7 Branding Opportunities to Seize with Internal Digital Signage

Digital Signage Branding


Ditch the dusty posters and static displays. It’s time to inject life into your internal communications and turn those screens into brand powerhouses. In this article, we’re pulling back the curtain on seven untapped branding opportunities hiding in plain sight – your very own digital signage network.

We’ll show you how to fire up employee engagement, reinforce your company culture, and make a lasting impression on every visitor who walks through your doors. So, let’s flip the switch and turn those screens into brand storytelling magic.

Ignite Camaraderie and Pride: Your Company Culture on Display

Your digital signage isn’t just a platform for announcements—it’s a stage for showcasing the heart and soul of your organization. By shining a spotlight on the people, values, and moments that make your company unique, you’re not just informing, you’re fostering a deep sense of belonging and pride that resonates throughout your workplace.

  • The Employee Spotlight: Turn your screens into a virtual Hall of Fame for your employees. Regularly feature “Employee Spotlights,” highlighting their achievements, hobbies, or even fun facts. This personal touch humanizes your brand and reminds everyone that your company is built on the talents and passions of real individuals. Did you know that companies with recognition programs have 31% lower voluntary turnover rates than companies without them?
  • Celebrating Shared Successes: Don’t let those project wins or team milestones fade into the background. Trumpet them loud and clear on your digital signage! Showcase team photos, project summaries, and even congratulatory messages from leadership. This not only recognizes hard work but also reinforces the collaborative spirit that drives your company forward.
  • Weaving Values into the Visuals: Your company values aren’t just words on a website—they’re the guiding principles that shape your culture. Bring them to life on your screens with eye-catching visuals, employee testimonials, or even short videos that exemplify your values in action.
  • A Peek Behind the Scenes: Give your employees a glimpse into the inner workings of your company. Feature short videos or photo slideshows that highlight different departments, company events, or even a “day in the life” of various roles. This transparency builds trust and helps employees understand how their contributions fit into the bigger picture.

By weaving these elements into your digital signage strategy, you’re not just creating content—you’re crafting a vibrant tapestry that reflects the unique spirit of your organization. The result? A more connected, engaged, and motivated workforce that embodies your brand.

Weave a Compelling Brand Narrative: From Humble Beginnings to Industry Titan

Your brand story is far more than just a timeline; it’s the emotional connection that draws customers and employees alike to your company. Your digital displays offer a captivating canvas to paint that story, transforming abstract concepts like mission and vision into tangible, visually striking narratives. When done right, this can significantly impact your bottom line—research shows that consistent presentation of a brand has been seen to increase revenue by 33%.

Instead of burying your company history in a dusty “About Us” page, bring it to life with vintage photos, archival footage, or even animated timelines. Showcase the milestones, challenges overcome, and the passionate individuals who have shaped your company’s journey. This not only educates but also inspires, fostering a sense of shared purpose and legacy. By leveraging digital signage for internal communications, you create a platform to share your story and values with employees, reinforcing their connection to the brand.

Don’t just tell people your mission and vision—show them. Use dynamic visuals, powerful quotes, and impactful imagery to illustrate the positive change your company seeks to create. Let your digital signage become a beacon that constantly reminds employees and visitors of the bigger picture, the greater good that your brand strives to achieve. A strong digital signage content strategy can help amplify this message, turning your screens into powerful tools for employee communication.

Your unique selling points are what set you apart from the competition. Don’t be shy about highlighting them on your digital signage. Create eye-catching graphics or short videos that showcase your innovative products, exceptional services, or the unique value you bring to your industry. By incorporating your unique selling points into your digital signage marketing strategy, you can subtly promote your brand while informing and engaging your audience.

Fuel the Buzz: Launchpad for Products and Services

Don’t let your internal digital signage gather virtual dust while your latest products and services are making waves out there. Your digital signage screens are prime real estate for drumming up excitement and transforming your employees into passionate brand advocates. After all, a whopping 74% of employees feel they are missing out on company information and news. (Source: Trade Press Services) So, roll out the red carpet for your new offerings!

  • Before the big launch, build anticipation with eye-catching visuals, teaser videos, or even countdown clocks.
  • When it’s showtime, keep the momentum going with vibrant product showcases, customer testimonials, or live demos on your screens. This not only educates your team but also fosters a sense of pride and ownership in the company’s success.

Flash sales, limited-time offers, or employee-exclusive discounts are the fireworks of internal engagement. Let your digital signage be the spark that ignites interest and drives action.

  • Display bold promotional graphics.
  • Use QR codes for easy access to deals.
  • Level up the fun with gamified challenges.

Remember, happy customers are your most powerful marketing asset. Don’t hide those glowing testimonials away. Feature them front and center on your digital signage:

  • Showcase quotes and star ratings.
  • Go the extra mile with short video clips of satisfied customers raving about your offerings.

This social proof not only reinforces your brand’s reputation, it also motivates your employees to deliver exceptional experiences themselves.

Activate Your Brand Squad: Empower Employee Advocacy through Social Media

corporate communications

Think of your employees as a hidden army of brand advocates, ready to spread your company’s message far and wide. By integrating social media into your internal digital signage strategy, you can ignite this powerful force and turn your workforce into a network of enthusiastic brand ambassadors. The stats don’t lie: brand messages reach 561% further when shared by employees vs the same messages shared via official brand social channels.

The Social Media Wall: A Buzzing Hub of Employee Engagement

Create a dedicated social media wall on your digital signage that aggregates and displays real-time posts from your employees’ personal accounts (with their permission, of course). This dynamic and engaging display showcases the company culture, employee personalities, and the human side of your brand, enhancing internal communication. Encourage employees to share company-related news, events, or even just fun moments from the workday using a specific hashtag.

Leverage digital signage to amplify your brand’s reach beyond the walls of your company and foster a sense of community and camaraderie as employees see their posts celebrated on the big screen. This not only helps to boost employee communication, but also creates a sense of excitement and engagement around your brand. Imagine the buzz generated when an employee’s post goes viral within the company, inspiring others to join the conversation and share their own experiences, all of which is possible with the use of digital signage.

Additionally, displaying employee-generated content on digital screens throughout your office can help create a more vibrant and engaging workplace environment. By encouraging employees to share their experiences and perspectives, you can tap into the power of employee communications to strengthen your brand from the inside out. This not only benefits your employees but also helps your company by promoting a positive image and creating a more cohesive and connected workforce.

With a platform like CrownTV, you can easily integrate popular social media apps like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook into your digital signage displays, making it simple to create and manage a captivating social media wall that keeps your team informed and entertained.

Gamify the Experience: Challenges and Rewards for Social Sharing

Turn employee advocacy into a fun and rewarding experience by introducing gamification elements. Set up challenges or contests that encourage participation and friendly competition. For example, you could create a weekly challenge where employees earn points for sharing company content on their social media platforms, tagging colleagues in their posts, or generating the most likes and comments. Award points for creativity, reaching new audiences, or using relevant hashtags.

At the end of the week, use digital signage to recognize the top performers and offer enticing prizes like gift cards, extra vacation days, or reserved parking spots. This effective digital signage serves as a visual representation of the leaderboard, tracking progress throughout the week and adding a layer of friendly competition. This injects a playful element into the process and incentivizes employees to actively participate, transforming them from passive observers to vocal brand champions.

Empower with Branded Content: Ready-Made Assets for Sharing

Make it easy for your employees to become brand ambassadors by providing them with a treasure trove of pre-made, visually appealing social media assets. Go beyond basic templates and create a library of content that aligns with your brand voice and resonates with your target audience. This could include:

  • Eye-catching graphics: Design social media posts with stunning visuals that grab attention and quickly convey your message. Think infographics, product demos, or illustrations that capture the essence of your company’s offerings.
  • Compelling quote cards: Inspirational quotes from company leaders, customer testimonials, or key statistics can be transformed into bite-sized, shareable content. Pair these quotes with bold visuals and relevant hashtags to maximize impact.
  • Short, engaging videos: In today’s social media landscape, video reigns supreme. Equip your employees with short, snackable video content that highlights company culture, product features, or upcoming events. Keep it fun, informative, and optimized for mobile viewing.
  • Event-specific templates: Having pre-designed social media templates for company events, product launches, or CSR initiatives makes it effortless for employees across all departments to share the news. Simply populate the templates with relevant details and watch your event buzz travel far and wide.

By providing a diverse range of social media assets, you’re removing a major hurdle for employee advocacy. Your employees won’t have to spend time creating content from scratch; they can simply select the assets that resonate with them and share them with their networks. This not only saves them time and effort but also ensures brand consistency and messaging across all employee-generated content.

Harness the Power of Influencers: Spotlight Employee Advocates

Identify your employee social media superstars. Look for individuals who are particularly active and influential on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram. These employees likely have established networks and a strong personal brand within their social circles. By showcasing their content on your digital signage, you’re not just giving them a shout-out—you’re validating their efforts and inspiring others to follow suit.

Feature their most impactful posts, positive comments about the company culture, or even short video interviews where they share their experiences as brand ambassadors. This public recognition motivates them to continue their advocacy efforts and sets a benchmark for others to aspire to. It also demonstrates to the entire company that social media advocacy is a valued contribution, and that anyone can become a brand champion regardless of their department or role.

Command Central: Your Digital Hub for Seamless Internal Communications

Tired of company-wide emails getting lost in the shuffle? Ditch the outdated bulletin boards and transform your digital signage into a dynamic communication powerhouse. Your screens can become the go-to source for everything from urgent announcements to exciting events, ensuring that your team stays in the loop and feels connected to the pulse of your organization.

Break free from the inbox clutter and blast out those urgent memos, policy changes, or safety reminders on your digital signage. Use eye-catching graphics, bold fonts, and attention-grabbing animations to ensure your message gets noticed and acted upon. Whether it’s a last-minute meeting change or a critical system update, your digital signage ensures everyone gets the memo – literally.

Don’t let those team-building events, workshops, or training sessions fly under the radar. Promote them prominently on your digital signage with enticing visuals, registration details, and even countdown timers to build excitement. By keeping these opportunities front and center, you’ll encourage active participation and create a culture of continuous learning and growth.

In today’s fast-paced business world, real-time information is key. Use your digital signage to display live updates, such as news feeds, social media streams, or even real-time data dashboards relevant to your industry. This not only keeps your team informed but also creates a sense of transparency and interconnectedness, fostering a more engaged and informed workforce.

Don’t Just Display, Engage: Craft Interactive Experiences that Stick

utilize digital signage

Your digital signage isn’t just a megaphone for announcements—it’s a conversation starter. By injecting interactive elements into your content mix, you’re not just grabbing attention, you’re inviting participation and creating memorable experiences that leave a mark. Did you know interactive content generates 2x more conversions than passive content? (Source: DemandGen Report).

Get those brain cells buzzing!

  • Company trivia quizzes
  • Industry-related polls
  • Lighthearted “Would You Rather” scenarios

Display the results in real-time to fuel friendly competition and spark conversations around the water cooler (or virtual break room). The more employees get involved, the more connected they’ll feel to your brand.

Social media walls are like a virtual party for your brand. Pull in live feeds from Twitter, Instagram, or your company’s internal social platform to create a vibrant display of user-generated content.

  • Encourage employees and visitors to share their experiences, photos, and thoughts using a designated hashtag.
  • Amplify your brand’s reach.
  • Transform passive viewers into active participants.

Inject a little fun into the workday with gamified experiences:

  • Launch a scavenger hunt around the office.
  • Create a points-based system for completing challenges or quizzes.

The element of playfulness not only boosts engagement but also makes your brand more approachable and, dare we say, fun. By incorporating interactive elements into your digital signage strategy, you’re not just providing information—you’re creating a Don’t Just Display, Engage: Craft Interactive Experiences that Stick

Your digital signage isn’t just a megaphone for announcements—it’s a conversation starter. By injecting interactive elements into your content mix, you’re not just grabbing attention, you’re inviting participation and creating memorable experiences that leave a mark. Did you know interactive content generates 2x more conversions than passive content? (Source: DemandGen Report).

Get those brain cells buzzing!

  • Company trivia quizzes
  • Industry-related polls
  • Lighthearted “Would You Rather” scenarios

Display the results in real-time to fuel friendly competition and spark conversations around the water cooler (or virtual break room). The more employees get involved, the more connected they’ll feel to your brand.

Social media walls are like a virtual party for your brand. Pull in live feeds from Twitter, Instagram, or your company’s internal social platform to create a vibrant display of user-generated content.

  • Encourage employees and visitors to share their experiences, photos, and thoughts using a designated hashtag.
  • Amplify your brand’s reach.
  • Transform passive viewers into active participants.

Inject a little fun into the workday with gamified experiences:

  • Launch a scavenger hunt around the office.
  • Create a points-based system for completing challenges or quizzes.

The element of playfulness not only boosts engagement but also makes your brand more approachable and, dare we say, fun. By incorporating interactive elements into your digital signage strategy, you’re not just providing information—you’re creating an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impression. that leaves a lasting impression.

Brand Harmony: Every Pixel Singing the Same Tune

Your brand identity isn’t just a logo or a color palette—it’s the symphony of visuals, messaging, and tone that resonates in every customer interaction. Your digital signage is a powerful instrument in that orchestra, and ensuring every note is in harmony is key to building a strong and recognizable brand image.

The Visual Symphony: Colors, Fonts, and Graphics That Speak Volumes

Think of your brand’s visual identity as the sheet music that guides your digital signage content. Every element—from the colors you choose to the fonts you use—should be carefully orchestrated to create a cohesive and visually appealing experience. Don’t let those screens become a chaotic jumble of clashing colors and mismatched fonts.

Establish a clear visual style guide for your digital signage and stick to it religiously. This consistency not only reinforces your brand’s aesthetic but also makes it easier for your audience to recognize and connect with your content.

Message Mastery: Crafting a Narrative That Resonates

Your brand’s messaging is the lyrics that accompany the visual melody. Every piece of content on your digital signage should tell a story that aligns with your brand’s values, mission, and unique selling points. Avoid generic slogans and buzzwords. Instead, focus on crafting a narrative that resonates with your target audience.

Use clear, concise language that speaks directly to their needs and aspirations. Whether it’s a motivational quote, a product highlight, or a company announcement, every message should be infused with your brand’s personality and purpose.

The Tone That Sets the Mood: Striking the Right Chord

Just like a musical composition, your brand’s tone can evoke a wide range of emotions. Whether it’s playful, professional, or inspirational, your tone should be consistent across all your digital signage content. Don’t switch from a lighthearted, humorous tone in one message to a serious, corporate tone in the next.

This creates a disjointed experience that can confuse and alienate your audience. Instead, establish a tone that aligns with your brand’s personality and maintain it consistently. This creates a sense of familiarity and trust, making your audience more receptive to your message.

The Power of Repetition: A Familiar Refrain

Repetition is a powerful tool in both music and branding. By consistently using the same visual elements, messaging, and tone across all your digital signage content, you create a familiar refrain that reinforces your brand identity in the minds of your audience. This doesn’t mean your content has to be boring or repetitive.

On the contrary, you can still create a wide variety of engaging and informative content while adhering to your brand’s visual and messaging guidelines. The key is to find a balance between creativity and consistency. By doing so, you’ll create a digital signage experience that not only looks great but also effectively communicates your brand’s message and values.

Conclusion: Your Brand, Amplified

There you have it – seven powerful ways to transform your internal digital signage into a branding powerhouse. Remember, it’s not just about displaying information; it’s about telling your brand story, engaging your audience, and creating a workplace where everyone feels connected and inspired.

Let’s recap the highlights of your brand-building journey:

  • Unleash the potential of your screens to foster a thriving company culture where employees feel valued and celebrated.
  • Paint a vivid picture of your brand story, from its humble beginnings to its ambitious future.
  • Ignite excitement and drive internal adoption by showcasing your latest products and services in a captivating way.
  • Empower your employees to become passionate brand ambassadors, spreading your message far and wide.
  • Transform your digital signage into a central hub of communication, ensuring everyone stays informed and connected.
  • Captivate your audience with interactive experiences that foster participation and leave a lasting impression.
  • Create a harmonious brand experience by maintaining consistency in visuals, messaging, and tone across all your digital signage content.

With these strategies in your toolkit, you’re ready to take your internal digital signage to the next level and make your brand shine like never before.

Ready to transform your workplace into a vibrant hub of brand storytelling and engagement? Look no further than CrownTV. Our comprehensive digital signage solutions empower you to seamlessly execute these branding strategies, from crafting stunning visuals and interactive experiences to ensuring a consistent brand message across all your screens.

With CrownTV, you’ll gain access to:

  • Advanced cloud-based software: Easily create, schedule, and manage your digital signage content from anywhere in the world.
  • High-quality indoor and outdoor displays: Choose from a wide range of screen sizes and brightness options to suit your specific needs.
  • Expert installation and support: Our team of professionals will guide you through every step of the process, from initial setup to installing the player and ongoing maintenance.
  • Tailored solutions for various industries: Whether you’re in retail, healthcare, education, or any other sector, we can customize our platform to meet your unique requirements.
  • White-glove experience: Sit back and relax while we take care of everything, from content creation to hardware installation, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience.

CrownTV has a proven track record of helping businesses of all sizes elevate their brand image, boost employee engagement, and drive customer satisfaction through the power of digital signage. Join the thousands of businesses who have already experienced the CrownTV difference and see your brand shine like never before.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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