Next-Gen Advertising: 11 Display Ideas That Will Skyrocket Engagement

Next Gen Advertising


Your display ads fade into the background like old wallpaper. Customers walk by, eyes glazed, completely ignoring your latest offers. It’s a frustrating reality for many businesses, but it doesn’t have to be yours. It’s time to break free from the yawn-inducing world of traditional display advertising.

Next-gen strategies are here, and they’re ready to inject fun, interactivity, and genuine customer connection into your promotions. Get ready to:

  • Turn displays into customer experience hubs
  • Craft ads that people want to engage with
  • Experiment with cutting-edge technologies like AR and VR
  • Gamify your displays to boost interaction
  • Use dynamic content that changes based on viewer data
  • Tap into the power of user-generated content
  • Leverage social media integration for real-time buzz
  • Make wayfinding interactive and informative
  • Measure and analyze results like never before
  • Personalize displays based on individual customers
  • Deploy location-based advertising for greater relevance

1. Turn Displays into Customer Experience Hubs

Think of your digital interactive displays as more than screens flashing promotions. They’re potential gateways to an immersive, personalized customer experience. Here’s how to make that shift:

  • Interactive elements: Ditch static images and text. Could you add a touchscreen quiz related to your products? Perhaps a virtual try-on feature for clothing or accessories? Even simple polls or surveys can boost engagement.
  • Problem-solving stations: Turn your displays into helpful resources. A retailer might showcase style guides, how-to videos, or even an interactive FAQ section. This builds trust and positions you as the authority in your field.
  • Community connection: Got a thriving social media presence? Display live feeds, and customer testimonials, or encourage people to share their experiences with a branded hashtag. This makes existing customers feel like they’re part of something bigger.

Want to get really creative? CrownTV‘s wide array of apps and integrations opens up a world of possibilities.

Here’s a taste of what you can seamlessly integrate:

  • Social media platforms: Display customer testimonials, run contests to increase customer engagement, or tap into the power of user-generated content for window displays.
  • Inventory and sales tools: Sync real-time stock information so your displays always reflect what’s available, driving informed purchase decisions and maximizing retail sales.
  • Customer interaction tools: Incorporate surveys, live chat features, or even QR codes that link to product details or additional information, deepening engagement on the spot.
  • Search functionality: Especially for wayfinding, let customers quickly find what they need, transforming digital displays into helpful guides.

CrownTV’s vast app marketplace has something for every industry and goal. It’s the key to unlocking dynamic, interactive experiences that keep customers coming back for more!

2. Craft Ads People Can’t Help but Interact With

Forget those “blink and you’ll miss it” display ads. It’s time to create experiences people actively seek out. This shift in thinking is key to breaking through the noise and capturing genuine customer interest.

Start by asking yourself: what would make you stop and interact with a display ad? Maybe it’s a sense of humor –– a quirky image or an unexpected pun. Perhaps it’s the thrill of competition –– a quick game with a chance to win a prize. Or, it could be something genuinely useful, like a virtual product demo that gives you a true feel for the item. Consider CrownTV’s media player for its powerful capabilities when bringing these kinds of dynamic experiences to life.

Above all else, make it personalized. If you can use customer data (with their permission, of course) to show relevant products, tailored offers, or even content that aligns with their interests, you’re well on your way to turning casual glances into engaged interactions. Let your customers know you see them, and they might take a closer look.

3. Experiment with cutting-edge technologies: AR and VR

Ready to push the boundaries of display advertising? Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) offer exciting new ways to immerse customers in your brand story. While these technologies might seem out of reach for some businesses, the truth is, that they’re becoming more accessible (and affordable) every day.

AR: Bring your products to life

Imagine customers holding up their phones to your display and seeing a product demo overlayed in the real world. Or, they could scan a QR code and virtually “try on” clothes, makeup, or even furniture in their own homes. AR bridges the gap between the digital and physical, making your products tangible and engaging.

Consider how a home goods store could let customers preview how a piece of furniture might look in their living room. Or, a beauty brand could offer virtual makeup try-ons directly from their in-store displays. AR allows customers to experience your products in a whole new way, driving interest, and boosting confidence in their purchase decisions.

VR: Transport customers to another world

VR takes immersion to the next level. With a headset, customers can step into a fully realized virtual environment. This could be a stunning product showcase, a behind-the-scenes look at your manufacturing process, or even a branded experience that sparks pure delight.

For example, a travel company could use VR to give potential clients a virtual tour of exotic destinations. A car dealership could offer immersive test drives without leaving the showroom. The possibilities are truly endless – and the results can be truly transformative.

4. Gamify your displays: Get customers to play along

create interactive displays

Who says advertising can’t be fun? Inject a playful element into your displays with gamification. This doesn’t mean creating full-fledged video games – even simple tactics can significantly raise engagement levels.

Think trivia contests related to your products or brand, spin-to-win wheels with discounts or small prizes, or even a digital scavenger hunt that guides customers through your store. The key here is making it easy to participate, with rewards that feel worthwhile. Even a small sense of accomplishment or the thrill of potential gain can motivate people to interact.

Gamification boosts dwell time and brand loyalty recall, as well as it also helps you collect valuable customer data. You can track participation, gather feedback with in-game surveys, and start to identify patterns in customer preferences or behavior.

5. Use dynamic content: Personalize the experience

Forget one-size-fits-all display ads. The future of advertising lies in dynamic content – displays that adapt based on real-time data to deliver highly relevant, and personalized experiences.

Think of it like this a display that recognizes a returning customer and shows them items they previously browsed, or recommends complementary products based on past purchases. Or, a display that adjusts messaging based on the time of day – promoting coffee in the morning and calming teas in the evening.

This level of personalization doesn’t feel good to the customer – it drives real results. Businesses can see increased engagement, higher conversion rates, and a deeper understanding of customer preferences. The key lies in data collection (with appropriate permission settings, of course); things like customer profiles, browsing behavior, and even external factors like weather or local events can influence what gets displayed.

The dynamic content possibilities are endless. You could display targeted promotions based on a customer’s loyalty status, offer location-specific deals, or create a sense of urgency with real-time inventory updates. It’s all about delivering the right message, to the right person, at exactly the right time.

6. Tap Into The Power of User-generated Content: Build Trust and Community

Let’s be honest – in today’s world, people trust real people way more than staged search ads. That’s where the magic of user-generated content (UGC) shines. Think of it as displaying actual customer photos, reviews, and social media love – it’s the ultimate stamp of approval!

Ask yourself: Would you rather see a perfectly polished product shot or a customer’s real-life photo of that same item? UGC shows your products in action, adding a layer of “I can see myself using this!” that no ad can fake. Managing and curating all that fantastic UGC can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. CrownTV dashboards make it easy to collect, organize, and seamlessly display your best social proof directly on your screens.

Here’s how to get the UGC party started

  • Create a branded hashtag and encourage customers to share their experiences.
  • Display curated UGC on your screens: Think live social feeds or eye-catching highlights of your products out in the wild.

Why bother? Because UGC

  • Builds trust: It’s social proof at its finest!
  • Fosters community: Customers feel connected and valued.
  • Drives loyalty: Happy customers are more likely to stick around.
  • Generates even MORE content: It’s a beautiful cycle!

This strategy is a true win-win for your brand and your customers. Let those authentic voices shine!

7. Leverage Social Media Integration: Turn Your Displays into Conversation

Your display ads don’t have to be a one-way street. By seamlessly integrating social media, you can turn them into dynamic hubs of real-time engagement, amplifying your brand’s reach and sparking genuine online buzz.

Picture a live Twitter feed showcasing customer reactions to your latest campaign, or a curated Instagram gallery featuring user photos with your product. This kind of integration makes your retail displays feel current and connected. It invites customers to participate in a larger conversation, encouraging them to share their own experiences and spread the word through their social networks.

8. Make Wayfinding Interactive: Guide Customers Effortlessly

Forget confusing signs and outdated maps. It’s time to turn wayfinding into an engaging and enjoyable experience. Interactive digital signage can revolutionize how people navigate your space. Here’s how it works: think touchscreens where customers can input their destination and get the best route displayed instantly. Add searchable directories, real-time updates about events or area closures, or even integrate with a customer’s smartphone for truly personalized directions.

Not only does this streamline the navigation process, but it creates opportunities. You can highlight points of interest along routes, offer promotions based on a customer’s location, or incorporate gamification elements to make finding your way fun.

9. Measure and Analyze Results: Unlock the Power of Data

ad campaigns, engaging customers

Ditch the guesswork! Next-gen display advertising is about data-driven insights. The right tools let you track your displays’ performance in ways you never could before. It’s time for clear answers, not vague hunches.

Here’s the game plan:

  • Define your goals: What does success look like? More time spent in front of displays? Higher click-throughs? A social media buzz?
  • Get specific: Once you know your targets, tailor your data-gathering to match.
  • Tap into analytics: Most digital signage platforms have them built-in. Think target audience demographics, heatmaps (where do people linger?), and even A/B testing different designs!

But here’s the best part – data isn’t for bragging rights (though those are nice!). It’s your key to continuous improvement. Analyze results, find what works best, and refine, refine, refine. That’s how you get displays that truly deliver!

10. Personalize Displays: Deliver the Ultimate Customer Experience

Generic, one-size-fits-all advertising is a thing of the past. The future of display advertising lies in personalization – tailoring content to individual customers for maximum relevance and impact.

Location-based targeting

More than knowing a customer within your store, location-based targeting can get incredibly granular. Displays near specific departments could promote complementary items, guiding customers towards relevant products. Displays in dressing rooms could showcase styling inspiration for the items customers are currently trying on, driving cross-sells and up-sells. This kind of hyper-localized messaging makes the shopping experience feel both convenient and tailored.

Beyond retail, location-based targeting has exciting applications across industries. Think hotels displaying directions to conference rooms based on a guest’s location, or a museum showcasing audio guides and exhibit info triggered by a visitor’s proximity to specific displays.

Customer data integration

This is where personalization gets truly powerful. By ethically integrating customer data (loyalty programs, browsing history, etc.), displays become proactive guides. Instead of just reacting to a customer being present, the display can engage based on their individual preferences. A favorite brand, past purchases, even abandoned items in their online shopping cart – these insights can be transformed into highly relevant, targeted offers.

Done right, this kind of personalization never feels intrusive, but rather helpful and convenient. Customers get the sense that your brand already understands what they like, boosting confidence and making the path to purchase smoother.

Real-time responsiveness

Imagine displays that aren’t static, but evolve in response to the world around them. Perhaps a product popularity tracker encourages a sense of urgency on must-have items. Weather updates could trigger corresponding displays for rain gear or sun-protection items. Or, a simple welcoming message could shift when staff are away from a service desk, directing people to online assistance instead. This responsiveness makes customers feel seen in the moment. It builds trust that the information displayed is accurate and relevant, ultimately leading to more informed purchase decisions and enhancing customer loyalty to the brand.

The result? A truly unique customer journey

Picture two customers walking into the same store. With personalized displays, they have vastly different experiences. From the moment they enter, they’re guided, inspired, and engaged based on their unique needs and preferences.

This is about creating an experience that leaves current and potential customers feeling valued. This kind of personalization fosters an emotional connection. Customers feel seen, understood, and delighted – and that translates into loyalty, increased sales, and even powerful word-of-mouth digital marketing.

11. Deploy Location-based Advertising: Target Customers Where it Matters

Expand your reach beyond your physical space! Location-based display advertising lets you target customers on their mobile devices based on their real-world location, creating a seamless online-to-offline experience with incredible precision.

  • Target customers near your location: Attract nearby shoppers with highly relevant ads for your store. Promote a flash sale, offer an exclusive discount to new customers, or remind passersby of that must-have item they browsed online but didn’t buy.
  • Get in front of the competition: Target ads toward customers near your competitor’s location. Entice them with a better deal, showcase the unique benefits of your products, or even offer a loyalty incentive to switch and enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Hyper-local events and promotions: Display event-specific ads within a tight geographic radius. A bar might promote happy hour specials to people nearby after work hours, or a concert venue could advertise up-sell tickets to attendees already at the show.
  • Retarget engaged customers: Reach customers who’ve previously interacted with your brand or visited your location. Incentivize them to return with a personalized offer or remind them of items they showed interest in.
  • The result? Increased foot traffic and customer engagement: With location-based display advertising, you’re not blasting a message into the void. You’re reaching the right people, at the right time, and in the right place to pique their interest and drive them towards your business.

Case Study: Grand Central Madison Transforms the Commuter Experience with Digital Displays

Grand Central Madison

New York City’s iconic Grand Central Terminal recently got a major upgrade with the addition of Grand Central Madison, designed to ease congestion for Long Island Rail Road commuters. A key part of this transformation? A network of over 200 cutting-edge digital displays streamlines the entire passenger experience.

Here’s how these displays are revolutionizing the daily commute:

  • Intuitive wayfinding: Passengers find their way effortlessly with clear, dynamic signage. Real-time train departure boards eliminate uncertainty, while interactive maps help people navigate the new, expansive terminal.
  • Real-time alerts and updates: Avoid missed trains and surprise delays thanks to prominent displays sharing travel updates in real time. This minimizes chaos and empowers passengers to make informed decisions on the fly.
  • Enhanced customer service: Dedicated displays act as customer service portals. Passengers can easily find information, get assistance, and access resources, reducing the need to queue for help and improving overall satisfaction.
  • A multi-purpose platform: These displays aren’t about logistics. They’re designed for both work and play. Think news updates, curated local content, and even calming visuals in designated waiting areas to reduce the stress of travel.

The result is a smoother, less stressful, and more engaging transit experience. It shows the power of digital signage to transform not only how we advertise but also how we navigate and interact with the world around us.

Conclusion: Turn Your Displays into Engagement Powerhouses

This journey through next-gen display advertising strategies shows there’s incredible potential to unlock. Your displays can be more than interactive ads; they can be engaging hubs of customer connection and valuable data sources. Feeling inspired? Here’s a quick recap of the game-changing ideas we explored:

  • Turn displays into interactive experiences
  • Experiment with cutting-edge technologies like AR and VR
  • Get playful with gamification
  • Showcase user-generated content for trust and community
  • Leverage the power of social media integration
  • Personalize displays based on customers, location, and real-time data

Transforming your displays doesn’t have to be overwhelming. CrownTV’s White Glove Experience delivers expert guidance and a complete display solution personalized to your unique business needs. From sourcing the perfect screens to seamless software setup and even content creation assistance, we make the transition to next-gen advertising a breeze.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

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