Digital Signage CMS: What it is, How to Use One, & Your Options

Picture your business with vibrant, eye-catching displays. They’re not just promoting your latest deals – they’re updating menus in real-time, guiding customers seamlessly, and even boosting staff morale. This isn’t some futuristic dream, it’s the power of a digital signage CMS (Content Management System).

Think of it as the control center for your digital displays. Get ready to discover:

  • What a digital signage CMS actually is
  • The game-changing benefits it brings
  • How to make the most of your CMS
  • Your top options in the market
  • The key features to look for (and those to avoid)

What a Digital Signage CMS Actually is

Let’s cut through the tech jargon. A digital signage CMS (Content Management System) is the brains behind your digital displays. It’s the software that lets you create, schedule, and push awesome content to your screens from anywhere in the world.

Think of it like this:

  • The screens are your canvas
  • The CMS is your set of digital paints and brushes

What can you paint with a CMS?

  • Eye-popping promotions and adverts
  • Real-time digital updates (menus, prices, news, announcements)
  • Interactive wayfinding maps
  • Engaging videos and animations
  • Motivational messages for your team

The Types of Digital Signage CMS

  • Cloud-based: Accessible from any internet-connected device, super easy to use and update. (CrownTV lives in this space)
  • On-premise: Hosted on your own servers, more technical control, but also more setup involved.

The magic of a CMS is that it takes care of the complex stuff, letting you focus on creativity:

  • Media storage: Your images, videos, and designs all live securely in the system.
  • Scheduling: Decide when and where content plays – down to the second.
  • Remote control: Update screens across the globe from your web browser.

Ready to see how easy it can be? Imagine this: you’re running a busy restaurant. The lunch rush hits, and your menu board suddenly needs updating. With a clunky digital signage system, this could mean a frantic scramble to find a technician or update content manually on each screen. But with CrownTV’s intuitive dashboard, it’s a breeze.

CrownTV Dashboard

Log in from any web browser, make your changes to the menu in seconds, and watch as the updates instantly appear across all your displays. No sweat, no stress – just perfectly informed customers who know exactly what delicious options await them.

The Game-Changing Benefits of a Digital Signage CMS

Why should you invest in a CMS for your digital signage? The advantages go far beyond just looking cool:

  • Effortless Content Updates: Ditch the hassle of manual updates and say goodbye to technical expertise.
    • Drag-and-drop functionality: Most CMS platforms let you simply drag and drop new content elements into place, making edits a breeze.
    • User-friendly interfaces: No coding required. The interfaces are designed specifically for non-technical users, so anyone on your team can create and update content.
    • WYSIWYG editors: See exactly how your content will look before it goes live with What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editors.
  • Real-Time Responsiveness: No more scrambling to print new signs or wait for technicians. React to changing situations and opportunities instantly.
    • Live menu updates: Add or remove items, adjust prices, or highlight specials – all in real-time – perfect for restaurants and cafes.
    • News and weather alerts: Keep your customers informed with up-to-the-minute updates.
    • Promotion tweaks: A product selling faster than expected? Boost that promotion on your digital signs immediately to capitalize on the demand.
  • Centralized Control: Take command of your entire digital signage network from a single, intuitive dashboard.
    • Multi-location management: Manage content and schedules for all your locations from one place, saving you time and frustration.
    • User permission control: Assign different access levels to team members, ensuring control and security.
    • Remote monitoring: Keep an eye on the health of your displays and content delivery, all from your web browser.
  • Dynamic, Attention-Grabbing Content: Move beyond static signs and stop competing with a world full of distractions.
    • Eye-catching visuals: Videos, animations, and high-quality images grab attention and keep viewers engaged.
    • Interactive elements: Touchscreens, social media integration, and gamified experiences can take audience participation to the next level.
    • Dynamic content feeds: Display live social media feeds, weather updates, or stock prices to keep your content fresh and ever-changing.
  • Targeted Messaging: Craft content that resonates with specific audiences for maximum impact.
    • Location-based content: Display targeted ads or information relevant to a particular location (e.g., showcasing local events at a branch in a specific city).
    • Time-based scheduling: Schedule content to appear at specific times of day or days of the week (e.g., promoting happy hour deals during after-work hours).
    • Audience demographics: With some advanced CMS solutions, you can tailor content based on factors like age or gender (think displaying toy ads near a children’s play area).
  • Improved Customer Experience: Inform, engage, and delight your customers with dynamic digital signage.
    • Interactive wayfinding: Help customers navigate your store or venue with ease using digital maps and directions.
    • Product information and reviews: Showcase product details, user testimonials, and special offers to empower informed buying decisions.
    • Entertainment and inspiration: Keep waiting times engaging with news, social media feeds, or even short video clips.
  • Increased Sales and Engagement: Digital signage is a powerful sales tool when used strategically.
    • Targeted promotions and upsells: Highlight special offers and complementary products at the point of purchase to influence buying decisions.
    • Menu boards that sell: Showcase mouthwatering visuals and clear product descriptions to entice customers.
    • Dynamic product launches: Generate excitement and buzz around new product launches with interactive displays and countdowns.
  • Boosted Team Morale and Communication: Digital signage isn’t just for customers – it can be a powerful internal tool as well.
    • Company announcements and updates: Keep your team informed about important news, company goals, and upcoming events.
    • Employee recognition: Celebrate team wins, birthdays, and work anniversaries to foster a positive and connected work environment.
    • Internal communication channels: Use digital signage to display internal messages, department updates, or even team-building content.

Bonus Benefit: Data Power

Some CMS platforms track how people interact with your displays. This offers invaluable insights to refine your content and improve engagement over time. Check how people are reacting to your digital signage and modify your strategy accordingly.

CrownTV allows you to access insightful analytics for data-driven decisions. Monitor your displays and their performance in one unified dashboard with CrownTV.

How to Make the Most of Your CMS

You’ve got your digital signage CMS set up – now it’s time to unleash its full potential. Here’s how to create content that shines and strategies that get results:

Content is King (and Queen!)

  • Visually Appealing Design: Make it pop. Use high-quality images, readable fonts, and a layout that guides the eye. Don’t be afraid of whitespace for a clean, contemporary look.
  • Short and Snappy: Aim for punchy headlines and easily digestible text. People won’t stand and read lengthy paragraphs – get your point across fast.
  • Strong Calls to Action: What do you want the viewer to do? Make it clear with prominent buttons or direct phrases like “Visit our website” or “Scan here for more”.
  • Variety is the Spice of Life: Mix things up. Combine static images with short videos, scrolling text tickers, and interactive elements to keep things fresh.

Strategic Deployment

  • Location, Location, Location: Place your screens where they’ll have maximum visibility and impact. Think entryways, high-traffic areas, or points of decision (like near a checkout).
  • The Right Content at the Right Time: Use scheduling features to your advantage. Display breakfast menus in the morning, happy hour specials after work… you get the idea.
  • Don’t Overcrowd: Resist the urge to cram everything onto one screen. Rotate content thoughtfully and let each message breathe.

Pro-Tips to Master Your CMS

  • Embrace Templates: Most CMS platforms offer pre-designed templates for a quick and polished look. Think of them as a starting point, and add your own brand magic.
  • Use Scheduling Wisely: Set up a content calendar in advance for special events, holidays, and promotions. This prevents last-minute scrambling.
  • Test and Refine: Not every piece of content will be a hit. Use analytics (if your CMS provides them) to see what works best and make adjustments over time.
  • Don’t Forget Maintenance: Keep your content fresh. Update outdated promotions, experiment with new designs, and check regularly for any technical glitches.

A Word on Accessibility

  • Choose Readable Fonts: Avoid overly decorative fonts that could be hard for people with visual impairments to read.
  • Offer Audio Options: If possible, include audio descriptions or narration along with your visual content for the visually impaired.
  • Mind Color Contrast: Ensure there’s enough contrast between your text and background colors for everyone to read your messages easily.

Case Study: Putting it into Practice with CrownTV

CrownTV x Invicta Digital Signage

Let’s take inspiration from a real-world success story. Invicta Stores, a watch retailer, turned to CrownTV to streamline their in-store digital signage. With CrownTV’s user-friendly CMS, they were able to:

  • Centrally manage content for multiple stores, ensuring brand consistency and saving valuable time.
  • Launch new promotions and product showcases effortlessly across all their displays.
  • Showcase dynamic videos and images to highlight the beauty and features of their watches.
  • Use scheduling features to target promotions at specific times and for limited runs, creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity.

The result? According to the case study, Invicta saw a significant increase in both foot traffic and sales. This demonstrates the power of a well-executed digital signage strategy powered by an intuitive CMS like CrownTV.

When selecting a case study, look for one that strongly connects to the points you’re making in the section. This ensures the example is truly relevant and reinforces your message.

Your Top Options in Digital Signage CMS

Choosing the right CMS is about finding the perfect fit for your business needs and budget. Here’s a rundown of some top contenders in the digital signage industry worldwide, with CrownTV leading the way:

#1. CrownTV CMS: Sophistication Made Simple

  • The Heart of Your Digital Signage: CrownTV dashboards are the command center for your entire digital display network. This intuitive, cloud-based platform lets you effortlessly create, schedule, and manage content from anywhere with an internet connection.

Features Designed for Ease & Efficiency

  • Drag-and-Drop Simplicity: No coding needed. Build eye-catching displays with images, videos, text, and more using a simple drag-and-drop interface.
  • Robust Template Library: Get started quickly with professionally designed templates, then customize them to perfectly match your brand.CrownTV Template Library
  • Unlimited App Integrations: Seamlessly connect CrownTV to your favorite tools and apps (think CRMs, social media, weather widgets, and more) for expanded functionality.CrownTV App Integrations
  • Screen Grouping: Organize your screens into logical groups (by location, store department, or any other criteria) for targeted content delivery.
  • Split-Screen Displays: Maximize screen real estate by showcasing multiple pieces of content simultaneously.

Unmatched Control and Security

  • Centralized Management: Manage displays across a single store or thousands of locations from one centralized dashboard. Perfect for scaling your business.
  • Multi-User Access: Collaborate seamlessly with granular user permissions – ensuring the right people have the right levels of access.
  • Remote Updates & Monitoring: Push updates instantly, monitor screen health, and troubleshoot issues, all from your web browser.
  • Data Security: CrownTV prioritizes data security, giving you peace of mind that your information is protected.

Key Specifications

  • Cloud-based: No need for on-site servers or complex technical setup. Start using CrownTV in minutes.
  • Device agnostic: Compatible with a variety of media players and screens with a focus on our own powerful CrownTV media player.
  • Browser-based: Access your CrownTV dashboard from any modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.).

Why Choose the CrownTV CMS?

Businesses and organizations turn to CrownTV’s digital signage platform for its unmatched combination of user-friendliness, robust features, and enterprise-grade security.

Whether you’re managing a handful of screens or a global network, CrownTV’s CMS empowers you to achieve your digital signage goals with ease and confidence.

#2. ScreenCloud: Modern and App-Driven

  • At Home in the Cloud: ScreenCloud operates entirely in the cloud, ensuring accessibility from any web-enabled device for easy, on-the-go content management.
  • App Store Focus: Their key differentiator lies in a vast app store. Think of them as plugins that seamlessly integrate with a wide array of services like social media feeds, weather apps, productivity tools, and more. This means you can pull in a variety of content with minimal effort.
  • Sleek, Modern Interface: The user interface has a contemporary and approachable feel, making it comfortable to navigate even for non-technical users.

Features for Retail & Beyond

  • Content Creation Tools: Design dynamic layouts with images, videos, text, and content from integrated apps. While they lack drag-and-drop simplicity, the tools are still intuitive.
  • Scheduling and Playlists: Set schedules for when your content appears and easily create playlists to group content together.
  • Hardware Compatibility: ScreenCloud works with a variety of screens and media players, including their own dedicated hardware devices. This offers flexibility in deployment.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Gain insights into how your content performs, though these may not be as in-depth as competitors.

Key Specifications

  • Cloud-based: Manage your displays from anywhere with internet access.
  • Cross-Platform: Access your dashboard from a variety of web browsers as well as dedicated apps for mobile convenience.
  • Focus on Apps: The app store approach provides flexibility and dynamic content options.

Why Choose ScreenCloud?

ScreenCloud is a solid choice for businesses seeking a modern, cloud-based CMS that integrates seamlessly with popular apps and services. Their app-centric approach is great for pulling in live, dynamic content sources and their user-friendly interface makes management a breeze.

#3. OnSign TV: User-Focused and Feature-Rich

OnSign TV prides itself on being incredibly user-friendly. Their goal is to make digital signage accessible to businesses of all sizes, even those without dedicated technical teams.

  • Robust Features for Varied Uses: OnSign TV offers a comprehensive toolkit that caters to a wide range of industries and use cases. This includes:
    • Hundreds of Apps: Similar to ScreenCloud, OnSign TV boasts a sizable app store for seamless integration of calendars, social media, news feeds, and more.
    • Content Creation Tools: Build dynamic displays using their design tools for images, videos, webpages, and more.
    • Templates and Playlists: Their template library and playlist functionality make organizing and scheduling content easy.
    • Device & User Management: Control multiple displays and collaborate with team members through granular permission settings.

Digital Signage Applications for Retail & Beyond

  • Data Feeds: Connect with spreadsheets or external sources to display dynamic data like pricing, inventory, or schedules.
  • Interactive Elements: Create basic interactive experiences to engage customers and elevate your displays.
  • Reports & Analytics: Get insights into display performance and content engagement.

Key Specifications

  • Cloud-based: Just like its competitors, OnSign TV operates in the cloud for remote management.
  • Multi-Device Support: Works with various media players, including their own line of devices and popular options like Chromecast.
  • Focus on Ease of Use: Their primary mission is to make customized signage accessible and straightforward.

Why Choose OnSign TV?

OnSign TV is an excellent choice for businesses that prioritize user-friendliness and a wide array of features. Their app store approach offers flexibility, and their focus on accessibility makes them a good option for businesses without extensive technical expertise.

#4. Yodeck: Simplicity and Open-Source Roots

  • DIY Ethos: Yodeck’s open-source foundation makes it a favorite among tech-savvy users who value customization. While it offers a hosted solution, its history gives it a unique slant for those who want to tinker behind the scenes.
  • The Simplicity Promise: Their core focus is on ease of use. You’ll find a streamlined interface and intuitive design aimed at getting you up and running with minimal fuss.
  • Raspberry Pi Friendly: Yodeck stands out for its strong compatibility with Raspberry Pi devices. This offers a cost-effective, DIY approach to digital signage for those on a tighter budget.

Features That Get the Job Done

  • Content Arsenal: Design engaging digital screens with standard tools for images, videos, and text, plus a collection of free apps and widgets.
  • Remote Management: Control displays from anywhere, allowing for easy content updates and schedule adjustments.
  • Offline Playback: An important feature, this means your displays will continue to operate even with temporary connection hiccups.
  • Hardware Options: Yodeck supports a range of media players and displays, including specialized Raspberry Pi hardware.

Key Specifications

  • Hybrid Approach: While they offer a cloud-based solution, their open-source roots let you self-host Yodeck on your own servers for greater technical control.
  • Raspberry Pi Love: Strong focus on compatibility with Raspberry Pi for budget-friendly, DIY setups.
  • Freemium Model: Yodeck operates on a freemium model, offering a free plan for starting with one screen and more advanced features on their paid tiers.

Why Choose Yodeck?

Yodeck shines for businesses that value simplicity and affordability. Their free plan makes it easy to get started, and their support for Raspberry Pi appeals to tech-savvy users who enjoy hands-on customization.

#5. NoviSign: Flexibility and Interactive Potential

  • Widget Power: The heart of NoviSign lies in its drag-and-drop widgets. These modular content blocks let you easily build custom layouts with a wide range of elements:
    • Media Basics: Images, videos, slideshows, ticker text, clocks, weather, etc.
    • Live Feeds: News updates, social media streams, RSS feeds, and more.
    • Interactive Elements: Touchscreen experiences, polls, quizzes, QR codes, and even games.
  • Template Library: Get a headstart with their collection of pre-designed templates or create your own layouts from scratch.
  • Studio Editor: NoviSign’s advanced editor provides deeper customization for a unique look and feel tailored to your brand.

Features Tailored for Engagement

  • Scheduling and Playlists: Organize your content efficiently and set schedules for when different pieces will be played.
  • Audience Targeting: Display dynamic content based on factors like location, time, and even external data sources for highly personalized experiences.
  • Offline Mode: Similar to Yodeck, your content continues to play even during internet downtime, ensuring a seamless viewer experience.
  • Performance Reports: Analyze your content’s effectiveness with metrics and insights.

Key Specifications

  • Cloud-based: Manage your entire signage networks remotely through NoviSign’s cloud platform.
  • Compatibility: Works with a variety of media players for a flexible deployment.
  • Focus on interactivity: NoviSign stands out with its emphasis on audience interaction and dynamic personalization.

Why Choose NoviSign?

NoviSign enables businesses to create highly engaging and interactive digital signage experiences. Their widget-based approach provides versatility, and the advanced Studio editor empowers you to go beyond the basics.

The Key Features to Look For (and Those to Avoid)

Choosing the right digital signage CMS is like assembling your dream toolkit. Here’s a breakdown of the features to prioritize and the potential pitfalls to watch out for:

digital signage software, digital signage components
  • Ease of Use: A complex, clunky interface means wasted time and frustration. Look for drag-and-drop tools, simple menus, and a good selection of templates.
  • Content Creation Tools: Can you easily build the kind of content you envision? Look for basic image/video editing, text styling, and the ability to incorporate dynamic elements or pull from external feeds.
  • Scheduling and Playlists: Flexible scheduling options let you target content effectively, maximizing its impact on your signage content management system, digital signage dashboard
  • Remote Management: The ability to control your screen network from anywhere with an internet connection is signage content management system, digital signage dashboard
  • Reporting/Analytics: Basic data on content performance and viewer interactions help you optimize displays for maximum results.
  • Reliability & Support: Look for a digital CMS provider with a good reputation for uptime and responsive customer support when you inevitably need a helping hand.

Extra Features that Elevate Your Game

  • Integrations: Smooth integrations with apps, CRMs, or social media platforms broaden your content possibilities.
  • Interactive Features: Touch, polls, and other interactive elements boost engagement and make displays memorable.
  • Advanced Scheduling: Triggering content based on external factors (weather, inventory levels) allows for hyper-relevant messaging.
  • Offline Playback: A safeguard against internet interruptions that ensures your displays stay active.
  • Device compatibility: Flexibility in supported media players lets you choose the right hardware for your needs and budget.

Red Flags to Avoid

  • Hidden Costs: Be wary of providers with confusing pricing or fees that pop up later. Transparency is key.
  • Limited Functionality: Make sure the features you truly need are there, not just a list of fluff that sounds impressive.
  • Poor Usability: During a trial or demo, does the interface feel intuitive? If it’s a struggle, it’ll be a hassle down the line.
  • Unreliable Support: Slow response times or a lack of proper documentation can make troubleshooting a nightmare.

Pro Tip: Prioritize features based on your specific needs.

  • A bakery might care deeply about simple menu updates.
  • A retailer might prioritize integration with inventory systems.
  • A hospital might want wayfinding features built in.

By focusing on what truly matters to your business, you’ll end up with the best possible CMS to drive your digital signage success.

Ready to Elevate Your Digital Displays with CrownTV’s CMS?

You’ve navigated the world of digital signage CMS options and gained the insights to make the best decision. You’re equipped to find a solution that empowers you to create engaging displays with ease.

Now, let’s recap those key takeaways:

  • CMS isn’t just about tech: It’s about smart content strategy and captivating design.
  • The right CMS = Effortless updates: Don’t settle for a solution that feels like a chore.
  • Data is your friend: Track what works to optimize your signage screens’ efforts.
  • Accessibility matters: Design content everyone can enjoy and engage with.

Sometimes, getting the most out of your digital signage application means not lifting a finger. CrownTV’s White Glove service gives you that luxury, taking your screens from concept to captivating displays with zero hassle. It’s time to experience the magic of digital signage done right.

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The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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