14 Types of Signage & When to Use Each (+ Tips & Examples)

According to a report, around 68% of consumers judge the quality of a business based on its signage. This statistic underscores the critical role that business signs play in shaping first impressions, influencing buying decisions, and ultimately driving sales.

But here’s a kicker: With so many signage types available in the market, choosing the right one for your business can be daunting. Well, don’t worry – we’re here to guide you.

That said, let’s explore:

  • Different types of signage for businesses and events.
  • Practical guidelines for selecting the right business signage.
  • Case studies highlighting effective business sign applications.
  • Top recommendations for suppliers specializing in signage solutions.

Let’s get started.

5 Major Benefits of Signage for Businesses

According to a study, more than 25% of companies in the US prioritize high-quality signage. Wondering why? Well, it’s because of these benefits:

  • Enhanced brand exposure: Signage serves as a continuous marketing tool, ensuring that a business remains visible 24/7. Well-designed signs can significantly enhance brand exposure by presenting the brand’s logo, colors, and messaging consistently to the public.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Compared to other marketing mediums, signage is a one-time investment that offers long-term exposure. It eliminates the recurring costs associated with digital or print advertising, providing a cost-efficient method to convey your message and reach a broader audience.
  • Operational efficiency: Well-designed signage can streamline business operations by guiding customers within the premises, reducing the need for staff assistance. This improves the customer experience by facilitating easy navigation and promoting self-service.
  • Attract new customers: For businesses, high-quality signage acts as a magnet, attracting new customers. As per a study, around 68% of consumers reported buying a product or service due to a visually appealing sign.

Primary Group of Signage

Primary signage acts as the main identifier for a business, capturing the attention of both motorized and pedestrian traffic.

The primary sign types are as follows:

1. Outdoor signage

As the name suggests, outdoor or exterior signage is strategically positioned in outdoor spaces to attract attention and convey information to passersby. This type of signage is typically durable and weather-resistant to withstand harsh weather conditions.

  • Ideal for: Outdoor signage is particularly beneficial for industries that rely on foot traffic and visibility to attract customers. These include:
    • Retail stores
    • Restaurants
    • Hotels
    • Entertainment venues
    • Real estate agencies
  • Examples:
    • Banners: Banners are versatile outdoor signage solutions that can be customized to suit various promotional needs. They are commonly used to advertise sales, events, grand openings, or special offers.
    • Billboard: Billboards are iconic fixtures of outdoor advertising, strategically placed along highways, major roads, or densely populated areas to reach a broad audience. These large-format displays are ideal for brand awareness campaigns, product launches, and mass marketing initiatives.
    • Window graphics: Window graphics transform storefronts into eye-catching displays, attracting the attention of pedestrians and motorists alike. They can feature brand logos, product images, or promotional messages to entice potential customers and create visual interest.
Outdoor signage

2. Indoor signage

Indoor signage is designed to facilitate navigation, communication, and brand promotion within a specific location. Unlike outdoor signage, which must endure the elements, interior signage can utilize a wider range of materials and designs, focusing on aesthetics and functionality.

  • Ideal for: Indoor signage is commonly utilized across various industries, such as:
    • Retail stores
    • Office buildings
    • Hospitals and healthcare facilities
    • Educational institutions
    • Museums and galleries
    • Hotels and resorts
  • Examples:
    • Directional signage: These signs help people navigate complex indoor environments, such as malls, hospitals, and corporate buildings. Directional signage is designed to be clear and easy to follow, often using arrows or maps to help customers navigate the way.
    • Informational signage: This category includes interior signs that provide details about facilities, services, or policies. For example, museum exhibits might use informational signage to describe historical artifacts, while an office might use it to outline safety procedures.
    • Point of Sale (POS) displays: Positioned near checkout areas or in strategic locations within a store, these indoor digital displays are designed to attract customer attention and encourage last-minute purchases or highlight promotions.
    • Wall murals and graphics: Wall murals and graphics can transform the look and feel of an indoor space, creating a specific atmosphere or reinforcing brand identity. These can range from large-scale artwork to branded elements that reflect the company’s mission or values.

3. Digital signs

Digital signage leverages technology to display content through digital screens and interactive displays. This dynamic form of signage allows for real-time content updates, multimedia presentations, and interactive engagement with the audience.

  • Ideal for:
    • Corporate lobbies
    • Retail environments
    • Entertainment venues
    • Sports stadiums
    • Public spaces
    • Transportation hubs (airports, railway stations, etc)
  • Examples:
    • Interactive electronic message boards: These are used in various settings to provide information, services, or transactional functions, such as ticket sales, check-ins, or wayfinding. They can enhance customer service and operational efficiency.
    • Video walls: These are large-scale digital displays created by combining multiple screens. Video walls are particularly effective in environments where capturing audience attention is crucial.
    • Window facing: Window-facing digital displays are designed to be placed near or in windows to communicate with passersby or potential customers outside the establishment. These displays are typically bright and clear enough to be easily seen in daylight.
    • Internal communication boards: In corporate or educational settings, digital signs are used to communicate important announcements, news, or motivational messages to employees or students. These internal corporate communications can be strategically placed in common areas, hallways, and cafeterias to ensure maximum visibility and engagement.

If you’re looking to leverage digital signage for your brand, use Crown TV. Our comprehensive digital display solution allows you to communicate your message in a visually appealing manner. The best part? Crown TV’s display setup is dynamic, which means you can update or even change the content in real time.

With CrownTV, you gain more than just a supplier of digital signage; you gain a partner committed to enhancing your brand visibility and audience engagement, every step of the way.

4. Informational signage

Informational signage provides valuable information to the viewer in a clear and accessible manner. Unlike promotional signage, the focus of informational signage is on utility and knowledge rather than persuasion or sales.

  • Ideal for:
    • Cultural places
    • Government buildings
    • Educational institutions
    • Museum & libraries
    • Healthcare facilities
  • Examples:
    • Wayfinding signs: Wayfinding signage includes directional signs, maps, and arrows that denote specific locations, such as restrooms, exits, and key departments. They help individuals navigate spaces efficiently, reducing confusion and enhancing the visitor experience.
    • Educational displays: Found in museums, zoos, and historic sites, educational displays provide background information, interesting facts, and explanatory content about exhibits, artifacts, or natural features.
    • Schedules: Schedule displays inform the public about departure and arrival times, class schedules, or event timings. They can be either static or digital, with digital versions offering the advantage of real-time updates.

5. Persuasive signage

Persuasive signage plays a crucial role in influencing consumer behavior by promoting sales, special offers, or highlighting specific products. It’s designed to attract attention and persuade individuals to take specific actions, such as making a purchase, trying a new product, or taking advantage of a promotion.

  • Ideal for:
    • Service-based businesses
    • Retail Stores
    • Restaurants
    • Event venues
    • Shopping centers
    • Gyms and fitness centers
  • Examples:
    • Sales and promotional displays: With bold colors, large fonts, and engaging imagery to draw attention, these signs catch the customer’s eye and promote current sales or limited-time offers. For example, a “Buy One Get One Free” sign in a clothing store window.
    • Product highlights: Product highlight retail signage focuses on showcasing the features and benefits of specific products to persuade customers of their value and necessity.
    • End-cap displays: Located at the end of aisles, these displays use persuasive signage to draw attention to specific products or brands. The signage often includes persuasive language that highlights the value or exclusivity of the offer (e.g., “Best Seller,” “Award-Winning Taste”).
Persuasive signage

6. Complaint signage

Compliant signage refers to signs specifically designed to inform customers or the public about how to lodge complaints, provide feedback, or report issues. These signs are critical in service-oriented environments where immediate feedback can lead to quick resolutions and improved customer satisfaction.

  • Ideal for:
    • Customer service centers
    • Public facilities
    • Retail stores and supermarkets
    • Healthcare facilities
    • Hospitality industry
  • Examples:
    • Feedback kiosks: Placed in visible areas, these kiosks can be digital or physical stations where individuals can leave feedback or complaints anonymously. They are often equipped with forms or interactive screens.
    • Contact information boards: These boards display contact details for the relevant departments or individuals responsible for handling complaints. Generally, the details include phone numbers, email addresses, and physical office locations.
    • QR codes for digital feedback: Positioned at strategic locations, QR codes can be scanned with a smartphone to direct individuals to an online feedback form. This method streamlines the process of lodging a complaint and can facilitate anonymity and convenience.
QR code signage

Secondary Group of Signage

Secondary signage, whether exterior or interior, complements the primary sign by providing additional, more specific information about the business, its products, services, or promotions. This category includes a wide range of signage types, such as:

1. Vehicle graphics

Vehicle graphics transform commercial vehicles into mobile billboards, promoting brand visibility across vast areas. These graphics range from simple logos and contact information to full-vehicle wraps with eye-catching designs.

Ideal for:

  • Mobile businesses: For businesses that offer services on the go, such as plumbing, delivery, or mobile spa, vehicle graphics turn service vehicles into advertisements, broadcasting the company’s brand wherever they go.
  • Local service providers: Companies that provide services within a specific region can benefit from vehicle graphics by increasing local brand recognition. Every trip becomes an opportunity to imprint the business’s name and services on the local community’s consciousness.
  • Event promotion: For short-term promotions or events, vehicle graphics (especially removable ones like magnets or certain decals) can be a cost-effective way to spread the word across a wide area.
Vehicle graphics

2. Letters

Channel letters are three-dimensional, individually crafted letters or graphics that are commonly used on the exterior buildings of businesses to spell out their names and logos. Fabricated from materials such as aluminum, acrylic, or stainless steel, these letters can be illuminated to enhance visibility during both day and night.

Ideal for:

  • Storefront signage: They serve as an ideal choice for a retail business, restaurant, and service-based business seeking to attract street-level traffic. Their prominent and lit appearance ensures that the business stands out, especially in high-traffic areas or shopping districts.
  • Corporate branding: Companies looking to assert their presence in a commercial area or business park can use channel letters to project a professional image. They reinforce brand identity through the consistent use of colors, fonts, and lighting.
  • Nighttime visibility: Businesses operating during evening hours, such as shopping malls. restaurants, clubs, and some service providers can benefit significantly from the illuminated aspect of channel letters, ensuring they are seen at all times of the day.
Channel letters

3. Safety signs & decals

Safety signs and decals are designed to maintain a safe and compliant workplace environment. These visual communication tools are designed to warn of hazards, indicate safety procedures, and provide instructions to prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of employees and visitors.

Ideal for:

  • Health safety protocols: Especially relevant in environments like hospitals or during public health crises, signs and decals can provide instructions for hygiene practices to prevent the spread of diseases.
  • Workplace safety: In industrial settings, construction sites, laboratories, and warehouses, safety pole signs can indicate hazardous areas, machinery operation instructions, and emergency equipment locations.
  • Public spaces: In areas like swimming pools, parks, and public buildings, safety signs inform the public about potential dangers (e.g., deep water, slippery floors) and guide them toward safe practices.
Safety signage

4. Monument signs

Monument signs are freestanding structures that serve as prominent landmarks for businesses, organizations, or communities. Characterized by their solid, low-profile design, these signs can feature a variety of materials and finishes to complement the surrounding architecture and landscape.

Ideal for:

  • Entrance identification: Monument signs serve as effective markers for entrances to neighborhoods, business parks, educational institutions, and other large properties. They provide clear identification, helping visitors and customers locate the intended destination with ease.
  • Brand image and prestige: For businesses and organizations seeking to project a professional image and establish credibility, monument signs can serve as a focal point of their brand identity.
  • Architectural integration: Monument signs are often designed to complement the architectural style of their surroundings, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the property.
Monument signs

5. Static signage

Static signage or a pylon sign refers to non-digital signs that provide information, direction, or branding. These can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, wood, and plastic, and are used both indoors and outdoors. Despite the rise of digital signage, pylon signs remains popular due to its durability and ease of maintenance.

Ideal for:

  • Wayfinding: In malls, campuses, and office buildings, static signs guide visitors efficiently.
  • Information sharing: Museums, parks, and historic sites use static signage to convey information about exhibits, rules, and historical facts without the need for digital technology.
  • Branding: Businesses use static signage for long-term brand reinforcement, as these signs often remain in place for years without needing updates.
Static street signage

6. Menu boards

Menu boards or blade signs are a type of signage used primarily in restaurants, cafes, and food courts to display the menu items and prices to customers. They can be static, written on chalkboards, or digitally displayed on LCD screens. The design and readability of menu boards are critical for enhancing the customer experience and facilitating order efficiency.

Ideal for:

  • Quick service restaurants: Fast food outlets utilize menu boards to expedite the ordering process, displaying items in an easy-to-read format.
  • Cafes and bistros: These establishments often use creatively designed menu boards as part of their interior decor, contributing to the ambiance.
  • Food courts: Multiple eateries in a shared space use menu boards to compete for customers’ attention and convey their offerings succinctly.
Menu board signage

7. Acrylic signs

Acrylic signs or neon signs are made from a durable, clear plastic material that resembles glass but offers greater resistance to breakage. These signs can be used both indoors and outdoors and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors.

Ideal for:

  • Corporate signage: Acrylic signs provide a sleek, modern look for office buildings, reception areas, and conference rooms. They can be used to display company logos, departmental signage, or directional information, contributing to a professional corporate image.
  • Retail and hospitality: In retail stores, restaurants, and hotels, acrylic signs can be used for branding, promotional displays, or wayfinding. Their glossy finish and premium appearance enhance the customer experience by providing clear, attractive signage.
  • Art galleries and museums: The clarity and durability of acrylic make it suitable for displaying information next to artworks or exhibits. These signs add a touch of elegance without distracting from the visual appeal of the displayed items.
Acrylic signage

8. ADA signs

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires public spaces and commercial facilities to provide signage that is accessible to individuals with disabilities. ADA compliance signs include braille for visually impaired individuals, high-contrast colors for those with low vision, and specific mounting heights and locations for easy accessibility.

Ideal for:

  • Public buildings: Government buildings, schools, and libraries use ADA signs to ensure accessibility for all visitors.
  • Commercial facilities: Businesses are required to use ADA signs for restrooms, exits, elevators, and other facilities to comply with federal regulations.
  • Healthcare facilities: Hospitals and clinics use ADA-compliant signs to assist patients and visitors in navigating their premises safely and efficiently.
Sign for disabled people

How to Choose the Right Type of Signage?

Selecting the appropriate type of signage for a given context requires careful consideration of various factors, including the intended purpose, target audience, environment, and desired impact.

Here are some guidelines to help you make an informed decision:

  • Understand the Purpose: Begin by clearly defining the purpose of the signage. Whether it’s for wayfinding, branding, information dissemination, or promotional purposes, understanding the primary goal will guide your selection process.
  • Assess the Environment: Consider the physical environment where the signage will be placed. Factors such as indoor or outdoor placement, lighting conditions, weather exposure, and space constraints will influence your choice of materials and design.
  • Know Your Audience: Tailor the signage to resonate with your target audience. Consider demographics, cultural preferences, language requirements, and accessibility needs to ensure that the signage effectively communicates its message.
  • Choose the Right Material: Select materials that are durable, weather-resistant, and suitable for the intended environment. Common options include vinyl, metal, acrylic, wood, and fabric, each offering unique advantages depending on the context.
  • Prioritize Legibility: Opt for clear and legible typography, graphics, and colors that enhance readability and visibility. Avoid clutter and maintain adequate contrast to ensure that the message stands out and can be easily comprehended.
  • Consider Size and Placement: Determine the optimal size and placement of the signage to maximize visibility and impact. Take into account viewing distance, angle, and obstructions to ensure that the signage effectively captures attention and guides behavior.
  • Adhere to Branding Guidelines: Maintain consistency with your brand identity through cohesive design elements, including logos, colors, fonts, and imagery. This reinforces brand recognition and enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the signage.
  • Account for Regulatory Compliance: Familiarize yourself with relevant regulations and guidelines governing signage in your location. Ensure compliance with legal requirements, such as size restrictions, zoning ordinances, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accessibility standards, and safety codes.
  • Balance Cost and Quality: Consider the budget constraints associated with designing, producing, and installing the signage. Try to achieve the optimal balance between cost-effectiveness and quality to maximize the return on investment.
  • Seek Professional Expertise: When in doubt, consult with signage professionals or graphic designers who possess expertise in signage design and implementation. Their insights and recommendations can help you make informed decisions and achieve desired outcomes.

At CrownTV, we understand that choosing the right digital signage for your business is more than just a technical decision—it’s a strategic one. That’s why we offer specialized Display Advisory Services to guide you through the maze of options and ensure that your digital displays not only meet but exceed your communication and marketing goals.

Top 2 Digital Signage Suppliers

Need help in choosing the right digital signage supplier? Well, don’t worry; to narrow down your choices, we’ve already figured out two best companies offering digital sign solutions:

1. CrownTV

Crown TV homepage

Crown TV distinguishes itself as a leading digital signage supplier renowned for its robust platform and tailored solutions. With a keen focus on empowering businesses of all sizes, we offer a comprehensive suite of features designed to elevate the visual communication experience.

  • Key Features:
    • Customized Signage: CrownTV offers the option for businesses to create customized signage solutions with our library of templates. Create content that best suits your digital signage needs.CrownTV Templates Library
    • Project Management: CrownTV provides comprehensive project management services, from personalized consultation and planning to expert installation and configuration. This is part of our white glove experience aim.
    • Unified Dashboard: Our platform offers a unified dashboard for easy management of content across multiple screens and integrates with cloud storage for incorporating various files.CrownTV Dashboard
    • App library: The platform features an app library that facilitates the integration of various third-party apps for enhanced content engagement.CrownTV App Library
    • Professional Support: Their customer support is highlighted by the provision of rockstar support, which promises quick response times during business days, and a dedicated manager assigned to each account.
    • Security and Compliance: With a sophisticated and secure dashboard management system, the service provider prioritizes security.
    • Turnkey Solution: Crown TV offers complete turnkey solutions, including software, hardware, and installation. This ensures that businesses have everything they need to thrive with their digital signage efforts.
  • Ratings: 5 stars

2. Scala

Scala homepage

Scala is another frontrunner in the digital signage solutions sector, renowned for its flexibility, scalability, and ability to deliver targeted content effectively. It caters to a broad range of industries including retail, education, and corporate communications, providing them with a toolset to enhance audience engagement.

  • Key Features:
    • Scalable Solutions: Scala’s platform is designed to scale, from small deployments to global networks, ensuring that as a business grows, its digital signage can grow with it without any hiccups.
    • Content Management: Scala offers an advanced content management system (CMS) that allows users to create, manage, and distribute content easily across multiple screens and locations. The CMS is intuitive and supports a range of content formats.
    • Interactive Signage: One of Scala’s standout features is its support for interactive signage. This includes touchscreens, RFID/NFC technology, beacons, and more, allowing businesses to create engaging and interactive customer experiences.
    • Data Integration: Scala’s platform enables integration with external data sources, such as social media feeds, weather updates, and more, to display dynamic content that can change based on real-time data.
    • Analytics and Reporting: With built-in analytics and reporting tools, Scala provides valuable insights into content performance and viewer engagement.
    • Global Support: Scala boasts a global network of partners and a support team that provides assistance and maintenance services, ensuring smooth operations regardless of location.
  • Ratings: 4.4 stars
  • Monthly Plan: $200.00

Popbar Case Study

Popbar, a franchise specializing in handcrafted gelato, sorbet, and yogurt on a stick, sought to improve its in-store experience and streamline operations across its international locations. For this purpose, they choose to consult Crown TV.

  • Challenge: Popbar needed a digital signage solution that could handle complex requirements such as easy setup, remote content management, effective organization of displays and users, content scheduling, and social media integration.
  • Solution: CrownTV’s digital signage software addressed these needs with its comprehensive suite of features. These include plug-and-play installation, a cloud-based dashboard for remote content management, content scheduling capabilities, and social media integration.
  • Results: The implementation of CrownTV’s solution enabled Popbar to enhance the in-store customer experience by displaying engaging content, including real-time social media feeds.

Interested in Tailor-Made Digital Signage? Explore CrownTV’s Offerings

To wrap it all up, effective signage plays a crucial role in guiding visitors, enforcing safety regulations, and leaving a lasting impression. By understanding the strengths of each signage type and considering their specific needs, businesses can create a signage strategy that can boost sales significantly.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ensure your signage can be seen from the intended viewing distance and angles to achieve excellent visibility.
  • Plan for the future by choosing signage solutions that can grow and evolve with your business needs.
  • If your audience is diverse, consider incorporating multiple languages into your signage to widen your reach and inclusivity.
  • Ensure your signage is accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities, by adhering to ADA guidelines.

When it comes to digital signage solutions, partnering with an expert like CrownTV is invaluable. Known for our robust, state-of-the-art signage technology, CrownTV not only ensures that your digital displays capture attention but also stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Moreover, our commitment to customization allows for solutions that perfectly align with your specific branding and communication goals.

Interested in the offer? Get a FREE demo by filling out the contact form now!

Crown TV Request a Demo page

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Discover seamless digital signage with CrownTV: cutting-edge software, indoor and High Brightness Window Displays, plus turnkey installation. We ensure your project’s success, every step of the way!


About CrownTV

At CrownTV, we’re not just experts; we’re your dedicated partners in digital signage. Our comprehensive solutions include advanced dashboards, high-quality screens, powerful media players, and essential accessories.

We serve a variety of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and education. Our passion lies in helping each client grow and realize their unique digital signage vision. We offer tailored services, personalized advice, and complete installation support, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Join our satisfied customers who have leveraged digital signage for their success.

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