Retail Digital Display Revolution: 6 Trends Redefining In-Store Marketing

Retail Digital Displays


The retail landscape is shifting. Static signage and traditional displays simply aren’t enough to capture the attention of today’s tech-savvy customers. The solution? A digital display revolution that transforms in-store experiences and drives tangible results. Are you ready to join the forefront of this exciting change? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll cover:

  • Interactive Displays: Turning passive shoppers into active participants through touchscreens, gesture control, and more.
  • Data-Driven Personalization: Delivering tailored content and offers based on real-time customer insights.
  • Mobile Integration: Blurring the lines between online and in-store experiences with QR codes, NFC, and app integration.
  • Shoppable Displays: Turning inspiration into instant purchases with seamless e-commerce integration.
  • Immersive Environments: Creating memorable experiences with augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and 3D displays.
  • Measuring ROI: Maximizing the impact of your display investment with advanced analytics tools.

Let’s ditch the outdated marketing playbook and step into the future of retail engagement!

Interactive Displays: Say Goodbye to Passive Shoppers

Forget those static signs and boring displays – it’s time to give customers something they can touch. Interactive digital displays turn shoppers from passive onlookers into active participants. Let’s break down how:

  • Touchscreens The Power of Exploration: Intuitive interfaces let customers browse products, get detailed information, and even customize orders – putting them in the driver’s seat of their shopping journey.
  • Gesture Control: Motion sensors can trigger engaging visuals or respond to customer movements, creating a sense of surprise and delight that draws people in.
  • Gamification: Who doesn’t love a good game? Turn product discovery into a fun competition or reward customers with points or discounts for interacting.
  • Social Integration: Encourage customers to share photos or reviews of their experiences with your displays, amplifying your brand through their networks.

Interactive displays aren’t a gimmick. Done right, they can boost engagement, enhance brand perception, and even gather valuable data about customer preferences. Studies show that interactive displays can result in a whopping 60% increase in product interaction compared to traditional displays.

Data-Driven Personalization: The Key to Customer-Centric Displays

The one-size-fits-all approach is dead. Today’s shoppers expect experiences tailored to their interests and needs. Data-driven personalization is how you deliver on that expectation, transforming displays into powerful marketing tools. Let’s break down how it works:

Collect the Right Insights

Personalization relies on understanding your audience. This involves gathering data like:

  • Demographics: Age, location, gender, income level, and even household composition can all help you create broad customer segments. Tailor messaging and product recommendations to resonate with different demographics. For example, a display showcasing high-end electronics might target a specific age range with higher disposable income, while a display in a toy store might target parents with young children.
  • Purchase History: Analyze what customers buy and how often to understand their preferences and buying habits. Use this knowledge to tailor offers and suggest complementary items. Let’s say a customer consistently purchases organic produce. The display could highlight new organic options that have just arrived in stock.
  • Browsing Behavior: Track which products garner the most online interest, even if a purchase isn’t completed. This can indicate buying intent or highlight products that might be poorly merchandised in-store. Use this data to showcase those products on your displays and potentially spark a purchase in-store.
  • Location Data: Leverage in-store beacons to understand customer movement patterns and dwell times in specific areas. This can help you identify popular sections and potentially under-performing areas. Use this data to optimize product placement and tailor display content to areas with high foot traffic.

Put Data into Action

Once you have the information, it’s time to make magic happen:

  • Targeted Recommendations: Don’t just suggest random products – use purchase history and browsing behavior to show customers items they’re likely to love. For example, if a customer lingers in the athletic shoe section and has previously purchased running shoes, the display could recommend high-performance socks or a water bottle perfect for their next run. Take it a step further and suggest complementary items from different areas of the store. Perhaps that same customer might be interested in a new workout outfit displayed on another screen.
  • Timed Offers: Trigger discounts or promotions at optimal moments to maximize their impact. Let’s say a customer spends a significant amount of time looking at a specific high-end jacket. The display could detect this dwell time and present a limited-time discount to nudge them towards a purchase. This can be especially effective for customers who are on the fence or waiting for the right incentive to buy.
  • Personalized Content: Adapt messaging or visuals based on demographics or time of day. For example, a morning display showcasing coffee makers might target busy commuters with messages about the importance of a quick and delicious start to their day. In the afternoon, the same display could target parents picking up after school with messaging about family-friendly coffee options.
  • Loyalty Programs: Link displays to loyalty rewards, showing customers you recognize their patronage and reward them for their business. Displays can showcase personalized points totals, exclusive member discounts, or highlight upcoming reward opportunities.

Respect Privacy!

The key to successful personalization is building trust with your customers. Transparency is critical here. Be upfront about how you collect data, explain how it’s used to personalize their experience, and most importantly, give them control over their information. Allow them to opt out of data collection or easily update their preferences. This approach not only fosters trust, but it’s a core element of effective marketing strategies that contribute directly to enhanced customer satisfaction.

But personalization isn’t about respecting privacy, it’s about respecting your customers’ time and attention. Focus on providing genuine value with every tailored interaction. Don’t bombard them with irrelevant suggestions or overly intrusive promotions. Instead, use data to anticipate their needs and deliver content that enhances their shopping experience.

Inventory management plays a key role here – ensure you’re recommending items that are actually available and in line with a shopper’s previous behavior. Show them that personalization is about making their lives easier, not invading their privacy. By focusing on these principles, your marketing efforts will make a genuinely positive impact.

Mobile Integration: Bridge the Digital and Physical Gap

Smartphones are in everyone’s hands, ready to enhance the in-store experience. By seamlessly integrating mobile technology in the retail sector with your digital displays, you can create a truly omnichannel customer journey. Let’s look at the key ways to make this happen:

QR Codes: The Quick Connect

Think of QR codes as interactive links to the online world. Customers can scan them with their smartphones to unlock a wealth of possibilities:

  • Product Information & Reviews: Extend the limited space of your physical display. Allow customers to scan and get in-depth product specs, additional visuals, and user reviews. For instance, imagine a customer scanning the QR code on a clothing display to access detailed fabric information, care instructions, and even a video showing the item in motion on a model.
  • Exclusive Coupons & Offers: Turn lookers into buyers with mobile-only discounts or promotional offers delivered instantly when a code is scanned.
  • Inventory Check: Avoid in-store frustration by letting customers check stock on their phones, including nearby store locations and even online availability.
  • Augmented Reality: Bring products to life! Customers can scan a code and use their phone cameras to overlay virtual models onto their surroundings, letting them visualize items like furniture in their homes.

NFC: Tap into Convenience

Near-Field Communication (NFC) allows for lightning-fast data exchange by tapping a compatible device against a display. Look for opportunities like:

  • Faster Payments: Bypass traditional checkout lines with contactless payment options enabled by NFC-powered displays. Customers simply tap their smartphones or smartwatches and go!
  • Enhanced Loyalty Experiences: Create NFC-enabled customer loyalty cards for a streamlined check-in process and personalized offers. A simple tap could track points, grant VIP access to exclusive deals, or notify customers of special events.
  • Interactive Demos: Turn a static product display into an engaging experience with NFC tags. Let customers tap for quick how-to videos, comparison guides, or gamified product quizzes. For instance, a display showcasing a new skincare product could feature an NFC tag. A tap unlocks a short video showcasing how to apply the products and their key benefits.

Power Up With Your App

If your business has its own app, integration with digital displays becomes even more powerful. Consider tactics like:

  • Location-Based Notifications: Welcome customers as they enter the store and push targeted offers based on their location within the retail space. This could be an announcement about a limited-time sale in a specific department or an exclusive offer triggered when they walk by a featured product display.
  • Unified Shopping Cart: Allow customers to start their shopping journey on your app and seamlessly transfer their cart to a digital display for instant checkout. This could remove friction during peak hours or for customers who want a dedicated checkout experience without waiting in long lines.
  • Omnichannel Wish Lists: Provide a unified wish list experience, letting customers save items for later on either the app or in-store displays. This encourages cross-channel engagement and increases the chances of purchase down the line.

Remember, mobile integration is about giving customers choices. While tech-savvy shoppers might jump on QR codes and app features, don’t forget those who still prefer traditional browsing. Keep all your displays accessible, with clear signage and product information, regardless of mobile interaction.

Engaging animations can play a major role here. Imagine your displays featuring short, snappy animations that highlight the benefits of scanning a QR code or interacting with an NFC tag. Studies show that animated content boosts engagement by up to 58%, making it even more likely that customers will unlock the full potential of your mobile integration strategies.

Shoppable Displays: Close the Deal Right There and Then

Inspiration is great, but action is even better (especially when it comes to revenue!). Shoppable displays bridge the gap between excitement and purchase, turning your store into a 24/7 sales machine. Here’s how to make it happen:

Frictionless Checkout

The longer a customer has to wait, the higher the chance of abandoned carts. Eliminate those frustrating checkout lines and let shoppers buy when the impulse strikes. This means:

  • Touchscreen Ordering: Allow customers to browse, customize, and pay, all directly from the display. Imagine a jewelry display allowing customers to see different settings, personalize engravings, and complete their purchases right on the screen.
  • Mobile Payment Integration: Harness the power of QR codes or NFC technology for touchless payment options through a customer’s smartphone.
  • Self-Checkout: Create dedicated self-checkout stations powered by your displays. This offers a more streamlined experience for those who are already comfortable with the technology and helps with crowd management, particularly during peak times.

Showcase Your Online Catalog

Don’t limit in-store options by physical shelf space. Shoppable displays let you showcase your entire inventory. Consider this:

Digital Product Extensions

Display a curated selection of your bestsellers or hero products in-store, acting as a springboard for exploration through your wider inventory. This allows customers to touch, feel, and get a physical sense of the quality of your products. The display can then act as a portal to a touch-enabled catalog experience, where customers can browse expanded color options, different sizes, or even variations of the core product they’re interested in.

Let’s say a customer loves a particular style of dress on display, but they can’t find the perfect color. The touch screen catalog on the display can show them if the dress is available in other colors online, and even allow them to order it for in-store pickup or home delivery. This way, you can cater to customers with specific preferences or needs, and avoid them leaving disappointed because they couldn’t find exactly what they were looking for.

Additionally, consider using the display to showcase popular out-of-stock items, allowing customers to sign up for notifications when they’re back in stock or pre-order them for future delivery.

Endless Aisles

Turn product research into instant gratification. Customers can scan or tap on a displayed product and immediately access the full product page online, complete with detailed descriptions, high-resolution images from multiple angles, user reviews, and ratings. This allows them to delve deeper into the product’s features and benefits, compare it to similar items, and ultimately make a more informed purchase decision.

Additionally, the seamless integration between the physical display and your online store allows customers to check stock availability in real-time across different store locations or even initiate a home delivery if the item is out of stock in-store. This creates a truly unified shopping experience that caters to individual customer preferences and buying habits.

In-Store Pickup & Shipping Options

Merge the convenience of online shopping with the immediacy of a brick-and-mortar experience. Consider tactics like:

  • Buy Online, Pick Up In-Store (BOPIS): Allow customers to order ahead via your website or app, then collect their purchase at the display with a unique QR code or confirmation number.
  • Flexible Shipping: Let customers pay for their items in-store, but ship them directly to their homes. Ideal for bulky items or customers who don’t want to carry their purchases with them. Use the display as a dedicated kiosk for facilitating this shipping option.

Shoppable displays are powerful, but they require careful planning. Ensure your online inventory is updated in real-time to avoid frustrated customers. Also, have clear policies for handling in-store returns of items purchased through your digital displays.

Immersive Environments: Transport Customers to New Worlds

Forget ordinary shopping. With immersive technologies, you can create unforgettable experiences that cement your brand in customers’ minds. Let’s explore how AR, VR, and 3D displays take things to the next level:

Augmented Reality (AR): Enhance the Shopping Experience

Think of AR as the ability to layer digital information onto the real world. This allows for experiences like:

  • Virtual Try-On: This is a game-changer for sectors like fashion and beauty! Customers can use AR apps or in-store AR displays to see how clothing, makeup, or even glasses look on them without having to physically try them on. This not only creates a fun and engaging experience, but it can also lead to greater customer confidence and potentially reduce return rates.
  • 3D Product Visualizations: Let customers visualize a product in their own space. Imagine a furniture retailer with a dedicated AR display area. Customers can point their phones at a spot in their living room and see a virtual version of a new sofa, allowing them to determine if it fits both their style and space constraints. Likewise, car buyers can walk around a 3D AR projection of a vehicle, viewing it in multiple colors and trim options.
  • Interactive Product Overlays: Bring product information to life with AR. Customers can point their phones at a product and instantly access videos, detailed specs, reviews, and even virtual instruction manuals. Consider a grocery store with AR displays showcasing featured items, highlighting ingredients, nutritional information, and even suggested recipes.
  • Gamification: Make shopping addictive (in a good way!) by incorporating AR-driven scavenger hunts, exclusive offers unlocked by interacting with certain displays, or even interactive games that tie into your latest products or promotions.

Virtual Reality (VR): Create Immersive Worlds

While AR blends the digital and real, VR takes shoppers into completely fabricated environments. Consider applications like:

  • Virtual Showrooms: Transform a small space into an endless showroom. This is perfect for industries dealing with bulky or high-ticket items. Let’s say a car dealership uses a VR headset to give customers a virtual tour of different models, allowing them to explore the interior, open the trunk, and even sit in the driver’s seat. This helps customers experience these high-consideration products without the limitations of physical space.
  • Experiential Storytelling: Brand immersion at its finest! Use VR to transport shoppers into the story behind your product. A sports equipment company could create a VR experience showing how its gear is manufactured, showcasing the materials, craftsmanship, and passion that goes into its creation. VR transports customers into your brand narrative, fostering a deeper connection and loyalty.
  • Virtual Consultations: This bridges the gap between online and in-store service. Customers can access virtual consultations from anywhere, interacting with trained specialists in highly immersive VR settings. Imagine an interior design center using VR headsets to give customers a realistic walkthrough of different design concepts, letting them see colors, textures, and layouts come to life.

The Power of 3D Displays

Don’t underestimate the impact of 3D visualizations without the need for headsets or smartphones. Consider options like:

  • Holographic Displays: Create mesmerizing product showcases that seem to float in mid-air, grabbing attention from across the store. Imagine a jewelry display where items rotate and sparkle in a three-dimensional holographic format that captures every detail. This type of display offers a powerful opportunity for data analytics – by tracking customer interactions, you can gain valuable insights into which products and features generate the most interest.
  • Interactive 3D Product Configurators: Turn shoppers into designers! Large-format 3D displays can allow customers to customize products in real-time, tweaking colors, materials, and features, seeing a realistic 3D rendition of their unique creation. This level of interactivity is a catalyst for digital transformation in the retail space, empowering customers and generating valuable data for your business.

Immersive experiences are still a novelty. Ensure they are designed to be intuitive and accessible. Have clear instructions for both AR and VR experiences, and provide assistance for less tech-savvy customers. Studies show that 3D digital signage can result in an average attention time that’s 30% longer than traditional 2D displays, proving their ability to capture and hold interest.

Measure ROI: Prove the Value of Your Digital Displays

You’ve invested in cutting-edge digital display technology, but how do you know it’s really paying off? Advanced analytics tools are the key to unlocking valuable insights and maximizing the value of your displays. Focus on tracking these key metrics:

  • Dwell Time: How long do customers linger in front of specific displays? This gives clues to which displays hold attention and which might need refinement. Analyze dwell time patterns, correlating them with sales data for insights into how much time influences buying decisions.
  • Heat Mapping: Track customer movement through your retail stores using cameras and sensors integrated with your displays. This data reveals high-traffic areas, bottlenecks, and potentially underutilized zones. Use this information to optimize display placement and content strategy.
  • Engagement Metrics: Touch, taps, QR code scans – each interaction is valuable customer data! Track how actively customers engage with interactive elements on your digital menu boards and analyze which types of interactive content drive the most actions.
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different display content, layouts, and calls to action. Measure the results against each other to identify the strategies with the highest conversion rates. Continuous A/B testing ensures your display strategy is perpetually evolving and improving.
  • Attribution to Conversion: The true test! Advanced analytics tools can help track how customer interactions with displays translate to both online and in-store sales. This lets you track the financial impact of display campaigns and refine your tactics accordingly.

By tying your digital display data to broader business goals, you’ll transform those fancy screens into a quantifiable sales and marketing engine. Armed with concrete data, you can optimize your investment, secure stakeholder buy-in for future initiatives, and drive continuous improvement in your in-store experience.

Case Study: Drones Take Flight with Digital Displays

Sometimes, seeing is believing. That’s the philosophy that drove a major electronics retailer (let’s call them MegaMart) to turn digital displays into a powerful sales tool for their drone department. Here’s a breakdown of their strategy:

  • Show, Don’t Tell: MegaMart recognized that static product information and packaging couldn’t do justice to the aerial capabilities of drones. They installed a large video wall with eye-catching footage showcasing the drones in action – everything from stunning landscape shots to high-speed chases. This grabs attention, creates excitement, and helps potential customers visualize themselves behind the controls.
  • Customization is Key: Different customers have different needs. The video wall cycles through a variety of footage showcasing drones suited for different purposes: beginner-friendly options, models designed for high-quality photography, or even options with racing capabilities. This allows customers to narrow down their options and imagine which drone aligns best with their goals.
  • Interactive Touchpoints: MegaMart smartly placed interactive displays alongside the video wall. Shoppers can explore detailed specs, pricing, user reviews, and even flight tutorials directly on the screen. This empowers potential buyers to get deeper into the information they care about most.
  • Results that Lift Off: Since embracing this dynamic approach, MegaMart reports a significant increase in drone sales. The displays not only attract curious shoppers but also help close the deal by providing the information and inspiration customers need to feel confident in their purchases.

While it’s tempting to think of digital displays as mere eye candy, this case study shows their potential as tangible sales drivers. Think about how you can harness similar tactics to showcase the best features of your own products, inspire customers, and simplify decision-making.

Conclusion: Own the Future of In-Store Marketing

You’ve stepped into the cutting-edge world of retail digital displays, and it’s clear – the possibilities with this technology are endless! From interactive experiences that turn shoppers into active participants to seamless mobile integration that bridges online and offline worlds, digital displays are the tool that takes customer engagement to the next level.

Here’s a quick recap of the game-changing strategies we’ve explored:

  • Interactive Displays: Transform passive browsing into active engagement.
  • Data-Driven Personalization: Deliver content that resonates with individual shoppers.
  • Mobile Integration: Offer a seamless omnichannel customer journey.
  • Shoppable Displays: Accelerate the path to purchase.
  • Immersive Environments: Create unforgettable, brand-defining experiences.
  • Measurable ROI: Track your success and prove the power of digital displays.

Ready to take your in-store marketing into the future? With digital displays, you’re not upgrading your screens, you’re transforming the way you reach, engage, and convert your customers. This is where the true potential of the retail digital display revolution becomes crystal clear – the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.And that’s where CrownTV comes in. We’re not a technology provider, we’re your partner in making those big ideas a reality. Our powerful and intuitive dashboard lets you manage content across your entire display network with ease. Our lightning-fast digital signage player ensures a reliable and seamless customer experience. Explore our apps and integrations to discover unlimited integrations, and if you’re looking for a completely hands-off solution, our White Glove Experience service takes care of everything from setup to content creation.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


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At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

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