How to Create a Digital Signage Marketing Strategy That Wins

Digital signage has incredible marketing potential, but it’s often overlooked. We are surrounded by unused digital screens, in offices, bars, gyms, and libraries. Many of these dormant digital signage screens fail to engage because they lack a clear digital signage strategy.

A well-thought-out strategy transforms digital signage from a bland display into a powerful tool for achieving specific business goals, like increasing product sales. Without a strategic plan, digital signage content can become irrelevant and lose its impact.

Steps To Create a Successful Digital Signage Strategy

Developing a top digital signage marketing strategy is a complex task. It demands meticulous planning and preparation. Essentially, it’s a systematic process that encompasses everything from establishing goals to devising a marketing strategy, from creating digital signage content to incorporating interactive elements.

Here are the steps to create a winning digital signage marketing strategy.

Define Your Target Audience and Their Needs

So, the first thing to keep in mind is to define your target audience. At the same time, focusing on their needs is the bedrock of an effective digital signage strategy.

Here’s how to delve into this crucial step, enhancing your overall digital signage marketing strategy:

  • Demographic analysis: Start by collecting basic demographic data about your ideal digital signage customer. Consider the following factors:
    • Age range
    • Gender
    • Location
    • Income level
    • Occupation
  • Psychographic exploration: Dive deeper into your target audience’s mindset to enhance your digital signage content strategy. Focus on:
    • Interests and hobbies
    • Values and beliefs
    • Pain points and challenges
    • Preferred communication styles
  • Source Your Data:
    • Market research: Analyze existing industry reports and studies for a successful digital signage campaign.
    • Customer surveys: Gather direct feedback from your existing customers or digital signage users.
    • Website analytics: Track visitor behavior to determine demographics and interests for targeted content.
    • Social media insights: Analyze follower data and engagement patterns on social media feeds.

For example, a fitness center might define its target audience as health-conscious adults, ages 25-45, living in the surrounding area. Using a digital signage solution, they might uncover needs like workout motivation, nutrition tips, and class schedules on their digital signage displays.

Set SMART Goals for Your Digital Signage Campaign

Setting SMART goals provides a solid foundation for your digital signage campaign. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Goals that lack these characteristics tend to be vague, difficult to track, and less likely to be achieved. Research indicates that individuals who do not set goals following the SMART criteria have a success rate of around 43%, significantly lower than the 76% success rate observed in individuals who adhere to the SMART goal-setting approach.

Using SMART goals within your digital signage strategy will help focus your digital signage content and measure your success.

Here are a few examples to set SMART goals and deliver relevant content to engage customers.

  • Increase product awareness: A SMART goal in this area might be, “Increase awareness of Product X by 15% among women aged 25-35 in our local area within the next six months.”
  • Improve customer satisfaction: Try a goal like, “Increase positive customer testimonials on our website by 20% within the next quarter.”
  • Boost website traffic: Aim to “Drive a 10% increase in website traffic from digital signage displays within the next three months.”
  • Enhance brand image: Focus on a goal like “Increase positive brand mentions on social media by 15% within the next two months.”
  • Promote upcoming events: A specific, trackable goal might be to “Increase event registration by 30% for our upcoming workshop compared to the previous event, as tracked through digital signage campaign analytics.”

Identify the Ideal Locations for Your Digital Signs

Choosing the right locations for your digital signage screens is a critical part of an effective digital signage strategy. When selecting where to place your displays, consider these key factors if you want to streamline your digital signage campaigns.

High-Traffic Areas

High-traffic areas are golden spots within your space where your target audience naturally congregates. Think of them as the bustling intersections of your environment, where foot traffic is at its peak and attention is high. Identifying these zones is crucial as they offer prime opportunities for your messages to be seen by the maximum number of people.

Examples of high-traffic areas include:

  • Entryways and Foyers: Where visitors first step into your space and are often looking around to get their bearings.
  • Checkout Areas: Prime spots where customers spend time waiting and are more receptive to engaging with content.
  • Elevators and Escalators: Transitional spaces where people tend to linger, making them perfect for capturing attention with your digital signage.
  • Points of Decision: Strategic locations such as end-of-aisle displays in stores, where consumers are making purchasing choices and can be influenced by timely messages.
  • Dedicated Waiting or Queuing Areas: Offer captive audiences who are actively seeking distraction or information while they wait.

To make the most of these high-traffic areas, consider:

  • Strategic Deployment: Positioning your digital signage displays prominently in these locations to ensure maximum visibility and impact.
  • Compelling Visuals and Messaging: Use eye-catching visuals and concise messaging to capture attention amidst the hustle and bustle of these busy spaces.
  • Leveraging Tools: Explore tools like motion sensors or interactive features to further engage passersby and encourage interaction with your content.

Placing digital signage in high-traffic areas can increase brand awareness and drive more foot traffic to specific areas within a store or venue. By strategically positioning your displays in these key locations, you can amplify the reach of your messages and enhance the overall customer experience.

Dwell Time

Dwell time refers to the amount of time individuals spend in a particular area. By strategically targeting locations where people naturally spend more time, you can effectively capture their attention and convey your message.

Look for areas where people naturally linger, such as:

  • Waiting Rooms: Whether at a doctor’s office, salon, or other service-oriented businesses, waiting rooms provide ample opportunity to engage with captive audiences.
  • Lobbies: Hotels, office buildings, and event venues often have lobbies where people spend time waiting or meeting others.
  • Coffee Shop Lines: As customers wait in line to order their favorite brew, they have a few moments to engage with digital signage.
  • Restaurant Seating Areas: Before or after their meal, diners may find themselves with some downtime, making it an ideal opportunity to capture their attention.
  • Transportation Hubs: Airports, train stations, and bus terminals are bustling with travelers who have time to spare between connections.

To make the most of dwell time opportunities, consider the following tips:

  • Content Relevance: Tailor your content to the specific location and audience demographics. For example, in a coffee shop, consider promoting new menu items or daily specials.
  • Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive features such as touchscreens or QR codes to encourage engagement and interaction with your content.
  • Entertainment Value: Provide entertaining or informative content to keep viewers engaged during their wait.
  • Call to Action: Include a clear call to action to prompt viewers to take the next step, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or visiting your website.

Leveraging dwell time effectively can lead to a significant increase in brand recall and customer engagement. By strategically placing digital signage in areas with high dwell time, businesses can maximize the impact of their marketing efforts and drive tangible results.

Line of Sight & Visibility

When it comes to digital signage, ensuring that your displays are easily visible within your audience’s natural line of sight is essential for maximizing impact.

Position your digital signage displays strategically to ensure maximum visibility:

  • Avoid Height Extremes: Don’t place them too high or too low, as this can make it difficult for viewers to see and engage with the content.
  • Consider Angles: Avoid awkward angles that may obstruct visibility or cause glare on the screen.
  • Screen Size Matters: Choose an appropriate screen size that is visible from various vantage points within the space.
  • Mounting Options: Explore different mounting options to find the best placement for your displays, whether it’s wall-mounted, freestanding, or ceiling-mounted.

Utilize digital signage solutions like CrownTV to optimize visibility:

  • Customization Options: CrownTV offers a variety of screen sizes and configurations to perfectly suit your chosen location, ensuring that your displays are both visible and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Remote Management: Easily adjust content and settings remotely to optimize visibility based on changing conditions or audience demographics. With crownTV’s dashboard, you can adjust, customize, and add to your digital signage content at any time.CrownTV Dashboard
  • Analytics: Leverage analytics tools to track viewer engagement and make data-driven decisions about display placement and content optimization.

By strategically positioning your digital signage displays within your audience’s line of sight, you can:

  • Increase Brand Visibility: Ensure that your brand message is seen by as many people as possible, maximizing brand exposure and awareness.
  • Enhance Engagement: Make it easy for viewers to engage with your content by placing displays where they are naturally inclined to look.
  • Drive Action: Prompt viewers to take action by positioning displays in high-traffic areas or near points of sale, where they are most likely to convert.

Optimizing line of sight and visibility can lead to a significant increase in viewer engagement and recall. By carefully considering factors such as positioning, screen size, and mounting options, businesses can maximize the impact of their digital signage efforts and drive tangible results.

Lighting and Ambience

When deploying digital signage, it’s crucial to consider how lighting and ambiance can affect visibility and readability. By paying attention to both natural and artificial light sources, you can ensure that your displays remain eye-catching and engaging.

Managing Light Interference

  • Glare and Reflections: Be mindful of glare and reflections that can hinder the visibility of your displays, especially in areas with large windows or bright overhead lighting.
  • Adaptive Brightness: Opt for screens with adjustable brightness settings to compensate for changing light conditions throughout the day, ensuring optimal visibility at all times.
  • Anti-Glare Properties: Choose displays with anti-glare properties to minimize reflections and improve readability, even in well-lit environments.

Strategic Display Placement

  • Avoiding Direct Sunlight: Position displays away from direct sunlight to prevent washout and ensure that content remains clear and vibrant.
  • Ambient Lighting Considerations: Take into account the ambient lighting conditions of the environment and adjust display settings accordingly to maintain visibility and contrast.

Utilizing Technology Solutions

  • Brightness Control: Leverage digital signage solutions that offer granular control over brightness levels, allowing you to fine-tune settings based on specific lighting conditions.
  • Automatic Adjustment: Explore options for automatic brightness adjustment based on ambient light sensors, ensuring consistent visibility throughout the day without manual intervention.

By effectively managing lighting and ambiance, you can:

  • Maintain Readability: Ensure that your content remains legible and engaging, regardless of lighting conditions or environmental factors.
  • Maximize Impact: Optimize visibility to maximize the impact of your messaging and capture the attention of your target audience effectively.
  • Elevate Brand Perception: Enhance the overall viewer experience by providing clear, visually appealing content that reflects positively on your brand.

By investing in displays with adjustable brightness and anti-glare properties and strategically positioning them to minimize light interference, businesses can amplify the effectiveness of their digital signage efforts and drive tangible results.

Relevance to Surroundings

When deploying digital signage, it’s essential to tailor your content to the specific surroundings where the screen is placed. By aligning your messaging with the environment, you can ensure that it resonates with viewers and provides maximum value.

  • Understanding Context
    • Location-Based Content: Customize your digital signage content to reflect the unique characteristics and purpose of the surrounding area.
    • Audience Relevance: Consider the demographics and interests of the audience frequenting the location, ensuring that your messaging is relevant and engaging.
  • Examples of Contextual Content
    • Retail Environment: In a clothing section of a retail store, dynamic content could highlight promotions, showcase new arrivals, or provide styling tips to enhance the shopping experience.
    • Hospitality Setting: In a hotel lobby or common area, screens could feature local events guides, and transportation information, or highlight on-site amenities such as restaurants, spas, or recreational facilities.
  • Personalization and Engagement
    • Tailored Messaging: Craft content that speaks directly to the needs and interests of the audience in that specific location, increasing relevance and engagement.
    • Dynamic Updates: Utilize real-time data and dynamic content scheduling to keep information fresh and timely, enhancing the overall viewer experience.
  • Leveraging Technology Solutions
    • Content Management Systems: Use content management systems that allow for easy customization and scheduling of location-specific content, streamlining the process of updating and managing displays.
      • CrownTV offers a content management system for streamlined content creation, customization, and scheduling. You can access our extensive library and curated templates to cater your content to your specific business needs.CrownTV Library and Templates
    • Audience Analytics: Gather data on viewer behavior and preferences to refine content strategies and ensure ongoing relevance and effectiveness.
    • Pro Tip: Remotely monitor all your displays on CrownTV’s dashboard. Access insights and analytics on performance all in one place and manage your digital signage strategy.

By contextualizing your digital signage content to the surrounding environment, you can:

  • Enhance Engagement: Capture the attention of viewers by providing content that is directly relevant to their current location and interests.
  • Increase Effectiveness: Improve the effectiveness of your messaging by aligning it with the specific needs and expectations of the audience in that setting.
  • Strengthen Brand Perception: Demonstrate an understanding of your audience and their surroundings, enhancing brand perception and loyalty.

Research shows that contextually relevant content is more likely to resonate with viewers and drive desired outcomes. According to a study, 97% of marketers believe that personalized marketing, which focuses on contextual relevance, leads to improvements in business outcomes.

Therefore, by tailoring your digital signage content to the surroundings where it is displayed, you can maximize its impact and deliver a more engaging and valuable experience for your audience.

Choose Suitable Digital Signage Hardware and Software

The right digital signage hardware and software form the backbone of a successful digital signage strategy. When making your selections, prioritize these key elements:

Screen Considerations

  • Matching Size and Viewing Distance
    • Size Considerations: Choose a screen size that is appropriate for the location and viewing distance, ensuring that content remains easily visible and legible.
    • Viewing Distance: Assess the distance at which viewers will be from the screen to determine the optimal size for maximum impact and readability.
  • Brightness and Adaptability
    • High Brightness: Opt for screens with high brightness levels for well-lit areas or locations exposed to direct sunlight, ensuring that content remains vivid and visible even in challenging lighting conditions.
    • Adaptable Brightness: Select displays with adaptable brightness capabilities to accommodate changing ambient light throughout the day, maintaining optimal visibility at all times.
  • Resolution and Visual Clarity
    • High Resolution: Ensure that your display offers high resolution for crisp and clear visuals, especially important for screens viewed at a close distance where image quality is paramount.
    • Visual Clarity: Prioritize displays with superior image quality to enhance the viewing experience and capture the attention of your audience effectively.
  • Environmental Suitability and Durability
    • Indoor vs. Outdoor Use: Assess whether your environment requires a display designed for outdoor or indoor signage, considering factors such as weather resistance and environmental conditions.
    • Durability: Choose a screen built to withstand the demands of its environment, whether it’s exposure to the elements outdoors or heavy usage in high-traffic indoor settings.
  • Selecting the Right Technology
    • Digital Signage Solutions: Explore digital signage solutions that offer a range of screen sizes, brightness levels, and durability options to meet the specific needs of your environment.
    • Consultation and Expertise: Seek guidance from professionals in the field to ensure that you select the most suitable screen for your unique requirements, taking into account factors such as location, audience demographics, and content objectives.

By carefully considering factors such as size, brightness, resolution, and environmental suitability when selecting your digital screens, you can:

  • Maximize Visibility: Ensure that your content is easily visible and legible, regardless of lighting conditions or viewing distance.
  • Enhance Engagement: Capture the attention of your audience with vivid visuals and crisp imagery, increasing engagement and message retention.
  • Optimize ROI: Invest in screens that are tailored to your specific environment and requirements, maximizing the effectiveness and longevity of your digital signage investment.

Software Capabilities

Investing in the right software is essential for ensuring the success of your digital signage strategy. Focus on selecting a Content Management System (CMS) that offers a range of capabilities to streamline content creation, scheduling, analytics, and scalability.

User-Friendly CMS with Built-In Tools

  • Choose a CMS that is user-friendly and offers built-in content creation tools, like CrownTV, making it easy for your team to design and update content without extensive technical expertise.
  • Look for intuitive design features and a vast library of templates to streamline the content creation process and maintain a consistent visual identity across your displays.

Robust Scheduling and Automation Features

  • Prioritize software with robust scheduling features that allow you to automate content changes based on predefined schedules or triggers, saving time and ensuring timely updates.
  • Seek integration capabilities with live data feeds, such as social media or sales figures, to keep content relevant and engaging in real time.

Analytics and Reporting Capabilities

  • Opt for software that provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, allowing you to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and measure the success of your digital signage campaigns.
  • Look for cloud-based solutions that offer flexibility and scalability for growth or changing needs, enabling you to adapt and optimize your strategy over time.

CrownTV: A Leading Solution

  • Benefit from our white glove experience which includes a comprehensive, full-package solution. Get display advisory, mounting solutions, installation services, launching, deployment, and optimization.
  • CrownTV’s software excels in providing intuitive design tools and a vast library of templates, streamlining the content creation process and ensuring high-quality visuals.
  • With robust scheduling features and integration capabilities for live data feeds, such as social media or sales figures, CrownTV empowers you to keep content fresh and relevant with minimal effort.
  • Additionally, CrownTV seamlessly incorporates dynamic data for real-time updates, ensuring that your content remains up-to-date and engaging.
  • Our dashboard offers insightful analytics to measure campaign success, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategy for maximum impact.
  • CrownTV’s compatibility with a range of apps further enhances customization options, while their reliable player ensures smooth content delivery across all your displays. Our expansive app library offers content organization, personalized communication, automation, and live displays, with the promise to add any missing apps to the catalog.CrownTV App Library and Store

By leveraging advanced software capabilities like intuitive design tools, robust scheduling features, and comprehensive analytics, you can:

  • Streamline Content Management: Simplify the process of designing, scheduling, and updating content, allowing you to focus on delivering engaging messages to your audience.
  • Enhance Relevance and Engagement: Keep content fresh and relevant with integration capabilities for live data feeds, ensuring that your audience remains engaged and informed in real time.
  • Measure and Optimize Performance: Track KPIs and gather insights from analytics and reporting tools to continuously refine your digital signage strategy and drive tangible results.

Investing in software with robust capabilities is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of your digital signage efforts. By selecting a user-friendly CMS with built-in tools, robust scheduling features, and comprehensive analytics, you can create engaging content, drive audience engagement, and achieve your business objectives with confidence.

Design a Compelling Digital Signage Content Strategy

A successful digital signage content strategy hinges on finding the perfect balance between eye-catching visuals and concise, informative text. Remember, people often encounter digital signage screens in passing, so your content needs to be digestible and engaging within seconds.

Create High-Quality Content

Let’s say you run a coffee shop and you can’t retain customers. One of your marketing managers tells you that the campaign lacks valuable stuff. Also, the manager says the problem is that our digital signage features a cluttered screen with a low-resolution photo of a generic latte, too much text, and no clear call to action.

Here’s what you do:

  • Identify Pain Points
    • Recognize the challenges: Acknowledge feedback indicating issues with cluttered screens, low-resolution images, excessive text, and unclear calls to action.
    • Understand the impact: Recognize how these shortcomings may be affecting customer retention and overall campaign effectiveness.
  • Create a Comprehensive Solution
    • Optimal Display: Streamline the content layout to ensure a clean and uncluttered appearance, making it easier for viewers to digest information at a glance.
    • High-Quality Images: Use high-resolution images that showcase your products in their best light, capturing attention and enticing customers with visually appealing visuals.
    • Dynamic Content: Incorporate dynamic elements such as animations or real-time updates to add interest and relevance to your displays, keeping content fresh and engaging.
    • Clear Call to Action: Include a clear and concise call to action that prompts viewers to take the next step, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a loyalty program, or visiting your website.
  • Harness Marketing Expertise
    • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Schedule a meeting with all experts in your marketing team to brainstorm ideas and develop a cohesive digital signage strategy that addresses the identified pain points.
    • Brand Voice Alignment: Ensure that the proposed content solution resonates with the company’s brand voice and values, maintaining consistency across all communication channels.
  • Implement the Solution
    • Content Testing: Pilot the new content strategy in select locations to gather feedback and evaluate its effectiveness before rolling it out company-wide.
    • Iterative Improvement: Continuously monitor performance metrics and gather insights to refine and optimize content over time, ensuring that it remains relevant and impactful.

Short, Enticing Headline

In the fast-paced world of digital signage marketing, capturing attention quickly is essential. By crafting short, enticing headlines, you can effectively convey your message and engage viewers with minimal effort.

Here’s how to create impactful headlines that resonate with your audience and drive desired actions.

  • Identify the Challenge
    • Acknowledge the need for concise messaging: Recognize that people have limited attention spans, and cluttered signage with too much text can be overwhelming and difficult to read.
    • Understand the importance of clarity and relevance: Realize that a short, compelling headline can instantly capture attention and convey the core message effectively.
  • Create a Solution
    • Streamlined Message: Craft a short, enticing headline that cuts through the clutter and communicates the key message clearly and concisely.
    • Relevance to Season: Ensure that the headline is relevant to the current season or occasion, resonating with the target audience and capturing their interest.
    • Core Message Conveyance: Choose words that instantly convey what the product or offer is about, establishing its appeal and value proposition in seconds.

Example: “Warm Up with Our Pumpkin Spice Latte”

  • Seasonal Relevance: By mentioning “Pumpkin Spice Latte,” the headline immediately taps into the seasonal trend, making it more likely to resonate with customers during the fall months.
  • Core Message Highlight: The phrase “Warm Up” evokes feelings of coziness and comfort, effectively conveying the product’s appeal and inviting customers to indulge in a comforting beverage.
  • Conciseness: With only six words, the headline delivers a powerful message that is easy to read and understand at a glance, catering to the limited attention spans of viewers.

Implementing the Solution

  • Testing and Iteration: Pilot the headline in select locations to gauge its effectiveness and gather feedback from customers. Use insights to refine and optimize future messaging for maximum impact.
  • Consistency Across Channels: Ensure consistency by using the same headline across all marketing channels, reinforcing brand messaging, and increasing brand recognition.

The Power of Negative Space

Cluttered design is a common pitfall in digital signage content. Intentionally introducing negative space (or “white space”) around the image and headline creates a cleaner, more focused layout.

It allows the eye to rest on the most important aspects of the content, enhancing readability and enhancing the overall visual appeal. That way, you can streamline the marketing functionality of your digital signage displays.

  • Creating a Clean and Focused Layout: Intentionally introduce negative space around images and headlines to create a cleaner and more visually appealing design.
  • Enhancing Readability: Negative space helps improve readability by providing breathing room around text and images, making it easier for viewers to digest information at a glance.
  • Drawing Attention to Key Elements: By allowing important elements to stand out against a clean background, negative space directs the viewer’s focus and highlights the core message of your content.

Clear Call to Action

Your team tells you that the previously designed sign lacked a call to action, leaving viewers unsure of what to do next. The solution includes “Try One Today!” in a larger, contrasting font. It provides direct guidance to the target audience, encouraging them to take the desired action.

Integrating a compelling CTA

  • Prominence and Contrast: Incorporate the call to action, such as “Try One Today!”, in a larger font size and contrasting color to make it stand out and capture attention.
  • Direct Guidance: Provide clear and direct guidance to the target audience, encouraging them to take the desired action, such as making a purchase or visiting your store.
  • Action-Oriented Language: Use language that prompts immediate action and creates a sense of urgency, compelling viewers to act without hesitation.

Remember, CrownTV offers powerful marketing tools that seamlessly integrate dynamic content capabilities into your digital signage strategy, ensuring that your content remains fresh and engaging. Use our expert solutions to develop clear and effective calls to action that align with your business goals and objectives.

Incorporate Dynamic Content

Dynamic content, such as live news feeds, weather updates, or social media displays, adds variety and a sense of immediacy to your digital signage strategy. It keeps your content fresh and prevents viewers from tuning out.

  • Variety and Immediacy: Introduce dynamic content such as live news feeds, weather updates, or social media displays to add variety and a sense of immediacy to your messaging.
  • Keeping Content Fresh: Continuously update your displays with relevant and timely information, preventing viewers from tuning out and ensuring that your content remains engaging and impactful.
  • Balancing Visual Appeal: Combine visually appealing content with dynamic elements to create an immersive and attention-grabbing experience for viewers.


  • Live Weather Feeds: Displaying local weather updates provides valuable information to viewers while adding a touch of immediacy and relevance to your displays.
  • Social Media Walls: Showcase positive guest posts or user-generated content from platforms like Twitter, fostering community engagement and social proof while keeping content fresh and dynamic.
  • Interactive Touchscreens: A touchscreen display allowing customers to browse a product catalog, find in-store locations, or even build a virtual outfit offers a unique and memorable customer engagement experience.

Interactive elements turn your digital signs into a two-way experience. The purpose is to increase engagement and provide valuable customer insights for your digital signage marketing.

Leverage User-Generated Content to Add Social Proof

Incorporating user-generated content (UGC) into your digital signage strategy is a powerful way to build trust and credibility with your audience.

By showcasing real-life testimonials, photos, or reviews from satisfied customers, you can leverage social proof to inspire confidence and encourage engagement with your brand. The value of social proof includes:

  • Building Trust: Displaying customer testimonials, photos, or reviews provides tangible evidence of your brand’s value and quality, helping to build trust with potential customers.
  • Demonstrating Authenticity: User-generated content offers an authentic and unbiased perspective on your brand, reinforcing its credibility and authenticity in the eyes of viewers.
  • Inspiring Engagement: By showcasing real-life experiences and endorsements, you can inspire viewers to engage with your brand and take action, whether it’s making a purchase or sharing their own experiences.

Integrating User-Generated Content Effectively

  • Selecting Compelling Content: Choose user-generated content that is positive, authentic, and relevant to your brand, ensuring that it resonates with your target audience and reinforces key messaging.
  • Rotating Displays: Utilize rotating displays to showcase a variety of user-generated content, keeping the messaging fresh and engaging while maximizing exposure for different testimonials, photos, or reviews.
  • Aligning with Brand Identity: Ensure that the user-generated content aligns with your brand identity and values, maintaining consistency and authenticity across all digital signage displays.

Example: Instagram Posts Featuring Customer Meals

  • Rotating Display: Showcase a rotating display of positive Instagram posts featuring customers enjoying their meals at your establishment.
  • Social Proof: By highlighting real-life experiences and positive endorsements from satisfied customers, you create a sense of social proof that inspires confidence and trust in your brand.
  • Menu Inspiration: Use the UGC display to inspire menu choices and encourage viewers to try popular dishes or specials, leveraging the influence of peer recommendations on purchasing decisions.

Craft a Brand Voice

Your brand voice is the personality and style of communication that distinguishes your business. A consistent brand voice across all marketing channels, including digital signage, strengthens brand recognition and builds trust with your target audience.

Identifying Your Brand Voice

Crafting a distinct brand voice is essential for creating cohesive and impactful digital signage messaging that resonates with your audience.

By aligning your brand’s personality with the preferences and characteristics of your target audience, you can create a compelling narrative that fosters connection and engagement.

Understanding Brand Values and Personality

  • Core Brand Values: Start by identifying your brand’s core values and overarching mission. Consider what sets your brand apart and what principles guide your actions and decisions.
  • Personality Traits: Define the personality traits that best represent your brand. Are you playful and innovative, or classic and sophisticated? Your brand’s personality should shine through in your messaging to create a memorable and authentic experience for viewers.

Translating Voice into Content

  • Word Choice: Select words that align with your brand persona. A tech-forward company might use cutting-edge vocabulary, while a wellness brand might favor calming, natural terms.
  • Sentence Structure: Short, punchy sentences create a sense of urgency, while longer, flowing ones can feel more elegant.
  • Humor: If appropriate for your brand, a touch of humor can make your digital signage content more memorable and engaging.
  • Visuals: Ensure your imagery, color choices, fonts, and even animations support the overall tone of your brand voice.


  • Eco-conscious Cafe: Messaging focuses on sustainability, natural ingredients, and community involvement. Visuals use earthy tones and imagery of plants or farm-fresh produce.
  • High-Fashion Boutique: Content is elegant and aspirational, with crisp images and a focus on luxury. Short, impactful phrases highlight exclusivity and style.
  • Fitness Center: Brand voice is energetic and motivational, using action verbs and visuals showcasing strong, healthy individuals.

Schedule Content Strategically

To create content and maximize the impact of your digital signage, strategic content scheduling is key. Consider factors like time of day, day of the week, seasonality, and even current events when planning your content calendar.

In addition, take advantage of scheduling tools within your digital signage software to automate content changes, streamline updates, and pre-plan content around special events or promotions.

For example, consider a clothing retailer adopting the following scheduling strategy within their digital signage network:

  • Mornings: Displays focus on comfortable, casual wear or workday attire.
  • Midday: Content shifts to highlight new arrivals, trending items, or lunchtime shopping promotions.
  • Evenings: Showcase dressier attire or promote weekend styles.
  • Weekends: Feature relaxed styles, and athleisure, or promote in-store events.
  • Seasonal Adjustments: Rotate in winter wear, swimwear, or back-to-school gear as appropriate.

With CrownTV’s digital signage solutions, you can easily monitor and schedule your display timings according to your needs. Set the schedule that works best for your business and adjust accordingly to maximize the impact of your digital signage.

CrownTV Display Management and Scheduling

Integrate Social Media Feeds

If you want to raise brand awareness and improve your digital signage marketing methods, make sure you integrate private social media channels and feeds into your marketing strategy.

For example, you can include the content of social media followers in the digital sign. Anyways, integrating live social media feeds into your digital signage content offers a range of benefits:

  • Authenticity and Social Proof:
    • Showcasing positive customer reviews, and photos of customers enjoying your products. For example, you can highlight product features leveraged by customers.
    • Likewise, you can add user-generated content to build trust and credibility. People are more likely to engage with your brand when they see authentic recommendations from others.
  • Real-Time Engagement: Displaying feeds with your branded hashtag encourages customers to share their own experiences on social media. This creates a two-way dialogue and boosts your brand’s online visibility.
  • Fresh, Dynamic Content: Social media feeds automatically pull in fresh, relevant content, preventing your displays from feeling stale or repetitive. This keeps viewers engaged and adds a sense of immediacy and community to your digital signage strategy.
  • Effortless Updates: Once set up, social media feeds provide a continuous stream of content, minimizing the need for manual updates and saving you time.

Get the Full Impact of Your Digital Signage Strategy Today

A well-executed digital signage strategy has the power to transform your business. By focusing on your target audience, crafting compelling content, leveraging dynamic elements, and strategically scheduling your displays, you will create a digital signage content strategy that engages, informs, and drives desired actions.

Key takeaways

  • Understand Your Audience: Deeply understand and define your target audience to tailor impactful content.
  • Set SMART Goals: Establish clear, measurable, and achievable objectives to guide your campaign.
  • Choose Strategic Locations: Place digital signs in high-traffic and high-dwell-time areas to maximize visibility and engagement.
  • Create Compelling Content: Develop visually appealing and concise content with clear calls to action.
  • Use Dynamic Elements: Incorporate interactive and dynamic features to keep content fresh and engaging.
  • Utilize Advanced Software: Employ tools like CrownTV for efficient content management and real-time analytics.
  • Analyze and Adjust: Regularly review performance data to refine and optimize your strategy.
  • Incorporate Social Proof: Leverage user-generated content to enhance trust and authenticity.
  • Maintain Brand Consistency: Ensure a consistent brand voice across all digital signage to reinforce brand recognition.

Remember, continuous optimization is key! Track your results, analyze the data, and refine your approach to maximize the impact of your digital signage marketing. Are you ready to streamline your digital signage content? Get a CrownTV demo and start today!

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The #1 Digital Signage Solution

Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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