7 Creative TV Menu Board Ideas for Restaurants

TV Menu Board Ideas


Restaurants are more than just places to eat; they’re a culinary experience. And just like any good show, the way you present your menu can make or break a viewer’s (or in this case, diner’s) interest. Tired of those static, boring menu boards? You know, the ones that gather dust more than hungry glances?

Good news: Your menu doesn’t have to be a snooze-fest. Let’s swap out that yawn for a “yum!” with some TV menu board magic. In this article, we’re serving up 7 creative TV menu board ideas that are anything but bland. Buckle up, because we’re about to give your menu a serious upgrade!

1. Thematic Playlists: Set the Mood, Not Just the Menu

Just like a great soundtrack sets the vibe for a movie, your TV menu board can set the tone for your restaurant. Think of it this way: if your restaurant were a music festival, each menu category could be a different stage. Breakfast could be acoustic folk, lunch a lively pop set, and dinner a smooth jazz session.

Why it works?

  • Appeal to different tastes: Different times of day or different customer groups might have varying preferences. Your thematic playlists can cater to these nuances.
  • Create an immersive experience: Music and visuals combined can transport your customers. Imagine a beach-themed cafe with ocean waves playing alongside images of tropical drinks. Suddenly, they’re not just ordering a smoothie; they’re on vacation!
  • Keep things fresh: Regularly switch up your playlists to keep the atmosphere dynamic. You can even align them with holidays, seasons, or special events.

How to pull it off?

  • Curate your playlists: Pick music genres and songs that complement your restaurant’s concept and target audience. No heavy metal in a tea room, right?
  • Match visuals to audio: Pair your music with images or videos that reinforce the theme. Think sizzling grills for a barbecue playlist or fresh produce for a farm-to-table theme.
  • Keep it legal: Make sure you have the necessary licenses to play music in your establishment. There are services that can help with this.

Did you know? 61% of consumers are more likely to spend more time in a business that plays music they enjoy. So, turn up the tunes and watch your customers linger longer!

2. Interactive Menus: Let Your Customers Play with Their Food (Digitally)

Interactive menus are like giving your diners a remote control for their culinary adventure. They put the power of choice in their hands, literally. Imagine swiping through mouthwatering photos, customizing orders, and even playing games while waiting for their meal.

Why it works?

  • Empowering customers: People love having control. Interactive menus let them explore your offerings at their own pace, making decisions without feeling rushed.
  • Increasing order sizes: Upselling becomes a breeze when customers can easily add extras or discover new dishes they might not have noticed on a traditional menu. Research shows that restaurants with interactive menus saw a 20% increase in appetizer sales.
  • Reducing wait times: Bored customers are restless customers. Interactive menus keep them engaged, making the wait seem shorter.
  • Data collection: You can gather valuable insights into customer preferences, popular dishes, and peak ordering times. This data can help you make informed business decisions and tailor your menu to what sells.

How to bring interactivity to life?

  • Touchscreen kiosks: These are the most common way to implement interactive menus. Place them strategically in your restaurant where customers can easily access them.
  • Tablet menus: Offer tablets at tables for a more personalized experience. Customers can browse, order, and even pay their bill without needing to flag down a server.
  • Mobile app: If you have a mobile app, integrate your menu into it. This gives customers the flexibility to order ahead for pickup or delivery.

Pro tip: When designing your interactive menu, focus on user experience. Make navigation intuitive, visuals appealing, and descriptions mouthwatering. After all, the goal is to enhance the dining experience, not complicate it.

3. Customer-Generated Content: Turn Your Diners into Your Biggest Fans (and Marketers)

Ready to transform your digital menu boards into a bustling hub of social media activity? The key ingredient is customer-generated content (CGC). It’s the digital equivalent of word-of-mouth marketing, supercharged by the power of social sharing. Instead of just hearing about your restaurant from friends, potential customers see tantalizing visuals and glowing reviews directly on your digital menu board.

Picture this: a live feed of Instagram stories showcasing happy diners enjoying their meals. A carousel of tweets praising your signature cocktails. A vibrant gallery of Facebook photos capturing the ambiance of your establishment. It’s authentic, engaging, and incredibly persuasive.

Research backs this up: 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support. CGC provides that authenticity in spades. It’s not just you tooting your own horn; it’s your satisfied customers singing your praises.

Unleash the power of CGC with these tactics

  • Create a catchy, branded hashtag: Encourage customers to tag their photos and posts with a unique hashtag. This makes it a breeze to gather and curate content. Make it fun and memorable!
  • Spotlight the best content: Dedicate a prime section of your TV menu board to showcase the most appetizing photos, witty captions, and positive reviews.
  • Get involved in the conversation: Respond to comments, re-share posts, and express your gratitude for their enthusiasm. This fosters a sense of community and encourages even more participation.

Take it up a notch

  • Launch themed campaigns: Encourage creativity by prompting customers to share photos of their “cheat meals” or capture their family celebrations at your restaurant.
  • Showcase stellar reviews: Sprinkle in excerpts from glowing online reviews to build trust and credibility.
  • Design a photo-worthy spot: Create a fun and Instagrammable corner in your restaurant where customers can snap and share their culinary adventures.

Remember, CGC isn’t just about filling your menu board with pretty pictures; it’s about transforming your customers into brand ambassadors. Empower them to share their experiences and watch your restaurant’s reputation soar to new heights.

4. Live Kitchen Feeds: Pull Back the Curtain on Culinary Magic

Ever watched a cooking show and felt your stomach rumble in anticipation? Now, imagine bringing that excitement right into your restaurant. Live kitchen feeds let diners peek behind the scenes, witnessing the culinary artistry that transforms raw ingredients into mouthwatering dishes.

It’s like having a front-row seat to a captivating performance but with the added bonus of knowing, you’ll soon get to savor the results. Research shows that transparency builds trust, and trust is the foundation of a loyal customer base.

The benefits of live kitchen feeds go beyond entertainment

  • Showcasing freshness and quality: Customers can see for themselves the care and attention that goes into preparing their food, reinforcing the value of your offerings.
  • Building anticipation: Watching a dish being prepared can make it seem even more irresistible. It’s like adding a sneak preview to your menu.
  • Humanizing your brand: By showcasing your talented chefs in action, you add a personal touch to your establishment. Customers connect with the faces behind the food.
  • Generating buzz: Live kitchen feeds are unique and eye-catching. They can spark conversations, leading to social media shares and positive word-of-mouth.

How to make your kitchen camera-ready?

  • Choose the right camera and angles: Invest in high-quality equipment and position cameras strategically to capture the action without obstructing the workflow.
  • Maintain cleanliness: Your kitchen needs to be spotless at all times. After all, you’re inviting your customers to take a virtual tour.
  • Highlight key moments: Focus on the most visually appealing aspects of food preparation, such as grilling steaks, tossing pasta, or plating a dessert.
  • Keep it engaging: Don’t just show the cooking process; sprinkle in some fun facts, recipe tips, or chef interviews.
  • Think beyond the kitchen: Extend the live feed to other areas of your restaurant, like the bar or pastry station.

Get creative with your live kitchen feed. Showcase themed cooking demonstrations, host Q&A sessions with your chefs, or even offer virtual cooking classes. The possibilities are as endless as your culinary imagination!

5. Social Media Walls: Your Restaurant’s Digital Graffiti Wall

Why limit social buzz to tiny screens when you can turn your entire menu board into a vibrant tapestry of customer engagement? That’s the beauty of a social media wall. Think of it as a curated collage of Instagram posts, Tweets, and Facebook updates, all showcasing the love for your food and ambiance.

The benefits are more than just eye candy

  • Social proof: Seeing others enjoying your establishment builds trust and encourages new customers to give you a try. It’s like having a chorus of happy diners singing your praises.
  • Enhanced engagement: When customers see their posts featured on the big screen, it creates a sense of excitement and belonging. They’re not just diners; they’re part of your community.
  • Increased reach: Every post on your social media wall is an opportunity for your restaurant to reach a wider audience. Friends of friends see those posts, potentially sparking interest and bringing in new customers.
  • Real-time marketing: Promote special events, limited-time offers, or new menu items in a dynamic and engaging way.
  • User-generated content: Encourage customers to create and share content related to your restaurant, giving you a constant stream of fresh, authentic marketing material.

How to create a social media wall that wows?

  • Choose your platforms: Decide which social media channels you want to feature. Instagram and Twitter are popular choices for restaurants due to their visual nature.
  • Select a display tool: There are many software options available to help you create and manage your social media wall. Some popular choices include Walls.io, Tintup, and Taggbox.
  • Moderate content: Not every post is worthy of the big screen. Set up filters to ensure only high-quality, relevant content gets displayed.
  • Customize the look: Match the style of your social media wall to your restaurant’s branding. Choose colors, fonts, and layouts that complement your overall aesthetic.
  • Promote participation: Encourage customers to tag your restaurant in their social media posts. You can even offer incentives, like discounts or freebies, to those who get featured on your wall.

The impact of a social media wall can be significantly amplified with the right technology. For instance, CrownTV’s media player allows for seamless integration with various social media platforms, ensuring that your curated content is displayed in high definition, creating a truly immersive experience for your customers.

Ready for prime time? With a little creativity and the right tools, your social media wall can be the star attraction, turning your restaurant into the talk of the town (and the internet!).

6. Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses: More Than Just Menu Items

Have you ever wondered what makes your favorite coffee shop tick? What goes on behind the swinging kitchen doors? Or who are the passionate people crafting those culinary masterpieces? A TV menu board can be your window into this hidden world. Sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses is like giving your customers a VIP pass to your restaurant’s inner workings. It’s about showcasing the dedication, teamwork, and passion that goes into every dish, every drink, and every dining experience, highlighting how you prioritize showcasing your menu items properly with care and creativity.

You could highlight your meticulous sourcing of local ingredients, the intricate dance of your kitchen staff during a busy dinner rush, or the heartwarming story of how your restaurant came to be. You could even feature interviews with your staff, sharing their culinary inspirations and personal journeys. This glimpse into your creative process, perhaps even showcasing early sketches for your digital menu design, can further engage your audience.

For quick-service restaurants, where speed is key, highlighting efficient kitchen practices can be particularly interesting. This level of transparency builds trust and loyalty and fosters a deeper connection with your customers. They’ll see your restaurant as more than just a place to eat; they’ll see it as a place with a story, a soul, and a community.

So, grab your camera, dust off those old photo albums, and start crafting a visual narrative that will leave your customers hungry for more than just your food. And if you’re looking to elevate your visual storytelling, consider exploring the possibilities of a digital signage platform to truly showcase the heart and soul of your establishment.

7. Gamified Ordering: Turn Meal Selection into Playtime

Who says ordering food can’t be a game? Gamification takes the mundane act of choosing a meal and turns it into an interactive, engaging experience. Imagine your customers spinning a virtual wheel for a chance to win a free appetizer, collecting points with each order that can be redeemed for discounts, or participating in a “build-your-own-burger” challenge on your TV menu board.

Why Does It Work?

The psychology behind gamification is simple yet powerful. By incorporating elements of fun, challenge, and reward into the ordering process, you tap into our innate desire for achievement and recognition. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and spending.

Gamification can also be used to create a sense of community among your customers. For example, you could create a leaderboard where customers compete for the highest score or most points earned. This can add a social element to the dining experience and encourage customers to return to try and beat their own high scores.

Another benefit of gamification is that it can help you collect valuable data about your customers’ preferences and behavior. By tracking their interactions with your gamified menu, you can gain insights into which games and rewards are most popular, and use this information to refine your strategy and improve the overall customer experience.

Level Up Your Menu with These Gamification Ideas

  • Loyalty programs: Create a point-based system where customers earn rewards for repeat visits and purchases. Offer exclusive perks for reaching certain milestones.
  • Interactive challenges: Design mini-games or quizzes related to your menu/food items. Offer discounts or freebies as prizes for winners.
  • Personalized recommendations: Use gamification to suggest dishes based on the customer’s previous orders or preferences. This can help them discover new favorites and feel valued.

Keep It Fun and Engaging

Remember, the goal of gamification is to make the ordering process enjoyable, not frustrating. Keep the games simple, the rewards enticing, and the overall experience seamless. Don’t forget to track your results so you can fine-tune your gamification strategy over time.

To ensure the success of your gamification efforts, consider these additional tips:

  • Make it visually appealing: Use eye-catching graphics and animations to draw customers in.
  • Test and iterate: Continuously monitor the performance of your gamification elements and make adjustments as needed.
  • Offer a variety of rewards: Appeal to different customer segments by offering a mix of tangible and intangible rewards.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Limited-time offers or exclusive rewards can encourage customers to participate.
  • Personalize the experience: Use data to tailor the gamification experience to individual customers’ preferences and behavior.

By following these guidelines and staying focused on creating a fun and engaging experience, you can transform your menu into a gamified wonderland that keeps customers coming back for more.

Final Words: Spice Up Your Menu, One Screen at a Time

Ready to break free from the ordinary and turn your restaurant menu board into a captivating experience? With these seven creative ideas, your restaurant’s TV menu board can become a focal point, a conversation starter, and a powerful marketing tool. From enticing visuals and interactive elements to customer-generated content and gamification, there’s no limit to how you can captivate your diners and leave a lasting impression.

Here’s a quick recap of the menu board magic we’ve explored:

  • Thematic Playlists: Set the mood with music and visuals that match your restaurant’s vibe.
  • Interactive digital Menus: Give customers control and watch those order sizes grow.
  • Customer-Generated Content: Turn your diners into your biggest fans (and marketers).
  • Live Kitchen Feeds: Build trust and transparency by showcasing your culinary expertise.
  • Social Media Walls: Amplify your reach and engagement with a dynamic social hub.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses: Share your story and connect with customers on a deeper level.
  • Gamified Ordering: Turn meal selection into a fun and rewarding experience.

Remember, your menu board is more than just a list of dishes. It’s a blank canvas waiting to be transformed into a masterpiece that reflects your restaurant’s unique personality and culinary vision. This is where a digital signage solution like CrownTV can elevate your menu to the next level.

With CrownTV’s user-friendly dashboard, you can easily manage and update your content, integrate seamlessly with social media, showcase stunning visuals, and even create interactive games and quizzes. Our extensive app library and customization options allow you to tailor the experience to your restaurant’s specific needs, while our white-glove service ensures a hassle-free setup and ongoing support.

From high-brightness window displays to sleek indoor screens, CrownTV has the hardware and digital signage software to bring your menu board dreams to life. So, grab those creative juices, experiment with different ideas, and watch your menu board come to life with CrownTV.

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Alex Taylor

Head of Marketing @ CrownTV | SEO, Growth Marketing, Digital Signage

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