10 Retail Digital Signage Solutions That Drive Sales and Customer Engagement

Retail Digital Signage


Is your in-store digital signage delivering the results you expect? If customers stroll past your screens without a second glance, it’s time for a fresh approach. Done strategically, digital signage can be a powerful tool to drive engagement, streamline promotions, and boost sales.

Forget static images and endless text loops. With the right tactics, your displays become active participants in the shopping experience, influencing customer decisions and driving revenue.

Ready to transform your displays into a profit center? This guide will cover:

  • Showcase dynamic product displays. Ditch static images and bring products to life with captivating videos and interactive demos.
  • Highlight limited-time offers and promotions. Create a sense of urgency and drive impulse purchases with eye-catching countdowns and exclusive deals.
  • Share customer testimonials and reviews. Build social proof and increase trust in your brand.
  • Offer virtual try-ons and fitting rooms. Let customers visualize products on themselves, reducing returns and boosting purchase confidence.
  • Provide targeted content based on location and time. Personalize the experience by tailoring messages to the audience present at a given moment.
  • Display real-time updates. Keep it fresh with live inventory feeds, social media updates, and news that’s relevant to your shoppers.
  • Implement cross-promotions and upselling. Guide customers toward complementary products and increase average order value.
  • Educate customers with product tutorials and explainer videos. Help them make informed decisions and feel confident in their purchases.
  • Offer loyalty programs and rewards. Incentivize repeat business with exclusive offers and perks displayed on your digital signage.
  • Gather customer feedback and surveys. Use your displays to collect valuable insights directly from your shoppers.

Let’s explore ways to make your digital signage solution work harder for your business.

Turn Your Displays into Product Showcases

Ditch those boring product photos! In a world of vibrant online shopping experiences, static images won’t cut it for enticing in-store customers. It’s time to make your displays irresistible with these strategies:

  • Product Videos in Action: Show off your items in use – a how-to demonstration, a customer unboxing, or a short clip highlighting key features. This adds a layer of excitement and gives shoppers a real-world understanding of the product.
  • Interactive Demos: Can customers get hands-on? Let them explore product features, zoom in on details, or even customize items with a touchscreen display. This engagement makes the shopping process fun and memorable
  • 360-Degree Views: Give shoppers the full picture. Let them rotate products, seeing them from every angle. Perfect for showcasing clothing, accessories, and other items where visualizing dimensions is important.

The Power of Dynamic Displays

Static images have their place, but when it comes to grabbing attention and sparking interest in your products, there’s no comparison to dynamic displays. Videos and interactive elements add a whole new dimension to the customer experience, offering a level of engagement that static images simply can’t match. Let’s dive deeper into why dynamic product displays are a game-changer for retail businesses.**

  • Increased Engagement: Video naturally draws the eye and sparks curiosity. Interactive displays invite shoppers to participate, creating a deeper connection with your products and fostering a sense of discovery. They turn passive viewers into active participants, transforming your displays from an information channel into an engaging experience.
  • Higher Conversion: Detailed product information displayed through engaging formats builds confidence and reduces hesitation. Let shoppers see exactly what they’re getting, explore its functionalities, and envision how it would fit into their lives! Imagine a customer pondering a new pair of hiking boots. A static image might leave them questioning the tread depth or ankle support. But a short video showcasing the boots traversing a rocky trail instantly clarifies their capabilities, building trust and confidence in the product.
  • Memorable Experience: Dynamic displays stand out from the crowd, differentiating your store from competitors who are still stuck in the world of static images. They create a lasting impression, encouraging shoppers to linger longer, explore further, and remember your brand long after they leave your store. Think about it: A shopper strolling past a screen captivated by a mesmerizing product video is more likely to remember your brand than one who glances at a static image and forgets it moments later.
  • Reduced Returns: Interactive demos and high-quality product videos give shoppers a more accurate understanding of a product before purchase. This helps minimize surprises when they receive their order, potentially lowering your return rate.
  • Enhanced Brand Image: Dynamic displays convey a sense of innovation and attention to detail. Shoppers associate them with a modern, tech-forward shopping experience, strengthening your brand’s image.

Dynamic product displays are more than just eye candy – they’re a powerful tool to drive engagement, boost sales, and create loyal customers.

Make Every Second Count: Limited-Time Offers and Promotions

In an era of instant gratification, limited-time offers are a retailer’s secret weapon. When your deals have an expiration date, it lights a fire under shoppers, prompting them to act without hesitation. Let’s explore some strategies for showcasing these promotions with maximum impact on your interactive digital signage.

FOMO: Your Powerful Ally

Tap into the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) by displaying eye-catching visuals that emphasize time limits. Countdowns that tick down in real-time create a sense of urgency, letting customers know exactly how much time remains to snag a deal before it disappears. Highlight phrases like “Today Only!”, “Limited Stock!”, or “While Supplies Last!” This instills a sense of scarcity, encouraging impulse buys.

Imagine a shopper browsing your displays and seeing a countdown timer next to a deeply discounted item. They know that if they hesitate, they might miss out on this incredible offer. This creates a mental trigger, prompting them to act quickly and add the item to their cart before the deal expires.

Exclusive Offers for Maximum Impact

Make your in-store shoppers feel like VIPs. Promote deals and discounts that are exclusive to digital signage viewers, generating a sense of exclusivity and rewarding them for their attentiveness. Pair it with a scannable QR code so shoppers can easily access the deal from their phones and redeem it instantly at checkout.

This strategy not only drives instant sales but also encourages customers to actively engage with their digital screens, creating a more integrated shopping experience that transcends the physical store environment. Imagine a customer walking by a display showcasing a limited-time discount on a product they’ve been considering.

The “Digital Signage Special” tag piques their interest, and the QR code makes the redemption process smooth and effortless. This not only secures a sale but also reinforces the value of paying attention to your digital signage, potentially influencing future purchasing decisions.

Strategic Placement Matters

Location is key when it comes to limited-time offers. Don’t just rely on random placements throughout your store. Think strategically about where shoppers are most likely to be looking at a specific moment, and position your displays accordingly. Did you know that digital signage placed at the point of decision can increase purchase rates by up to 80%? Harness the power of location – consider these prime options to maximize the visibility and impact of your offer:

  • High-traffic areas: Place displays near entrances, exits, or popular browsing areas where customers are sure to see them. This could be near the checkout lanes, fitting rooms, or waiting areas.
  • Near relevant products: If you’re showcasing a discount on athletic wear, position the display near your sportswear section. This puts the offer right in front of interested customers who are already browsing those items. The close proximity creates a strong visual connection and encourages immediate action.
  • Impulse buy zones: Cash wrap areas are notorious for impulse purchases. Capitalize on this by strategically placing a display near the checkout. This is a perfect spot to showcase last-minute deals on smaller, complementary items, like phone cases, snacks, or travel-sized toiletries. Customers waiting to pay might see an interesting offer and be tempted to add it to their cart on a whim.

Keep it Fresh

Rotating your offers frequently keeps customers coming back for more. Update your displays daily, weekly, or even hourly with new specials. This will create a sense of anticipation and keep your customers excited about what might be on sale next! Think of it like a digital treasure hunt, where shoppers are eager to see what hidden gems they might discover on your displays.

By keeping the content fresh, you encourage repeat visits and turn your signage into a dynamic destination that shoppers look forward to interacting with. This not only boosts sales during active promotions but also builds brand loyalty by establishing your reputation for offering exciting deals and exclusive perks to attentive customers.

Let Your Customers Be Your Advocates: Testimonials and Reviews

Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful, and in today’s world, it often happens online. By showcasing positive customer reviews and testimonials on your digital signage, you can leverage social proof and significantly boost trust in your brand. Here’s how to make it work:

Authenticity is King

Focus on real customer experiences. Choose reviews and testimonials that feel genuine and relatable. If possible, include the customer’s name, photo, or even a short video testimonial. This adds credibility and shows potential shoppers that these are real people, just like them, who’ve had positive experiences with your brand.

When customers see authentic reviews from others, they feel a sense of validation and trust. It’s as though their peers are recommending your products, making their purchase decision feel more secure.

Showcase a Variety of Reviews

Select reviews that highlight different aspects of your retail business. Perhaps one customer raves about your excellent customer service, while another praises your product quality or fast shipping. This variety paints a comprehensive picture of the full customer experience and demonstrates the various reasons shoppers choose your products.

This multifaceted approach caters to diverse customer needs and reinforces the overall value proposition of your brand. Imagine a potential customer browsing your store and intrigued by a particular product. They notice a display showcasing real customer reviews.

One review emphasizes the impeccable craftsmanship of the product, while another highlights the brand’s exceptional return policy. This variety of positive feedback addresses different potential concerns, easing hesitation and ultimately boosting their confidence in making the purchase.

Make it Visually Appealing

Don’t settle for blocks of text on your screens! Design your testimonials with eye-catching elements like star ratings, large quotes, and even customer photos. Play with different fonts and styles to make them stand out. The visual presentation of these testimonials is just as important as the content itself.

Think of them as visual endorsements that captivate shoppers and solidify your brand’s trustworthiness. After all, research shows that visually appealing content is processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text! Harness the power of design to make those positive reviews jump off the screen.

Cycle Through Reviews

Display a carousel of testimonials, rotating them regularly to avoid becoming stale. This helps keep your content fresh and engaging, ensuring shoppers see the range of positive feedback that your business has received.

A dynamic display of rotating testimonials adds a sense of legitimacy and social validation. This constant flow of fresh reviews demonstrates the ongoing popularity and positive reception of your brand, which, in turn, instills trust and encourages potential customers to take the plunge.

Step Into the Future: Virtual Try-Ons and Fitting Rooms

Let shoppers experience your products in a whole new way with virtual try-ons and fitting rooms. This technology bridges the gap between online and in-store shopping, letting customers visualize how items will look on them without ever having to take them off the hanger. This personalized approach reduces hesitation, minimizes returns, and gives shoppers the confidence to seal the deal.

With virtual try-ons, customers can use their own photos or digital avatars to try on clothes, makeup, accessories, and more. Give them the power to experiment with different colors, styles, and sizes, finding the perfect fit and combination that suits their unique tastes and preferences. This technology fosters a sense of playfulness and discovery, encouraging shoppers to engage with your products on a deeper level. It transforms a passive browsing experience into an active one, enhancing the customer journey while driving sales.

Virtual fitting rooms provide a more immersive experience, taking customization to the next level. Shoppers can input their measurements and see items realistically draped over their virtual body, gauging proportions and getting a true-to-life sense of the fit. This removes the guesswork and anxiety around selecting the correct size, leading to reduced return rates and a boost in customer satisfaction, especially for high-consideration products like apparel and footwear.

Tailored for Maximum Impact: Get Personal with Location & Time

Generic messages? Yawn in the retail industry. To truly connect with shoppers, your digital signs need to feel personalized to attract customers. Here’s how to make your content work harder with targeted messaging:


  • Different stores, different needs: Showcase unique offers, products, or even languages based on where your customers are located.
  • Local flavor: Promote upcoming community events, sales tailored to the area, and content that resonates with specific regional interests. Show shoppers that you’re a part of their community.

Timing is Everything

  • Morning crowd? Promote breakfast deals from your café or highlight new arrivals perfect for the workday.
  • Lunch rush? Entice them with fresh offers during their break, or feature grab-and-go items perfect for a busy schedule.
  • Weather-wise: Raining? Umbrellas are front and center! Sunny out? Make those sunglasses pop on your display.

Targeted content is like a conversation, not a one-sided announcement. It addresses customers’ in-the-moment needs, increasing relevancy and building a stronger connection with your brand.

Stay in Sync: The Power of Real-Time Updates

Nothing turns off shoppers faster than outdated information. Keep your digital signage fresh and exciting with real-time updates that make your content dynamic and relevant. Here’s how to pull it off:

Live Inventory Feeds

Frustrating, isn’t it? A shopper finds the perfect item on your display, only to discover it’s out of stock. Avoid this disappointment with live inventory feeds linked directly to your store’s system. Customers instantly know if their desired item is available, and they can even check for the specific size and color they want.

This promotes a seamless shopping experience and helps avoid the frustration of shoppers hunting for items that aren’t in stock.

Social Media Buzz

Harness the power of your online community. Feature live social media feeds on your displays, showcasing user-generated content, positive reviews, or trending topics related to your brand. This adds a sense of vibrancy and authenticity, fostering the connection between your online presence and in-store shoppers.

When customers see positive social media activity displayed in real time, it builds social proof and enhances trust in your brand. Imagine a shopper walking by a screen showcasing a live feed of your brand’s social media. They see photos of happy customers with your products, read rave reviews, and even catch a flash sale announcement that’s happening on your online platforms.

This not only makes your brand feel alive and engaging but also encourages shoppers to interact with you online, deepening their connection with your business.

News and Trends

Is there news or trending topics that could be relevant to your customers? Incorporate real-time news feeds that cater to their interests, such as weather updates, sports scores, or even related industry news. This adds value to your signage, transforming your displays into an engaging hub of information beyond just your own promotions.

Imagine a sporting goods store displaying live scores of local games, or a clothing retailer featuring relevant fashion news. This not only gives customers a reason to linger at your display longer but also positions your brand as connected and attuned to their broader interests.

Boost Your Basket Size: Cross-Promotions and Upselling

Your digital signage can do more than just showcase individual products. Guide customers towards discovering related items and upgrades that will enhance their purchase – it’s a win-win for both you and the shopper. Let’s explore some smart tactics:

The Perfect Pair

Highlight complementary items that pair naturally with the product a customer is already considering. Think of it as creating a mini-lookbook right on your display. Showcasing a stylish jacket? Feature matching scarves or gloves right alongside it.

Promoting a new coffee maker? Include a display of mugs, flavored syrups, or fancy biscotti next to it. This sparks inspiration and encourages shoppers to add those complementary items to their cart without having to search for them elsewhere in the store.

Upgrade Your Experience

Sometimes, shoppers may not even be aware of the premium options you offer. Use your signage to showcase similar products with enhanced features, better materials, or additional benefits. If a customer is browsing a basic smartwatch model, feature a display highlighting the deluxe version with advanced health tracking functions or customizable watch faces.

Present this as an opportunity for them to get even more out of their purchase, rather than an aggressive sales push. This tactic plants the seed and prompts them to reconsider their initial choice, potentially leading to a higher overall sale.

Bundle Up

Create curated bundles or special offers based on popular pairings. Offer a slight discount or exclusive perk when customers buy related items together. This increases the perceived value and encourages larger purchases.

Think of a skincare bundle, a “build-your-own-sandwich” deal at your in-store café, or an electronics package with a device, case, and screen protector. It simplifies the decision-making process for the customer and streamlines the purchase journey.

Empower Through Education: Tutorials and Explainer Videos

Informed customers are confident customers. Equip your shoppers with the knowledge they need to make smart purchasing decisions with the help of product tutorials and explainer videos on your digital signage. Did you know that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to just 10% when reading it in text? Tap into the power of visuals to educate and engage your customers!

Demystify Complex Products

Not all products are self-explanatory. For complex items like electronics, appliances, or sporting equipment, showcase short explainer videos that break down their functions and features. Use clear visuals, demonstrations, and concise language to educate shoppers about how the product works and its potential benefits.

Envision a customer browsing a display showcasing a high-tech camera. An explainer video plays next to it, highlighting different shooting modes, focusing features, and connectivity options. This empowers the customer with the knowledge they need to feel confident about the camera’s capabilities and its suitability for their needs.

Unlock the Full Potential

Many products have hidden depths. Go beyond basic functionalities and showcase tutorials that demonstrate how to get the most out of an item. Feature recipe ideas for a new kitchen appliance, hairstyling tutorials for a hair styling tool, or even assembly instructions for complex furniture. This empowers customers and expands their understanding of the product’s potential uses.

Think of a clothing steamer displayed alongside a video showcasing different steaming techniques for various fabrics. This not only educates shoppers about the steamer’s functionalities but also inspires them to explore its versatility, potentially leading to a more satisfying purchase experience.

Reward Your Regulars: Loyalty Programs and Exclusive Perks

Turn one-time shoppers into devoted fans. Incentivize repeat business and make customers feel valued with a loyalty program prominently featured on your digital signage. Here’s how to make it shine:

Promote Points and Rewards

Use your signage to showcase the benefits of your loyalty program in a clear and captivating way. Display the points system – how do customers earn them and what can they be redeemed for? Highlight exclusive offers, early access to sales, or members-only events.

Visually emphasize the perks they receive by joining, and make the sign-up process easy with a QR code linked to your sign-up page. This provides a constant reminder of the benefits awaiting those who choose to enroll.

Create a Sense of Exclusivity

Make your loyalty program members feel like VIPs. Offer exclusive deals and promotions available only to them and advertise them prominently on your displays. Showcase limited-time offers, bonus points opportunities, or custom product recommendations based on their purchase history.

This sense of special treatment fosters a connection between your customers and your brand, encouraging them to keep coming back. Imagine a member-only flash sale advertised on your digital signage or a display showcasing personalized product recommendations based on their previous purchases.

These exclusive perks reinforce the value of their loyalty and create a sense of belonging that goes beyond transactional interactions.

Gamify the Experience

Add an element of fun! Display a progress bar showcasing how close customers are to their next reward or unlocking a new membership tier. Implement a points-based system where they can earn badges or virtual trophies for reaching certain goals. This gamification strategy adds excitement and can even encourage a bit of friendly competition among regular customers, further enhancing engagement with your loyalty program and strengthening your brand identity.

Customers associate the fun and rewards with your business, fostering deeper loyalty. Consider how these elements can be customized to align with your unique branding for a truly memorable and impactful digital signage implementation.

Your Customers, Your Insights: Leverage Displays for Feedback

You can’t truly understand your customers without hearing their voices. Turn your digital signage into a powerful tool for gathering valuable insights directly from the source. Display short surveys or polls with simple, easy-to-answer questions about the shopping experience, product preferences, or opinions on new offerings.

Provide clear incentives for participating, such as a small discount, entry into a draw, or simply the satisfaction of contributing their opinion. Make the process quick and frictionless with touchscreens or QR codes that lead directly to the survey to encourage customers. Consider rotating these surveys regularly to collect an ongoing stream of feedback that adapts over time.

By seamlessly integrating feedback collection into your digital signage, you gather insights directly from shoppers in their immediate environment. This leads to more candid and relevant data that is directly applicable to improving your in-store experience, resulting in greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Conclusion: Transform Your Displays into Sales Powerhouses

You’ve seen the power that strategic digital signage can wield. Now it’s time to turn these strategies into action! By putting these ideas into practice, your digital displays become active participants in the shopping experience, attracting customers, driving engagement, and ultimately boosting your bottom line.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dynamic product displays grab attention and spark interest.
  • Targeted content delivers the right message to the right audience.
  • Limited-time offers create a sense of urgency and drive impulse sales.
  • Social proof builds trust and credibility.
  • Loyalty programs incentivize repeat business and foster a community.

Ready to take your digital signage to the next level?

CrownTV offers more than just the hardware and software. Our digital signage software known as dashboard is sophisticated and secure, allowing you to manage screens across the globe without compromising security. Pair that with our powerful media player, and you get reliable, dynamic displays that make content updates a breeze. Plus, our extensive app store offers hundreds of integrations for every need, from social media feeds to real-time inventory updates.Our White Glove Experience brings expert advice, top-tier equipment, and a complete setup – everything you need to create a digital signage system that delivers results. Get your free consultation and let us show you the power of a fully optimized signage strategy.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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