with advanced encryption and security protocols, ensuring that your communication remains safe from breaches.

This type of infrastructure allows for operational flexibility while maintaining security and control over your internal messaging.

Scheduled Updates and Rotations

Keeping content fresh is essential to maintaining employee engagement. If screens display the same information repeatedly, employees will start to tune them out. By scheduling content updates and rotating what’s displayed, you can ensure that your screens remain a valuable communication tool.

How do you manage scheduled updates?

  • Plan weekly or monthly content refreshes based on company announcements, upcoming events, or performance updates.
  • Rotate between different types of content, such as company achievements, industry news, training sessions, and employee recognition.
  • Prioritize important messages during peak times, like before shifts or during breaks when employees are more likely to see the screens.

The key here is balance—keeping content fresh without overwhelming employees with too many changes at once.

Regular Performance Reviews

Monitoring the effectiveness of your digital signage system is crucial to ensure it’s meeting your goals. Regular performance reviews help identify areas that need improvement and highlight what’s working well.

What to measure?

  • Engagement levels: Are employees paying attention to the content on your screens? You can measure this through informal surveys, direct feedback, or observing behaviors around signage.
  • Message clarity: Are the key messages being communicated effectively? This involves ensuring that text, visuals, and the overall layout are easy to digest at a glance.
  • Content effectiveness: Analyze how well the content aligns with business objectives. For example, if your goal is to increase participation in training, check if the training reminders displayed on screens are leading to higher attendance.

By conducting regular reviews, you can refine your digital signage strategy to enhance both engagement and operational efficiency across all locations.

With centralized control, robust hardware and software, cloud management, strategic content scheduling, and performance reviews, you can transform how your company communicates internally.

Pro Tips for Creating Engaging and Useful Content

utilizing digital signage

Creating engaging digital signage content for internal employee communications goes beyond just flashing text on a screen. It’s about crafting messages that capture attention, communicate essential information quickly, and provide value to your audience. Here’s how you can ensure your content stays relevant, compelling, and purposeful.

Keep It Concise and Focused

When communicating through digital signage, time is your biggest constraint. Employees will only have a few seconds to glance at the screen, so the message needs to be brief and focused. Avoid dense paragraphs or overly detailed explanations. Instead, break complex information into clear, short sentences that can be understood immediately.

Designing concise content requires prioritization—only the most critical information should make it onto the display. Use simple language and avoid jargon to ensure the message is accessible to all employees, regardless of department or expertise. Aim for high-impact statements, where each word serves a distinct purpose. Consider the screen space as premium real estate: only display what will drive action or inform employees in the most efficient way.

Prioritize Visual Hierarchy

Visual design plays a central role in how effective your digital signage is at delivering messages. The key here is hierarchy—some elements should naturally draw the eye first, leading employees to absorb the primary message quickly. Use size, contrast, and alignment to highlight the most important elements on the screen, such as a headline or action point.

For example, larger fonts and bold colors should be reserved for urgent or core messages. Subheadings or supporting text should be smaller, yet still legible from a distance. Ensure that each visual element, from icons to typography, works cohesively to deliver a clear and digestible message. Keep distractions to a minimum by avoiding overly complex designs that might detract from the content.

At the same time, the visual appeal of the signage cannot be ignored. Images and subtle animations can help reinforce the message, but they should always complement, not overshadow, the primary information.

Update Content Frequently

Content stagnation is a common problem in digital signage. If the same message or graphic stays on display for too long, employees start to overlook it. Frequent updates ensure your content stays relevant and engaging. But how do you manage consistent updates without overwhelming your internal corporate communications team?

Establishing a content schedule that aligns with company activities—such as quarterly meetings, performance reviews, or project launches—can help you manage updates seamlessly. This also gives you the chance to integrate seasonal themes or important milestones. For time-sensitive content, you can implement automated scheduling to rotate messages and replace old information in a timely manner.

Ensuring a regular flow of fresh content keeps employees informed and enhances engagement by reducing the likelihood of content fatigue.

Customize for Specific Departments or Teams

Internal communication shouldn’t be one-size-fits-all, especially when multiple departments or teams may have vastly different objectives and informational needs. To maximize engagement, customize content for specific departments based on their role and focus within the company.

For example, finance teams might benefit from seeing budget updates or project spending progress, while human resources may focus on promoting wellness initiatives or policy reminders. Tailoring the content in this way ensures that the messaging is more relevant to the specific audience. This customization can happen through segmented content playlists, where different screens in different parts of the office display specialized content.

Customization also improves engagement by eliminating information overload—employees will see content that matters directly to them, rather than generic messages that may not apply.

Include Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Digital signage is most effective when it encourages employees to act. Whether you’re reminding staff about an upcoming event, requesting feedback, or prompting participation in a training session, you need to provide a clear path for them to follow. This is where precise calls-to-action (CTAs) come into play. CTAs should be concise and direct, removing any ambiguity about what employees should do next. Unlike traditional internal communications channels, which may not capture attention as effectively, digital signage ensures that critical messages are seen by employees.

The action should be easy to complete, whether it’s signing up for a webinar, filling out a survey, or reviewing a document. Make sure the CTA is visible and commands attention but doesn’t overpower the rest of the message. If you incorporate digital signage into your strategy, you can also use it to display key updates like sales figures or other data that helps keep teams informed. By integrating digital signage for employee communication, you make it easier to streamline workflows and increase engagement with critical information.

Utilize Employee-Generated Content for Engagement

A great way to increase engagement is by involving employees in the content creation process. Highlighting employee contributions—whether through team achievements, social events, or recognition programs—makes corporate digital signage more relatable and fosters a sense of belonging. Displaying employee photos or promoting peer recognition programs adds a personal touch, encouraging a deeper connection to the content.

When employees see their efforts being acknowledged publicly, it reinforces their value within the company and strengthens workplace culture. You can even allow employees to submit suggestions for content or feedback on what they would like to see displayed. This level of engagement transforms digital signage from a top-down communication tool into a more inclusive platform for interaction.

By following these professional content strategies, you ensure that your internal digital signage goes beyond a basic communication tool. Instead, it becomes an integral part of your organization’s internal communication strategy, fostering engagement and creating an environment where information is always clear, actionable, and meaningful.

Conclusive Thoughts: Simplify Internal Communications with Digital Signage

Using digital signage for internal communications transforms how you connect with your team, ensuring that important messages are delivered effectively and consistently. Whether you’re looking to improve employee engagement, streamline updates, or boost workplace efficiency, digital signage offers a versatile solution that can adapt to any organization’s needs.

Throughout this article, we’ve explored the technical aspects of implementing and managing digital signage across multiple locations, how to create impactful content, and the key factors that ensure success. Here’s a quick recap of the main takeaways:

  • Centralized control with local customization ensures that your messages remain consistent while offering flexibility for regional content.
  • Standardizing hardware and software simplifies operations and troubleshooting while maintaining system-wide integrity.
  • Cloud-based management allows for easy, real-time updates across all your locations.
  • Scheduling content updates and rotations keeps your messages fresh, and employees engaged.
  • Regular performance reviews help measure effectiveness and refine your communication strategy.

Applying these strategies can make internal communications clearer, more engaging, and more efficient. Digital signage provides the flexibility and tools you need to enhance how information flows across your organization, ensuring everyone stays aligned and informed, no matter where they are.

CrownTV offers a robust digital signage solution that aligns perfectly with improving internal communications. Our cloud-based software makes managing content across multiple locations seamless, ensuring your messages are delivered consistently and on time. From dynamic, customizable apps & integrations that cater to specific business needs, CrownTV makes the technical side of digital signage simple and accessible.Our exclusive media player delivers reliable performance, ensuring your content is displayed flawlessly on every digital screen. With our digital signage implementation services, CrownTV takes the hassle out of digital signage, offering ongoing support and secure, remote management to ensure your system is always running smoothly. Whether you’re looking to implement interactive content or streamline updates, CrownTV provides the flexibility and comprehensive service to elevate your internal communications strategy effortlessly.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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